
The "system" breaks down barriers and admits talents in agricultural sciences.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The "system" breaks down barriers and admits talents in agricultural sciences.

??? Dai Hongyi, vice president of Qingdao Agricultural University, has another identity in recent years-- a post scientist in apple system processing and breeding, which is one of the technological systems of modern agricultural industry in 50 countries. as a result, he has become an expert on the national team, "the pattern is bigger, and the vision is bigger." going out to give lectures is more respected, and he also feels more responsible and confident.

Before the system, as a local expert, to become a member of the national team, it is very difficult.

Zhang Guofan, chief scientist of the shellfish system, is a researcher at the Institute of Oceanography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. "the design of the system is very good, bringing in a large number of scientific and technological personnel engaged in agriculture in China." so that we researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences can also participate in the projects of the Ministry of Agriculture, which was an almost insurmountable obstacle in the past. "

This system is exactly like this. In terms of personnel appointment, it breaks down the barriers between departments and industries, central and local governments, and openly selects and appoints experts with high academic level, technical knowledge of industry associations, rich practical experience, outstanding work achievements, and recognized by academia and industry, so as to gather the wisdom of all parties and mobilize the enthusiasm of various supporting units to serve the industry together.

"the past seven or eight years since we entered the system have been the happiest time in decades. The system has fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the vast number of scientific and technological personnel and brought their innovation into full play. Personality is respected, and there is no need to use the helm and bits and pieces for the sake of funds. " Dai Hongyi told China Science Daily.

Agricultural stability support is very important.

In Qingdao apple rootstock base, rows of rootstocks look inconspicuous by laymen, with different heights and shapes, but they have a great history. "there are more than 30 species, some from Japan, the United States, Russia and other countries, as well as from many provinces in China." Dai Hongyi introduced.

To be selected into the system also depends on the accumulation of his existing work. After returning from a study visit to the UK in 1991, Dai Hongyi began to consciously become his own breeding research and development base. At first, he fought guerrillas in the farmers' fields, trembling, fearing that they would be taken away by the peasants one year, enter the system, and begin to have their own stable bases.

Dai Hongyi said: to do research, we need a fixed base. Varieties need to be innovated constantly, because not all varieties can be promoted, and at the same time, each variety must have its advantages, and future work should be carried out on this basis. If the variety is too single, it is very dangerous, especially when it comes to special diseases, which can be devastating to some varieties. Cultivate 10 new varieties, if two of them are resistant to a disease, there is a value for existence, and before the emergence of the disease, may not know its value.

Today, the varieties cultivated by Dai Hongyi's team can be seen in many parts of the country. In Dai Hongyi's view, the agricultural science and technology system is currently the most successful, one is the country's modern agricultural industrial technology system, and the other is the improved variety project implemented in Shandong Province, especially both have continuous and stable financial support.

Files, materials, materials should be accumulated, breeding is to have a certain amount of gene accumulation, pyramid, top vegetable varieties are often concentrated on the advantages of all the vegetables below, screening hundreds of varieties. Dai Hongyi said: "it is reluctant for some scientific research to bear fruit in two years." Dai Hongyi commented that the energy of scientific and technological personnel is spent on scientific research at ease, and that the reform of the scientific and technological system can mobilize enthusiasm and stabilize the team is success, and many people are willing to devote themselves to science, and they should trust the conscience of scientists. The soil data of the Lobsang Agricultural Experimental Station in the UK have been accumulated for more than 130 years. It usually takes 12 to 15 or even 18 years for an apple to grow a seed. The breeding time of wheat and peanut in grain also takes 12 to 15 years.

The weak position and public welfare orientation of agriculture determine that agricultural scientific research needs long-term and stable support.

The "system" overcomes the shortcomings of the "863" plan.

Zhang Xingyuan, an expert on disease prevention and control of flounder flounder system, created China's first live vaccine against marine farmed animals, and it is also the first live Edwardsiella vaccine against ascites disease of turbot (commonly known as turbot) in the world. it fills the technological gap in our country and is of great significance to reduce or even avoid the use of antibiotics and ensure the quality and safety of products.

Within the natural science system, there is a large amount of money to support disease research and seafood vaccine research, but most of them have failed to move towards industrialization. Zhang Xingyuan believes that this is due to systematic problems.

From the late 1990s to the present, Zhang Xingyuan has worked on vaccines for nearly 20 years. For quite a long time, I was an expert in the "863" program, and the vaccine was very difficult to do. Vaccines start with the earliest basic research, and there are many steps that many scientists often stop after proving that laboratory research is effective.

The follow-up work still needs a lot of investment and multi-system cooperation to be done. "the reason why my work has come down is because of the system. A group of good brothers from the experimental station, let's do this together. " Zhang Yuanxing said.

"different studies have their own characteristics. '863'is even more about breakthroughs in single technology and single technology. One problem can be solved in the past five years and other problems will be solved in the next five years. There will also be application and demonstration, but only if it is proved that success can be popularized. " In Zhang Yuanxing's view, the system is approachable, has more vitality and advantages, is oriented to an industry, and can improve the overall level of an industry.

Yu Shanlin, chief scientist of the peanut system, also believes that the system has been made into a system, which is different from other scientific research projects. "from the field to the dining table, every link is guarded by scientific and technological personnel."

Take all kinds of machinery as an example, how to determine mechanical parameters cannot be done by mechanical experts alone, and they do not understand. It is this system that enables the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy and does a good job of machinery. "We have made a coating machine, accurate fertilization and pesticide application, up to three reductions, seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides are reduced. The harvest also depends on a kind of machinery, which can not only reduce some virus pollution, but also increase production, which are the benefits of the system. "

In the course of production, they also formed a field consultation system for diseases and insect pests. If there are any diseases and insect pests in various producing areas of the country, collect the information and inform everyone to participate in the consultation to solve the problem. The problems in the whole production are known.

Yu Shanlin believes that the advantage of the system is that a program can be done in 25 peanut test stations across the country, the data will be collected immediately, and the trend can be judged clearly.