
Huang Bin, a big shot in agricultural technology.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Huang Bin, a big shot in agricultural technology.

??? Farmers and herdsmen do not know that he is a senior agronomist, nor do they know that he is the stationmaster of the Flag Agricultural Technology extension Station. In the eyes of farmers and herdsmen, he is a big farmer who "knows everything".

His name is Huang Bin. After graduating from Erdos Agriculture and Animal Husbandry School in Inner Mongolia in 1983, he chose Etoke Banner, the most remote in Ordos, for 30 years. When he first arrived at the agricultural technology extension station in Eqi, there were few buses leading to the rural and pastoral areas, so he got on the ox cart of farmers and herdsmen and walked from Qili to the agricultural and pastoral areas for 40 days, eating and living in the homes of his fellow villagers. Later, the unit distributed a red "Happiness 125" motorcycle, and from then on there was a red landscape on the vast prairie. Once Huang Bin went to the countryside to investigate the corn disaster. After listening to the planting experience of Guo Sanzhu, the victim, he carefully analyzed the mistakes in production. And Guo Sanzhu did not take his words to heart at all, but because he was an appraiser of the disaster, he hummed and on the surface. Huang Bin saw Guo Sanzhu's doubts and made an agreement with him: "next spring, I will give you guidance."

The following spring, Huang Bin contacted Guo Sanzhu by phone as promised, but Guo Sanzhu and his wife still thought that it was impossible for Huang Bin to come all the way to talk to him about farming. But they never expected that Huang Bin walked more than 100 kilometers on his motorcycle and appeared in front of his house with a gray face. This made them both surprised and moved, and there was a little more trust in their hearts.

In the autumn of that year, there were two kinds of scenes in Guo Sanzhu's cornfield: half lush and half withered and yellow. The yield of lush corn is more than 1000 jin per mu, while the yield of yellow and dwarf corn is less than 500 jin per mu. It turned out that when Guo Sanzhu was farming, some of them were planted in accordance with Huang Bin's method, while the other part was still cultivated in accordance with the traditional method. The purpose of this is just in case, so that the harvest will not be wiped out that year. As a result, Huang Bin's planting method gave them double harvest.

"show farmers, take farmers to dry" is the criterion of Huang Bin's action. over the years, Huang Bin has made suggestions for the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in the whole flag, and put forward the planting development idea of "taking seed as cultivation" for the first time, vigorously developing high-quality forage crops, introducing and popularizing more than 80 new crops and vegetable varieties, introducing and popularizing more than 20 new techniques for efficient cultivation, and popularizing an area of 3 million mu, building more than 4000 biogas digesters. More than 10,000 farmers and herdsmen have benefited, giving the village a new look and promoting the building of a new socialist countryside. He has successively conducted more than 1000 technical training lectures at the grass-roots level, trained more than 150000 farmers and herdsmen, and distributed more than 200000 copies of various materials, thus solving one production technical problem after another for farmers. Many farmers and herdsmen like to get along with him and are willing to call and communicate with him if they have any difficulties, and he always answers these questions carefully and patiently until farmers and herdsmen understand and are satisfied.

For example, planting a greenhouse, at the beginning, many herdsmen did not accept it, but after analyzing and explaining it from the perspective of technology and development, he also led the herdsmen to visit the greenhouse and personally taught them to farm. His successful farmers and herdsmen saw it in their eyes and built the greenhouse to the pastoral area for the first time. Now it has benefited some herdsmen and changed the situation that nomads have been unable to eat fresh vegetables in winter for many years. For many years, herdsmen have been eating mainly beef and mutton. Now, with the guidance and help of Huang Bin, the vegetable greenhouse has been built next to the yurt, planted with cabbage, tomatoes and so on, so that they can eat their own vegetables.

Relying on carriers such as agricultural science and technology projects and science popularization demonstration bases, Huang Bin took the initiative to dock science and technology with farmers' professional associations, large-scale growers and science and technology demonstration households. provide services in production technology, experimental promotion, market information and management, as well as daily needs help. "what farmers and herdsmen need is to speak less and do more, and the role of demonstration and drive will get twice the result with half the effort. This is also the subject that I will focus on next." Huang Bin said.