
How much is Baiyushan medicine per jin? Analysis on the Price of Chinese Yam in 2017

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How much is Baiyushan medicine per jin? Analysis on the Price of Chinese Yam in 2017

As the saying goes, yam is better than tonic. Chinese yam is a seasonal food in winter, which can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, lower blood pressure and calm the mind. According to the response of growers, with the yam planting increasing year by year, the supply exceeds demand, and even once unsalable situation. Overall, the yam market was in the doldrums throughout 2016.

As the Spring Festival approaches, vegetables, melons and fruits often take advantage of this east wind to raise prices. However, according to the reporter's understanding, at present, there is no sharp correction in yam prices, which is still in the doldrums. So, what are the reasons for the low price of yam? Why is the impact of the Spring Festival effect on the yam market not as good as that in previous years?

In Liaocheng, Shandong Province, the main producing area of yam, grower Liu Xinju has been growing yam for more than 20 years, and the cooperative has more than 20,000 mu of yam. Recalling the market of yam in 2016, he admitted that it was basically in the doldrums. From mid-2016, the price of yam fell to about 1 yuan per jin, and now the price has been adjusted back, rising 60 to 70 cents.

The current market is not very good, now it is about 1.50 yuan, and now the better price is a little higher. It was a little more than 1 yuan in the middle of last year and rose to more than 2 yuan at the end of 2015. Now this price has not gone up. In 2001, there was a low price of about 80 cents, and now the lowest price is 1.20 or 30 cents.

According to Liu Xinju, the price of yam is 1.60 or 70 cents, and the cooperative neither makes money nor loses money, so it can be regarded as a break-even. It is customary every year that the price of yam will be raised during the Spring Festival. Growers remain optimistic about 2017, which has already arrived.

Grower: it will definitely go up after the Spring Festival. Usually, the price of Chinese yam will go up by one piece, right? Yes, it is usually shipped in the first and second year of junior high school.

The reporter learned in the interview that the price of Baiyu yam began to decline in December, and the price of large yam also declined in mid-late December. In January, the price of large goods of Baiyu yam in the main producing areas was 2.07 yuan / jin, and the average price of Datong goods was about 1.65 yuan / jin. At present, the supply of yam farmers in Liaocheng, Shandong, Heze, Shandong and Shangqiu, Henan is still large. According to Lu Lin, an analyst at Zhuochuang Information, the shipping mentality of farmers is positive near the end of the New year, but the market demand is reduced, and farmers sell at a small profit, resulting in a decline in the price of yam.

LV Lin: the main reason for the decline in the price of yam is the weakening demand. Most of the cold storage merchants basically completed the purchase in the early stage, the purchase mood weakened, and the reduction of the purchase volume of the cold storage led to the slow down of the goods in the producing area of Chinese yam, and the price of Baiyu yam was adjusted in a narrow range. Second, the supply of goods is still large, farmers have a positive mentality of shipping, to sell at a profit. With the decrease of the source of goods from the place of origin, most farmers are reluctant to sell hand-picked sources of goods, and most of them are mainly sold in unified goods, and the prices of good goods decline.

According to the reporter's understanding, under the background of the low price of yam in the past two years, yam can be bought in large and medium-sized cities and township markets all over the country, and the yam has retired from the gorgeous coat that it had in the past and flew into the homes of ordinary people. Analyst? Lu Lin said that this year's Spring Festival holiday effect on the vegetable market is generally not obvious, vegetable prices are generally weak, the price rise is insufficient, and Baiyu yam is not immune.

LV Lin: the approach of the Spring Festival this year has not brought any benefits to the sales of yam. The demand-pulling effect of the Spring Festival in previous years is more obvious, but this year's Spring Festival is not strong, the market demand has not been released, and the supply of goods from farmers in the producing area is still relatively large. The price of yam continues to run weakly.

Originally, the market was not good a year ago, and Chinese yam producing areas such as Heze, Liaocheng, and Henan in Shandong Province were left with more goods to be excavated after the year, and about 1% of the goods were left behind. In Lu Lin's view, the market in the later period is not optimistic.

LV Lin: it is expected that the price will continue to be weak after the year. If there is a sharp drop in temperature, rain and snow after the year, or it may play a certain role in supporting the rise in the price of yam, on the contrary, it will be difficult for the price of yam to rise sharply last year.

Lu Lin, an analyst, believes that the main problem in the Chinese yam industry at present is that there is too much supply. The blind expansion of farmers and the increase of yam planting lead to excessive supply, oversupply and great sales pressure; second, the quality of supply needs to be improved, the management needs to be strengthened, and the quality ratio of supply should be further improved. It is suggested that growers should be improved in terms of quality and quantity.

LV Lin: it is suggested that farmers should not expand their species blindly. They can discuss planting plans collectively by joining cooperatives. In addition, they can also join cooperatives to unify management, improve farmers' planting techniques, improve the quality rate of goods supply, build and give full play to the brand effect of yam, take the road of fine products, and broaden sales channels.