
Which modern agricultural projects can get rich and make money?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Which modern agricultural projects can get rich and make money?

There are many projects to get rich in modern agriculture, but the situation varies from place to place, and it is necessary to investigate more to choose the project of getting rich in modern agriculture. below, how to choose the project to get rich in modern agriculture will be analyzed in detail for you.

Modern agriculture get rich project aquaculture project:

1. Cow: dairy cow is a kind of livestock with great development potential in our country at present. In terms of the productivity level of livestock breeds, dairy cows are the species with higher feeding remuneration, and their feed conversion rate ranks first among livestock and poultry, and it is one of the rich projects in modern agriculture with broad development prospects at present. If you have the conditions for raising, you can rest assured to develop.

2. Beef cattle: the tight market of high-quality beef cattle in China, especially the outbreak of mad cow disease abroad, provides a good opportunity for the development of beef cattle industry in our country. Based on the current situation of cattle industry in China, it is a better project to get rich in modern agriculture in rural areas by purchasing loose shelf cattle for centralized fattening.

3. Rex rabbit: the Rex rabbit market has been booming for two years, and the Rex rabbit market has developed in the direction of high quality and high price. General Rex rabbit skin each 20 30 yuan, and high-quality Rex rabbit skin each price can be as high as 50 yuan, and the market is smooth. Therefore, as long as the quality of Rex rabbit skin passes, the market can be guaranteed.

4. Native chicken: the market demand of large-scale broiler in China has tended to be saturated, and native chicken will be welcomed by more and more consumers. Although it is affected by bird flu, it has little impact on sales. Although the native chicken grows slowly and the feed reward is low, it still has a good feeding prospect because of its good market and strong disease resistance.

5. Special chicken: including black-bone chicken, lady chicken, colorful pheasant and so on. Although the market demand for these rare varieties is small, because their breeding has not yet formed a scale, the market supply is in short supply, so the price is high, and the current market demand has a trend of expanding. So it is also a modern agricultural project that breeders can choose to get rich.

Modern agriculture to get rich project planting project:

1. First of all, we should consider the demand of the vegetable market, such as the oil melon that has become popular in recent years. This oil melon only supplies border trade, and the demand in the domestic market is relatively small. Once the border trade stops purchasing, the price will drop to 2 or 3 cents per jin. It is even difficult to sell melons, so we must be careful when planting modern agricultural projects to get rich. However, from the development direction of vegetables, the taste of oil melon is better, it is easy to clean, and the market prospect is more optimistic.

2. Secondly, analyze the psychology of most people and plant "unpopular dishes". When it comes to booking seedlings every year, you can observe the seedling situation and planting time of the major seedling factories. In the selection of species and planting time, it is best to avoid being the same as most people and specialize in unpopular dishes.

3. Delay or advance the time of planting similar vegetables. Avoid the concentrated planting period. If you choose the project of getting rich in modern agriculture, if you know that a certain vegetable has a large planting area, but still decide to plant it, it is bound to result in a large market volume and low price of a single product in the same period, thus affecting the income.

4. Don't blindly follow the trend. For example, if the tomato market is very good this summer, don't plant it immediately; if the tomato market is not good this autumn, don't immediately change the stubble to grow other vegetables. The difference in the tomato market between 2004 and 2005 illustrates this problem. Therefore, vegetable farmers must not blindly follow or give up.

5. Be optimistic about the market. The project of getting rich in modern agriculture should be optimistic about the market, including market demand, market sales characteristics, when the market demand is the largest and when the market demand is the smallest, and also depends on the total planting area of the variety, so as to ensure that it can make a lot of money.

Here are a few examples of getting rich from agriculture:

Special corn

Special corn is a special corn variety with high economic, characteristic planting nutrition and processing value, such as fresh corn, medicinal corn, ornamental corn and so on. Through deep processing, the end products of special corn planted with special characteristics can achieve a large increase in value and high planting efficiency. Therefore, it has the laudatory name of "value-added corn".

Up to now, the cultivation and characteristic planting of special corn in the world has a history of more than 100 years, among which the United States is in the leading level in the world. In recent years, with the improvement of the income requirements of food and agriculture, the strengthening of characteristic planting and the specialization of maize function, the planting of special corn is also the inevitable trend of the development of China's corn industry in the future. For this reason, in recent years, Chinese agriculture, special planting scientific research and other departments have given great support to the special corn planting industry. Some areas have approached and reached the world's advanced level, and the industry has begun to take shape. Seize their own territory, the size of the investment is rich and frugal, and the return is considerable.

Organic rice

Organic rice is just a concept. In essence, it is 100% good rice without pollution, chemical fertilizer, environmental protection and safety. Although our Shanggu Agricultural Cold Land Organic Rice has 29 organic conversion product certifications, the core of our control over the output of organic rice lies in one-stop responsibility, from the farmer in charge of the food producing area to every bag of rice sold at last, each bag of rice will be marked with the person in charge of all processes, and once it is found that it is not really organic rice, it can be traced back to responsibility immediately, so the organic rice of cold land not only has qualification certification. There is also a whole responsibility value system. What do you grow to make money now? Nowadays, the level of consumption in China is constantly improving, and the demand is more inclined to green and healthy products. Everyone has to eat rice, but whether it is safe or not is very important for some high-end people. They would rather buy higher-priced organic rice than cheap ordinary rice. And recently, giving rice has become a very unique fashion trend, and organic rice is the best and most valuable gift.

Get rich quickly with less investment in aquaculture

The aquatic animal husbandry and veterinary department of Laibin City has joined forces with the Women's Federation, the Poverty Alleviation Office and other relevant departments to promote the family "fishing mother" courtyard breeding model, making use of the open space in front and back of farmers' houses to build fishing ponds, breeding pond horn fish, Loach and other efficient varieties, so as to increase farmers' income. In one village of Jiuxian Village, Sanli Town, Wuxuan County, there are 15 farmers raising through family courtyards, each with an annual income of more than 30,000 yuan.