
Offline medical treatment online diagnosis village doctor to see a doctor "play" is mobile phone

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Offline medical treatment online diagnosis village doctor to see a doctor "play" is mobile phone


? In Beichen Village, Ningjin County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, village doctor Zhang Xianhu used a portable electrocardiograph to check the electrocardiogram of the villagers.

? Photo by Li Haibo

The network opens the horizons of village doctors.

Zhang Xianhu opened Weibo "Medical normal Heart" and has sent more than 9000 messages so far. In just a few years, he became an "Internet celebrity" among village doctors.

"is it possible for WeChat Pay?"

"Yes, scan the QR code."

Zhang Xianhu, a village doctor, is asking a young patient to spend WeChat Pay's medical expenses at the Beichen Village Clinic in Ningjin County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province.

Zhang Xianhu, 37, became a doctor in 1996 and touched the net in 1997. After seeing a doctor, he often browses online information and becomes more and more familiar with the Internet. In 2008, he began to contact some professional medical counseling websites and often responded to patient inquiries online. In 2009, he became the moderator of a famous medical forum, which gathered doctors from all over the country. Zhang Xianhu met many like-minded doctor friends by organizing online and offline activities, and formed a QQ professional group to share medical knowledge and discuss health care reform policies.

Zhang Xianhu said: "it is very difficult for village doctors in the county to get together, and doctors who are close to each other will have scruples when they chat." It is easier to speak from the heart when communicating on the Internet. "

In 2010, Zhang Xianhu opened Weibo "Medical normal Heart" and has sent more than 9000 messages so far. In just a few years, he became an "Internet celebrity" among village doctors. Now, Zhang Xianhu has dozens of WeChat groups of doctors on his mobile phone. In addition, he has built a patient group and often shares some health knowledge and treatment tips with patients. Zhang Xianhu said: "with the help of the Internet, my vision is no longer limited to a small village, but to see the wider world."

Chen Guoqing, a village doctor in Pingfeng Village, Pengxi County, Suining City, Sichuan Province, only came into contact with the Internet in 2008. With only a technical secondary school degree, he is now the "network management" of the "good medical practice" village doctor public welfare project website, responsible for the daily maintenance and information update of the website. Chen Guoqing, 46, said he surfed the Internet at home as soon as he was free. He takes online classes three or four times a week and has been studying TCM diagnosis and treatment techniques and clinical training courses for more than seven years.

"remote medical treatment" is a common diagnosis and treatment method for Chen Guoqing. For some patients who live far away, he uses Wechat videos to learn about his condition. "now that the network is so developed, village doctors should also keep pace with the times." Chen Guoqing said.

Zhai Dalong, a village doctor from Shuangweicheng Village, Daming County, Handan City, Hebei Province, is attending a training course in Beijing. He signed up when he saw the information about the training course on the official account of Wechat. In recent years, Zhai Dalong has participated in more than 10 training courses, large and small. "I used to be a relatively closed person, but later I attended some doctor training courses through the Internet, met a lot of colleagues, and came into contact with a lot of new ideas and knowledge," he said. "

Offline medical treatment online diagnosis

After measuring the ECG, the rural doctor will send the ECG image to the Internet through the mobile phone, and the doctor on the cable will immediately "grab the order", and then send the diagnosis back.

"you see, I have posted my ECG on the Internet. There will be a doctor in Beijing to grab the order soon. Help me finish the analysis, and the result will be available in a minute." At the Beichen village clinic, Zhang Xianhu has just measured the electrocardiogram for a villager.

The remote ECG equipment in Zhang Xianhu's hand is a "tailor-made" product for front-line grass-roots doctors. According to Zhou Yun, general manager of Yitikang (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., compared with the ECG machine in the hospital, this instrument is lightweight, easy to operate and high accuracy. Rural doctors can measure accurate electrocardiograms through a few simple operations. Then, through the "medical road gang" APP on the mobile phone, the ECG image is uploaded to the Internet, similar to the "ordering" of taxi-hailing software. After the online doctor sees this information, they can immediately "grab the order". After the success of "grabbing the order", the diagnosis will be sent back.

Zhang Xianhu skillfully clicked on his mobile phone, and soon a doctor from a big hospital in Beijing "grabbed the order". After waiting for a while, the results of the ECG diagnosis were uploaded to the Medical Road Gang. When Zhang Xianhu saw the result, he immediately gave it back to the patient. From the image upload to the return, the whole process is only more than 10 minutes.

Dr. Li of Beijing Fuwai Hospital is one of the contracted doctors of everyone Medical Association in cooperation with Yitikang. On average, he can diagnose 20 electrocardiograms in the Medical Road help every day, mainly making use of the noon break and off work time. If you look at an ECG, the income is 5 yuan, and you can get nearly 3000 yuan a month. For ECG professional doctors, this is a good income.

Zhang Xianhu said that the cost of an ECG examination for a patient is 15 yuan, while that of a county hospital is 18 yuan. The ECG is done in the village and diagnosed by doctors in Beijing third-class hospital. This service model is very popular with farmers. It costs more than 2000 yuan for rural doctors to buy an ECG device, including 100 remote services, which is equivalent to using the equipment for free.

According to Zhou Yun, the cost of this set of remote ECG equipment is more than 3000 yuan, and Yishikang company directly compensates village doctors 1000 yuan. In the process of receiving treatment, village doctors can also be compensated according to the number of times they are actually used. In this way, every time the village doctor gives the patient an ECG, he can get an income of more than ten yuan. As of July 31 this year, a total of 4079 primary health care institutions cooperated with Yitikang Company, covering 26 provinces, with more than 52000 consultations.

Feng Dongmei, from the clinic of Hengxiang Village in Ji'an County, Jiangxi Province, is one of the first village doctors to use remote ECG monitoring. She recorded 232 visits in the Medical Road Gang. At the beginning of this year, Liu Binggen, a 69-year-old villager, suddenly fainted at home, looking very pale and his blood pressure plummeting. Feng Dongmei ran to Liu Binggen's home with electrocardiogram equipment. It took more than 10 minutes from ECG detection and transmission to receiving the results, and it was detected that the patient was sinus bradycardia. As a result, she immediately gave Liu Binggen drugs to increase his heart rate and rushed him to the county hospital. Afterwards, Liu Binggen's son called Feng Dongmei to say that Liu Binggen was out of danger. "if there is no electrocardiogram to diagnose the disease, the consequences are unimaginable." Feng Dongmei said.