
Yang Zhongqing: the Sweet cause of the Queen Bee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yang Zhongqing: the Sweet cause of the Queen Bee

The Sweet cause of the Queen Bee

The Entrepreneurship Story of Yang Zhongqing, Qingfeng Ecological breeding Cooperative

Wang Fang Xie Shenwang

In Luxi, Hunan Province, if you want to eat authentic original fragrant and sweet honey, it is best to go to the "queen bee". When he asked the Luxi beekeeper about the "queen bee", almost everyone knew that he was Yang Zhongqing, chairman of Qingfeng Ecological breeding Professional Cooperative.

Hongtu Xixin female Peak is located at the end of Wuling Mountains, where the peaks are stacked, trees are shady, flowers are fragrant four seasons, and the environment is beautiful. At the foot of the mountain is a good place for natural ecological beekeeping, with rows of beehives neatly placed in the shade of the trees. A middle-aged man with a ruddy face and gentle appearance was busy inspecting the beehive. When he saw us coming, he hastened to meet him. It turned out that he was the "queen bee" by word of mouth.

The "queen bee" told us that together with members of more than 70 households, he raised more than 1200 cases of bees, the annual sales income of bee species was more than 100000 yuan, and the sales income of honey, beeswax, bee pollen and other bee products was more than 4 million yuan. Today, beekeeping has become a sweet career for him to achieve a turning point in life and pursue his ideal in life.

When it comes to entrepreneurial experience, Yang Zhongqing has a lot of bitterness and suffering in his heart. In 2001, he encountered the first setback in his life, encountered the restructuring of the grain department and lost his job in the grain station. It was the darkest day of his life, and he was once depressed and depressed.

With the help of his family, he finally cheered up and began to work hard to find a new job. He once worked as a temp and ran Ponkan marketing. After many attempts and thinking, he found that beekeeping is a "short, flat, and fast" project to get rich with little investment, quick results, and low risk, and perhaps this is his opportunity to change his destiny.

Just do it. Beekeeping is easier said than done. At first, due to lack of technical knowledge, lack of management, and lack of experience, the more than 10 boxes of honeybees introduced by Yang Zhongqing got acariasis, the young bees were stunted, a large number of adult bees died, and the beehive was almost wiped out. With a strong stubbornness that refuses to admit defeat, he never gives up, buys a lot of beekeeping technical books, asks experts humbly, and learns from his master. In 2005, he raised 20 cases of bees, produced more than 2000 jin of honey and earned more than 50,000 yuan. Yang Zhongqing's sweet career finally took the first step of success.

After years of exploration and study, Yang Zhongqing has a lot of ideas about beekeeping. He realizes that the decentralized farming of small households and the traditional mode of operation are difficult to meet the needs of the market, and it is not conducive to the development of beekeeping industry. In 2012, led by him, more than 10 professional beekeeping households around set up the first professional beekeeping cooperative in Luxi County-- "Luxi County Qingfeng Ecological farming Professional Cooperative". Through group operation, we have realized the sharing of information, technology and benefits. in that year, the breeding scale reached more than 310 boxes, and the sales income was more than 930000 yuan.

When I am rich, I will never forget my fellow villagers. As long as someone asks Yang Zhongqing about beekeeping skills, he is happy to teach them. Tian Zulin, a villager of Lishiping Village, Xixi Town, was a famous poor household in the village two years ago, and the whole family depended on him for odd jobs to earn a living. By chance, he had the privilege of getting to know Yang Zhongqing. Yang Zhongqing introduced to him the project of beekeeping to get rich, and personally took him to the beehive to inspect and teach him the technology of ecological beekeeping, which strengthened his confidence in beekeeping to become rich.

"without Master Yang's patient guidance, I could not have embarked on the road of beekeeping to shake off poverty and become rich." When talking about the classics of beekeeping and getting rich, Lao Tian was filled with emotion. At the beginning, he knew nothing about basic beekeeping techniques, such as shaking bees, dividing bees, and preventing and controlling diseases and insect pests. Yang Zhongqing's door-to-door guidance enabled him to gradually master the technology of beekeeping. Once, his beehive bees produced bee fever, fortunately Yang Zhongqing arrived in time, the scene instructed him how to adjust the spleen, for him to resolve the bee farm crisis. Today, the scale of his beekeeping has grown to more than 50 cases, with an annual income of more than 40,000 yuan, making him a local expert at getting rich.

After more than 10 years of struggle and struggle, Yang Zhongqing has become a veritable "queen bee". He has good beekeeping skills, rich experience and warm-hearted people, which continues to attract more people to join his beekeeping team. At present, the cooperative has developed 72 members, with an annual beekeeping scale of more than 1200 boxes. Radiation has driven more than 430 farmers around to develop ecological bee farming.

"the main products of our cooperative are green, pollution-free, safe and reassuring honey products. Without adding any additives, consumers can feel at ease to buy and eat." While showing us around the beehive, Yang Zhongqing did not forget to promote his own bee products. At present, his cooperative produces and operates a variety of products such as honey, beeswax and honey, and has successfully registered the "Xiang Qingfeng" brand honey trademark, which is mainly sold to all parts of the country through the "Internet + WeChat Business" platform. Annual sales of bee products reached more than 50, 000 jin, creating a profit of more than 3.2 million yuan.

Today's "queen bee" is busier. His figure rushes to and fro in Pu City, Wuxi, Tanxi, Xixi, Xinglongchang and other villages and towns, delivering bees to their homes and guiding bee farmers to cultivate scientifically and ecologically has become his current main task. "in 2016, the county subsidized 800 yuan for poverty alleviation in a box to accurately identify poor households. This favorable policy has brought good news to us bee farmers and will certainly drive the rapid and healthy development of the beekeeping industry. According to the words of "Queen Bee" Yang Zhongqing, we see the prospect and hope of beekeeping industry.