
Chongqing swineherd leads the villagers to raise pigs and start a business to become rich.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Chongqing swineherd leads the villagers to raise pigs and start a business to become rich.

Wang Guan, 36, a native of Bashan Town, is currently the general manager of Chongqing Meijianda Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.

In 2017, the 10th National Rural Youth Wealth leaders selection activity jointly organized by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Agriculture was announced. Wang won the honorary title of "National Rural Youth Wealth leaders".

"raising pigs in winter should appropriately increase the breeding density, because when the breeding density is high, the area of each pig will be reduced and each pig can keep warm when lying down."

"raising pigs in winter should appropriately increase the proportion of energy in feed, generally speaking, it is lower for big pigs and higher for piglets."


On Feb. 19, at the pig farm of Chongqing Meijianda Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Wang was volunteering to explain pig-raising skills to farmers around the company.

Wang joined the army at the age of 18 and retired to work in other places. In 2012, he gave up his high salary and returned to his hometown to establish a standardized pig farm with 500 sows and 10000 commercial pigs per year in Sujia Village, Bashan Town.

With regard to the skills of raising pigs, Champion Wang has always taught them to others without reservation. In a short period of four years, he led more than 200 villagers in Sujia Village and its surrounding villages to become rich together.

Give up the high salary and return home to start a business.

In 2004, after retiring from the army, Wang went to work in Guangdong, Zhejiang and other places.

During his eight years of hard work abroad, with diligence and wisdom, Wang Champion went from the bottom to an executive, and successively served as the provincial manager of Guangdong Chuangsheng stainless Steel products Co., Ltd. And Zhejiang Eshida Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.

In 2012, during the rising period of his career, Wang Champion responded positively to the call of the county government to return to his hometown to start a business, resolutely gave up his annual salary of more than 200,000 yuan and the comfortable living environment in big cities, chose to return home to start a business, and became a "swineherd".

"my grandfather and father are both engaged in animal husbandry and veterinary work. Since childhood, I have learned a lot of animal husbandry skills and have some experience in raising pigs." Wang Champion said that he had thought carefully when he returned to his hometown to start a business. He raised more than 20 million yuan and established a standardized pig farm covering an area of more than 500 mu.

"No matter where you are, life will be wonderful as long as you stay true to your heart." Wang said that it has always been his dream to contribute to the development of his hometown and change the status quo of his hometown, and it is also the main reason why he chose to return to his hometown to start a business.

Innovation and development reaped wonderful harvest

After returning to his hometown to start a business, Wang Champion put the first goal of enterprise development on improving the quality of live pigs, and decided to carry out brand operation.

"the quality of live pigs is related to the health of thousands of families, and there can be no carelessness." Champion Wang said.

In order to raise pigs well, Champion Wang participated in technical training many times and visited some large pig raising enterprises in China to learn the advanced concept of pig farming.

In order to make the development of the company more dynamic, Wang changed the traditional extensive way of raising pigs, used the thinking mode of factory production, attached importance to data collection and analysis with the concept of modern, large-scale, digital and meticulous management, and hired professional and technical personnel to "escort" pig farming.

Through several years of development, the pig breeding company founded by Wang Champion has become the leading city-level enterprise of agricultural industrialization in Chongqing, and the "Meijianda Live Pig" has been identified as pollution-free agricultural products.

Drive the villagers to get rich together

Relying on modern scientific and technological means and fine management, the pigs raised by Wang Champion are deeply loved by the market, which has greatly promoted the enthusiasm of the villagers around the company for the pig industry.

While constantly expanding the scale of pig farms, Wang actively played an exemplary role in imparting pig-raising techniques and epidemic prevention knowledge to the villagers without reservation, so as to help surrounding farmers take the road of scientific and green farming.

Wang Tianyao, a villager of Miaowukou Village, is 45 years old. Since 2012, he has invested more than 300,000 yuan to develop the rabbit industry. Due to the lack of technology, coupled with the lack of epidemic prevention, the farm has been losing money, which gives him a big blow.

After learning about Wang Tianyao's situation, Wang Champion, combined with his own experience, gave him psychological counseling at the first time.

At the suggestion of Wang Tianyao, Wang Tianyao bought more than 200 high-quality live pigs for breeding. In addition to advising Wang Tianyao, the champion Wang also provided him with free technical guidance.

"Champion Wang is a very nice man. When we ask him about raising pigs, he will explain it to us patiently." Wang Tianyao said that with the help of champion Wang, he earned more than 100,000 yuan by selling pigs last year.

In addition to giving voluntary instructions on pig-raising techniques to the villagers, Wang also transferred 500 mu of land in Sujia Village, built an ecological leisure agricultural tourism park, developed circular agriculture, and solved the employment of more than 50 people in the village.

In just a few years, driven by Wang Champion, more than 200 villagers in Sujia Village and its surrounding villages have embarked on the road to prosperity.

"one is not rich when he is rich, but only when everyone is rich." Wang said that this sentence is his original intention to return to his hometown to start a business, and to lead the villagers to get rich together, and he will stick to it all the time.