
Go back to your hometown to create a cattle industry and bring people to become rich together.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Go back to your hometown to create a cattle industry and bring people to become rich together.

When I walked into Yang Wulin's farm, I saw a few calves walking leisurely outside the bullpen, where Yang Wulin's 14-year-old son was helping his mother clean the bullpen before school began. In the storage shed, filled with sugar cane feed that had just been delivered the day before, Yang Wulin's wife and workers were crushing the sugar cane to prepare feed for the cattle.

Yang Wulin, 36, is a member of the slate group in Yaxin Village, Puli Township, Guanling Autonomous County. he returned to his hometown in 2014 to start a business. he is now a well-known cattle farmer and the leader of the village cooperative. Under his leadership, half of the poor households in the village have been gradually lifted out of poverty.

In 2000, because his family was poor, Yang Wulin, who had not long been married, took his wife to work outside the province. They had been to Sichuan and Yunnan for 14 years, and it was hard and difficult to work outside. Yang Wulin said that only he and his wife knew best. In their first year out, when they had their first child, their wife had to take care of the child and relied on him to make a living. When the child is old enough to go to school, send the child back to his hometown to be taken care of by the elderly. The couple work hard every day, and after earning some money, they rent a farm to process their own plastic waste. Until 2014, seeing the development and changes in his hometown, Yang Wulin and his wife discussed going back to their hometown to start a business and did what they had been doing for generations-raising cattle.

After returning to his hometown, Yang Wulin invested 800000 yuan of savings from 14 years of working abroad into the construction of the farm. With the help and guidance of his father, he raised cattle, and he raised more than 40 cattle at the beginning.

"for as long as I can remember, every household in our village raised cattle and raised Guanling cattle. In the 1990s, there were families in our village who raised cattle well and even took part in a competition in Beijing to win a prize. Guanling cattle's fame has greatly increased." Yang Wulin said.

"I have to get up early in the morning to prepare feed for the cattle and feed them until noon. After 2 o'clock, I have to mow the grass and prepare a second meal of feed for the cattle. I work hard everywhere, but I work much better at home. I can control the house and take care of the elderly." Yang Wulin's wife said so.

Through the efforts of the couple, the cattle they raised in the second year gained benefits. In order to expand the scale of farming and allow villagers to raise cattle together, Yang Wulin set up a professional farmers' cooperative in June 2016.

Yang Wulin told reporters that this is the first batch of professional cooperatives to be standardized since the implementation of the Guanling cattle Revitalization Plan in Guanling. The cooperative has 50 members and 46 poor people, and the farm covers an area of 2200 square meters. According to the principle of "determining livestock by grass and livestock by livestock", 1500 square meters of cattle sheds and 860 square meters of feed sheds have been built. At present, 200 heads are stored in the column. Most of the cattle are sold to Guiyang, Xingyi and Huajiang.

Yang Wulin said that the development model of cooperatives is "village collective + cooperatives + farmers", that is, village committees participate in the development of cooperatives, and cooperatives absorb farmers' shares and dividends to operate. The dividend model is "345 to 127". The village collective buys shares with enclosure subsidies and farmers' loans, which are repaid by cooperatives during the three-year discount period. without any risk, the cooperative pays 3000 yuan to village collectives and farmers in the first year, 4000 yuan each in the second year and 5000 yuan in the third year. The 127th model is the mode of adoption of cattle by farmers, that is, farmers adopt breeding cows from cooperatives, and the gross income of the calves produced after sale is 1/10 for village collectives, 2/10 for cooperatives and 7/10 for farmers.

Cooperatives give priority to poor households' monthly wages of 1800 yuan while working in cooperatives, mobilize poor households to recommend and sell to cooperatives to help more poor households increase their income. Then give rewards to members who have children who are admitted to college.

"We have to pay nearly 130000 yuan in wages every year, and at most there are hundreds of workers a day." Yang Wulin said that this year, cooperatives have transferred 400 mu of land and mobilized villagers to grow double-cropping corn. If they are willing to plant, cooperatives will buy them for 300 yuan per ton, while those who do not want to plant will be transferred at 350 yuan per mu of land per year.

"I came to work in the co-operative last year. Every day I work to mow the grass and feed the cattle. I get a fixed salary for working here, which is much better than working outside." So said the worker who was mowing the grass.

"our current development goal is to absorb 40 members a year and strive to reach 100 by next year. Poor households account for more than 80% of the members. We will strive to increase the stock of cattle in the cooperative to more than 300 head in three years. " Yang Wulin is full of hope for his three-year plan for the cattle industry.