
The state helps you get rich by branding. Do you meet these requirements?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The state helps you get rich by branding. Do you meet these requirements?

With the tilt of the national policy to the agricultural industry, the agricultural economy will usher in a better development prospect. at this point, it is particularly important to establish and spread the brand of agricultural enterprises. The building of agricultural brand is a long and arduous process, to make our brand go out, advertising is a common practice. But without sufficient financial support, the advertising industry will not be able to do so. The Ministry of Agriculture has decided to continue to carry out brand selection and public welfare publicity activities this year on the basis of the selection of 100 agricultural brands from 100 farmers' cooperatives in 2015.

Selection conditions:

① farmers' cooperatives can only be selected from the national peasant cooperative demonstration cooperatives and "one village, one product" model villages and towns recognized by nine ministries and commissions, and the number of farmers driven by selected cooperatives shall not be less than 150.

② agricultural products brand, selected in the cultivation, animal husbandry, aquatic products and characteristics and other primary agricultural products, and has registered a trademark in the department of industry and commerce.

The agricultural products selected by ③ should be identified by geographical indications, or have one or more certification marks in pollution-free agricultural products, green food and organic agricultural products.

④ A cooperative can only apply for one single brand. The selected cooperatives must be in good faith and standardize their operation, and there should be no bad records such as violations of laws and regulations.

From the point of view of the practice of brand establishment and dissemination of Chinese agricultural enterprises for many years and the long-term experience of working in the media, this paper summarizes the following common misunderstandings in the brand construction of agricultural enterprises. I hope it can be helpful for the majority of agricultural enterprises to establish and spread their own brands.

Myth 1: brand building has nothing to do with small businesses

This is a common problem found in the process of many enterprises. Of course, running an enterprise also has its difficulties. The boss's primary consideration is the survival of the enterprise. Every day, he considers where the capital comes from and how the products can be sold. As a result, brand building is delayed because business leaders know that brand building costs money.

In today's market competition, brand building is no longer a dispensable tactical problem for enterprises, but should be a strategic issue for enterprise management. For enterprise operators, brand building does not matter how big or small, brand building is the spark of the future development of the enterprise, just depends on how you preserve this spark, and gradually let him shine-- only when the enterprise establishes brand awareness, can enterprise brand development have a main line and achieve the accumulation of assets in the process of development.

"misunderstanding 2: only with high sales can you have the money to advertise.

In their understanding, "Brand building = advertising, there is no money for advertising without sales, no advertising can not drive sales, thus entering a vicious circle."

In fact, brand building is not only a simple advertising but also a systematic brand carding process, which includes two aspects: the determination of the intrinsic value of the brand and the construction of the external communication system. The construction of the internal gene of the brand is a strategic positioning for the enterprise operators, while the construction of the external communication system is to find out how the enterprises can spread the brand benefits to consumers. According to the operating strength of the enterprise, we should formulate a strategy suitable for the development of the enterprise brand, quickly spread the core interests of the product to the target consumers, and quickly bring profitable sales to the enterprise.

"misunderstanding 3: brand building lies in the standard, and in-depth product research is optional.

Through the analysis of the above brand building system construction, we clearly understand the systematicness and strategy of brand building work, but in the actual business process, a considerable number of enterprises have brand building awareness, and do not spend less money in the process of product construction, but brand sales are still not ideal. Through the experience of Siwei Media in diagnosing enterprises for many years, the essence of the above problems is that corporate brand construction is only a temporary cure, not a permanent cure. This is attributed to two aspects, one is that the brand building department of the enterprise lacks the professional ability of brand building, and the other is that some brand planning companies lack the depth of research on the industry or products.

Because of the lack of professionals or failure to find the right professional brand consulting company, brand building is only a temporary solution, can not solve the essential problems, a waste of resources, but also a waste of enterprise time.

"misunderstanding 4: if the government has a good rating, it will no longer pay attention to the substantive construction of products."

Agriculture is a key industry supported by the state, and the state has a certain tilt in policy support for agricultural enterprises. The rating given by the government to enterprises can help enterprises improve their corporate image, but brand building is a link to establish interaction with target consumers. They can only complement each other, not equal to each other, so for agricultural enterprises that have gained a good reputation, they should pay more attention to the substantive construction of brands. Only in this way can we effectively integrate resources and release the potential of enterprises and avoid the waste of resources.