
Two post-80s went to the countryside as new farmers to learn lessons from all over the country.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Two post-80s went to the countryside as new farmers to learn lessons from all over the country.

The economic benefits of Zhang Guohua's manor have gradually emerged, and the concept of the old father has been reversed step by step. Photo taken by our reporter Huang Guanghua and Jia Lingyu

This is the story of two people returning home.

Qilu Evening News reporter Huang Guanghua Jia Lingyu Wan Bing intern Xiong Yu

In the past, the unit used to pay by card to eat, but now it takes care of everything on its own.

It has been some time since my old father saw Zhang Guohua last time. At 3: 00 p.m. on May 6, Zhang Guohua came back from Qingdao. Instead of going home, he went straight to the cabin at the foot of the mountain. After hurriedly eating the dumplings he bought from the town, he prepared to go out to study the next day.

"it is said to travel thousands of miles, but this is the only number I have passed this year." Zhang Guohua is the general manager of Wukangxuan Modern Agriculture and Forestry Development Co., Ltd. He founded the company with four small partners in early 2015. The 2000 mu mountain area, named "Guoli Manor", which is mainly forestry and supplemented by economic crops, has been invested four or five million yuan so far, and it is expected that there will be a profit in 2018.

Due to the large investment in the early stage, Zhang Guohua was also under great pressure and only slept for more than 4 hours a day when he was busy. After the Spring Festival, he went non-stop to Shanghai, Guizhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, * * and other places to visit experts and dock business.

Zhang Guohua asked for all this. Born in 1980, he stayed in school for six years as a counselor after graduating from Shandong University of political Science and Law in 2001. In 2007, he struggled to take the exam as a prison guard in Rencheng Prison for eight years. Last year he became restless again. In early 2015, he was sent to Beijing to attend training, during which he visited the mountains contracted by an eldest sister. More than 20,000 mu of land, no canteen, no hotel, own vegetables to eat, completely self-sufficient. After staying for only two days, he sighed, "this is the life I want!"

When he got home, Zhang Guohua discussed with four small friends and took over the hilltop of Guoli Town. He even resigned as a civil servant. When I left work, my regular life was suddenly in a mess. "in the past, people used to pay by credit card, but now they have to fry their own eggs and noodles." Zhang Guohua said: when the unit gets paid, everything depends on the organization. now that he has become the "organization" of others, he has to think about paying his employees, and it is really difficult to adapt in the first few months after leaving the system.

He lost 400000 yuan to grow edamame beans to learn classics from all over the country.

Throwing away the "iron rice bowl" and going back home to start a business is also strongly opposed by the elderly in the family, but a bigger setback is yet to come.

In July 2015, the edamame beans on the manor were ripe. Zhang Guohua originally thought that he could earn 1 million yuan, which would cover all expenses at the end of the year. However, the best picking time for edamame beans is only three days, and the task is heavy and time is tight, but it is impossible to recruit pickers for the time being. The cost of labor has been rising, but thanks to the arrangement of loudspeaker broadcasts in various villages in the town, the manpower was gathered together. In those days, when Zhang Guohua spent a day in the field, he peeled off several layers of skin. Rao was so hard that he lost 400000 yuan on the last calculation.

Afterwards, several partners reflected that there were management problems, weather reasons and, importantly, four of the five were children who grew up in the city and had no mud on their feet. "at that time, the whole person was not good, and I felt like there was no way to live." Zhang Guohua recalled that he didn't want to go out at that time and was depressed for a time. Finally he took his wife's advice and went out to study. From north to south, from east to west, visited numerous experts, participated in numerous training, had a new understanding of the industry, but also groped out a lot of tricks.

So, do fruit tree adoption, straw shoe farming, Sinology summer camp, star poetry recitation, hold youth tree planting activities, set up Jining Youth Green Alliance …... After more than a year of efforts, the company has improved, and the ecological, economic and social benefits have gradually emerged in Guoli Manor.

On May 6, Zhang Guohua's father came to Guoli Manor for the first time. You know, the son resigned without consulting his father. When the old father thought that his legs had not been pulled out of the mud, the son stepped in voluntarily and was so angry that he did not want to come to the manor all the time. "I used to be a university teacher, but later I was admitted to a civil servant and was a policeman. This is a matter of green smoke on the graves of my ancestors." The old father said that his son's resignation to farm was a misdemeanor.

It has been a year, this time came to the manor, the old father looked left and right, and finally understood that this and their own farming is not the same concept. And Zhang Guohua has been thinking, "Why do farmers earn less from farming?" They think that grain is grain. They don't realize that it is a product. They just sell crops. We turn grain into products and products into brands, just like a bottle of water. Prices range from a few yuan to a few hundred yuan. " He said that what he needs to do is to do well what farmers can't do well and to brand agriculture, which requires young people to join in, and he can foresee that more young people will return to the countryside in the future.

Others only care about feeding chickens and raising sheep in the moments farm.

In Dongheishan Village, Donga Town, Pingyin County, which is nearly 200 kilometers away from Zoucheng, Ma Ruilian, who was originally a small boss in the city, is not willing to just feed chickens and raise sheep.

After graduating from Shandong normal University, Ma Ruilian first worked as a teacher in a junior college in Jinan for a year. "coinciding with the recruitment of a well-known IT company in Shandong, I applied for a store sales and achieved middle management after four and a half months of efforts." Ma Ruilian said that after two years of work, she set up a company to sell notebook films and accessories, and the company has done well in three years.

But one little thing made her change the course of her life again. "there was an uproar over the tainted milk powder incident in 2008, and then all kinds of food safety problems occurred frequently, which made me plan to rent land in the mountains and fields to grow grain and plant trees and vegetables." Ma Ruilian said that at that time, she had just become a mother, and in order for her daughter to eat cabbage, she decided to go to the countryside. After returning to the countryside, Ma Ruilian not only did not get used to it, but felt more at home. "the whole person is very relaxed, without the depression and fear of life in the city."

In the Nanshan Mountain of Heishan Village, she raised more than 5000 chickens and introduced Boer goats. As soon as others open their eyes, they browse their moments, but her eyes are full of chickens, sheep and vegetables. "feed the chickens first in the morning, and this meal is a well-proportioned grain. After feeding the chickens, have breakfast, then tidy up the vegetable garden in the morning, mow the grass manually, and go up the mountain to feed the sheep. At noon, if the chicken wants to get vitamin supplements, it has to be fed with a la carte leaf. After three o'clock in the afternoon, go up the mountain and take a look at all kinds of fruit trees. " Ma Ruilian uses the word "full" to describe daily life.