
"Dancing with Snakes" drives the neighbors to get rich.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, "Dancing with Snakes" drives the neighbors to get rich.

Walking into the deep concrete room, a dark room, lifting the quilt, the black cobra opened its eyes and spit letters to the newcomers. Seeing this scene, many people immediately got the creeps. Unlike people who talk about the color change of "snakes," Tu Dezhi has to "dance with snakes" every day, from snake eggs to hatching snakes to little snakes growing up. The career of raising snakes not only paid him handsomely, but also led many peasant families around him to get rich.

Learn from the "Snake King"

Tu Dezhi, 38, is from Tiansi Village, Tianzhushan Town, Qianshan County. Over the years, he has switched to a number of industries: selling barbecue enabled him to find his first bucket of gold and become a well-known "entrepreneurial talent". During his business in traditional Chinese medicine, he came into contact with a snake meat cooking competition and decided to switch to raising snakes for six years.

At that time, when making traditional Chinese medicine, Tu Dezhi often went to Guangxi, just in time to hold a grand snake meat cooking contest there. The delicious taste and rich cooking skills opened his eyes. "it turns out that snake meat can be made in so many ways." he was amazed. He developed a strong interest in raising snakes.

People in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces love eating snakes, and they have formed a huge industry there. In the buried hill industry is still a blank, Tu Dezhi wants to bring this industry in. At that snake banquet, Tu Dezhi had the privilege of getting to know Xie Shangkui, the "snake king" of Lingshan, Guangxi, and learned from him. After months of training, he finally learned to come out of the mountain.

Try raising snakes in a greenhouse

Tiansi Village is located in the southeast of Tianzhu Mountain Town, Qianshan County, about 4 kilometers away from the main scenic spot of Tianzhu Mountain. Recently, under the leadership of the staff of Qianshan Agricultural and Commercial Bank, the reporter came to Tiansi Village, where Tu Dezhi's snake breeding base stands on a hill in the village. The base is a row of cement houses, and the big words "vigorously develop artificial snake breeding and drive mountain farmers to start their own businesses" can be seen.

Opening the iron gate, the reporter walked into the dark aisle, flanked by a row of cubicles with different kinds of snakes. "there are five kinds of snakes. The most poisonous is the cobra. They are afraid of light and cold. They are all covered with quilts on this day." Tu Dezhi opened a door, and several cobras wriggled under the quilt, opening their eyes wide to greet the uninvited guests.

Inside the base, a row of plastic sheds attracted everyone's attention. Tu Dezhi told reporters that he is currently trying to raise snakes in the greenhouse. By controlling the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse, he hopes to achieve the same living environment as the cement snake house. After the experiment is successful, it will greatly reduce the construction cost and help to promote snake farming to the surrounding farmers.

He explained that the construction cost of promoting snake farming is large, and the construction of snake houses also requires the examination and approval of relevant departments. If the greenhouse culture experiment is successful, not only the examination and approval link will be saved, but the input cost will also be reduced by half, which will lead more farmers to join cooperatives. According to reports, at present, Tu Dezhi has raised more than 5000 snakes, which can bring an average of nearly 1 million yuan a year, and he has also attracted five farmers around him to join.

Develop deep processing of snake meat

Tu Dezhi told reporters that the meat snakes raised are mainly sold abroad, and the local market has not been able to open up. On the one hand, it is because the local people have not yet formed the habit of eating snake meat, on the other hand, many people are afraid of snakes and dare not process them easily.

After several years of marketing, some nearby farmers have introduced this dish, but in Tu Dezhi's view, this is far from enough. he plans to build a snake meat processing plant to make "Chicken and Crusian Carp Soup." bring the processed delicious snake soup and snake meat to the local table.

"with several farmers, I made a loan of NT $200000 from the Qianshan Agricultural and Commercial Bank, providing sufficient funds for the next step in the further processing of snake meat." Tu Dezhi said. In the base of more than 100 mu, Tu Dezhi has a more "majestic" plan: taking advantage of his proximity to Tianzhu Mountain, he plans to build a snake sightseeing ecological park where tourists can not only visit the snake breeding base and snake meat processing zone. You can also fish, pick tea, and taste the unique "Chicken and Crusian Carp Soup".

"as long as you run well and drive poor households to find jobs and start businesses, our bank can increase capital investment to help you continue to become bigger and stronger." Before leaving, the customer manager of Tianzhushan Branch of Qianshan Agricultural and Commercial Bank promised.