
A small pole carries a big burden for village doctors to rescue medical equipment in floods.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, A small pole carries a big burden for village doctors to rescue medical equipment in floods.

On August 11, Yan Xinshun, an old village doctor from Banshan Village, Wentang Town, Pingshan County, once again came to the home of 85-year-old villager Yan Ruifang for massage treatment. After the flood, Yan Xinshun stuck to his post, provided daily treatment for the villagers, and publicized the knowledge of epidemic prevention and disease prevention village by village.

During the flood, Yan Xinshun went back and forth seven times in the flood, rescued the medical supplies of the village clinic and the villagers' health files with a pole, protected the safety of national property, and carried the moral feelings and professional responsibilities of a grass-roots medical worker with a small pole on his shoulder. He has been here for more than ten days, providing medical treatment for the masses. A few days ago, Yan Xinshun was named "2016 Hebei people who are the most beautiful in disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction."

At 14:00 on July 19th, the water level of the Wentang River near Banshan Village rose sharply and floodwaters wreaked havoc on villagers' houses and village streets. The situation was extremely urgent.

"it can't wait any longer, it must be moved at once!" The torrential rain continued, and the flood quickly overflowed the river bank, over the street and into the hospital of the village clinic. However, in the village clinic, more than 1000 residents' health files and archived computers, as well as more than 40, 000 yuan worth of medical drugs and appliances have not yet been transferred.

"it must be safely transferred immediately!" At a critical juncture, Yan Xinshun, a rural doctor in his twenties, quickly packed the health files and the computer into two boxes, wrapped them in plastic sheeting, and then grabbed a carrying pole placed in the courtyard, picked up the box on his shoulder and rushed into the rainstorm.

The safe place is more than a mile from the village clinic. The mud on the road was above the knee, and the strong wind was wrestling the trees. Yan Xinshun, who was already old and physically weak, could not stand up several times and was nearly washed away by the flood with people and boxes. He clenched the umbrella in one hand, picked up a stick as a crutch in the other, waded through the water, clenched his teeth, and marched hard in the storm.

On seven trips back and forth, Yan Xinshun rigidly picked the important information of the clinic, filing computers, electrocardiograph machines, disinfection excipients pressure cookers, sputum aspirators, electric baking lights and medical drugs to safety. Oxygen cylinders, medical beds, tables and chairs, and other large items that cannot be moved, Yan Xinshun put them in a relatively safe place in the clinic. On the road that usually takes only a few minutes to walk, Yan Xinshun walked for six hours that day!

The situation was critical, and the villagers who were fighting the flood advised him to evacuate quickly, but Yan Xinshun stubbornly said: "I am a health worker, and we must first protect our medical equipment and medicines."

Yan Xinshun, 60, went to work in August 1974 and has been working as a village doctor in the village. In 40 years of rural medical and health work, Yan Xinshun scrupulously abides by medical ethics, silently dedicates, assiduously studies medical skills, treats patients as relatives, protects the health of villagers with a sincere heart, in ordinary jobs, he interprets the professional ethics of a rural doctor with his selfless dedication.

After the disaster, Yan Xinshun volunteered to the Wentang Town Health Center to join the post-disaster epidemic prevention team in the town to carry out environmental disinfection, human and animal epidemic prevention, farm disinfection, and publicity of post-disaster disease prevention knowledge.