
After 85, he gave up his iron rice bowl and returned to his hometown as a "farmer"

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, After 85, he gave up his iron rice bowl and returned to his hometown as a "farmer"

"if you are not afraid of thorns, you can also pick raspberries, like small coral beads, sour and sweet, and the color and taste are much better than mulberries." I believe you must feel very familiar with this passage. It comes from Mr. Lu Xun's prose "from Baicaoyuan to Sanwei Book House". The "raspberry" mentioned in this article, artificially cultivated as raspberry, has achieved a bumper harvest in Zhangqiu after several years of planting and development, and is attracting consumers inside and outside the province to pick fruit and taste this wonderful taste. The founder of the raspberry base is Dou Guanglei, a young man born in 1985. He has worked so hard to get an iron rice bowl, but two years ago he resolutely gave up his stable job and returned to his hometown and was willing to be a farmer. He stepped into the ranks of dreamers of the Nuggets in the soil.

Turn from white-collar workers to farmers

At present, Dou Guanglei has ushered in the busiest moment of the year. His raspberry garden has reached maturity. Nearly 200 mu of raspberry forest is full of fruit. Dou Guanglei not only has to receive picking guests, but also has to laugh with all kinds of dealers who come to negotiate business. Just a year ago, Dou Guanglei could not imagine that his raspberry planting base could create such a world.

In 2008, Dou Guanglei successfully joined Laigang Group after graduation, from workshop workers to Laigang TV special correspondent, settling down in the city, everything as his parents expected. However, in June 2012, Dou Guanglei did something that surprised and puzzled everyone. He gave up his superior job in the city, resolutely returned to Zhangqiu's hometown, became a farmer and started his own business. "at that time, I was under a lot of pressure, and there were even rumors that I had been driven back by the unit. Especially my mother, she worked hard for me to study and go to school, so that I could get ahead. For me to go home and farm, she felt that she could not afford to lose people and severed her relationship with me for half a year. "recalling the hardships of starting a business, Dou Guanglei had mixed feelings." my hometown is so poor that my parents have worked hard in the fields for a year and can't earn much money. " Dou Guanglei told the reporter that as a child in the countryside, he has the blood of farmers and has an unforgettable feeling for agriculture and the countryside. "although I have been studying these years, I have always had a dream in my heart to break out of the land and get rich with the villagers. The village models of Huaxi Village and Xiwang Village also continue to inspire me. "

In fact, since graduation, Dou Guanglei has been looking for agricultural entrepreneurship projects. "one day in 2011, when I went on a business trip with a teacher, I was attracted by the appearance and taste of raspberries for the first time." Dou Guanglei told the reporter that it looks like a large mulberry and a red strawberry. This very special fruit is raspberry. In fact, it is the raspberry mentioned in Lu Xun's prose "from Baicaoyuan to Sanwei Book House." the local fruit raspberry, which grew in the mountains in the past, is aristocratic fruit abroad. On that day, I planted the seeds in my heart to develop the raspberry industry.

In the days that followed, in order to realize his entrepreneurial dream, Dou Guanglei began to use his spare time to make preparations for starting a business. he consulted relevant materials and simply quit his job in order to have more time to inspect the project. I went to a professional training institution to study for three months, and went to Hebei, Northeast, Beijing and other provinces to inspect and study for half a year, and mastered the advanced planting technology.

Borrow money to buy saplings

"in fact, when I did this project, I was not blind. I did carefully study and examine it," said Dou Guanglei. Raspberries have high nutrition and health value, and they are the third generation of golden fruit that is popular all over the world today. There is a high demand in Europe, the United States, Germany, South Korea and Japan, especially in Canada, the United States, Germany, South Korea and Japan. Their interest in raspberries is very high. "at present, there are 500,000 or 600,000 tons in circulation in the world, and 2 million tons are needed to achieve a balance between supply and demand, and the gap is very large, indicating that there is a lot of market space."

As Dou Guanglei knew more about raspberries and his desire to start a business became stronger and stronger, the resignation of a former staff member of the Ministry of Agriculture and went back to his hometown to plant raspberries, which became a catalyst for him to give up everything and do a thorough fight. In Dou Guanglei's view, planting raspberries is a very promising project, and the sooner you get involved, the more you can seize the opportunity. "I am a farmer. I have lived in the countryside since I was a child. I know how to farm and how to get land," said Dou Guanglei, who has a unique advantage in choosing agricultural projects to start a business. After everything was ready, in the fall of 2012, Dou Guanglei took the first step of starting a business, borrowing money. "at that time, I had only 30,000 yuan in my hand, which was far from enough, so I had no choice but to borrow money," Dou Guanglei told reporters. He took great pains to promote the advantages of the project to his relatives and friends. He first scraped together 300000 of the start-up capital, contracted land in Dangjia Village in Zhangqiu, and introduced a variety of raspberry varieties from the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences. Dou Guanglei believes that with land and saplings, it is relatively easy to borrow money when expanding the planting area. In the experience of borrowing money, he developed his own way of borrowing money in the style of "cooked rice and cooked rice".

From the beginning to plant the first raspberry, through more than two years of efforts, now Dou Guanglei's raspberry base has more than 300 mu, the garden is full of fruit. "more than 2 million yuan has been invested, and this is the result of the first year," Dou Guanglei told reporters. BlackBerry produces an average of about 1500 jin per mu, red berries produce 700 to 800 jin per mu, and 70 to 80 tons of raspberries have been produced on his nearly 200 mu of land this year.

The reporter learned that because Dou Guanglei's raspberry varieties are diverse and the fruit taste is pure, it has been favored by consumers as soon as it is listed. At present, it is mainly picking and providing raw materials for deep processing for the winery beverage factory. In addition, the seedlings he cultivated have also become popular in many planting bases inside and outside the province.

Grow up through trial and error

In Dou Guanglei's raspberry park, 21 varieties of raspberries have been planted. They are colorful in black, red, yellow, purple and blue, making them the top three raspberry bases in Shandong. Every day, 50 or 60 people work in the fields. Irrigating, pruning and fertilizing, breeding seedlings, picking fruit.