
Xu Haiying, a strong woman in Kedong County, has become rich by raising cattle.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Xu Haiying, a strong woman in Kedong County, has become rich by raising cattle.

Xu Haiying, 50, a villager of Dongfeng 6 in Yugang Town, is engaged in dairy farming with her husband. After more than ten years of unremitting efforts, with the support of the county and township governments and the help of the county women's federation and relevant departments, she established the Haiying Cow farming Cooperative. Since 2014, she has raised more than 9 million yuan to build a 2000 square meter cowshed, 400 square meters of hay shed, 380 square meters of milking room, 2086 square meters of dairy activity field and 2820 square meters of hardened road. During the two years from 2014 to 2015, the cooperative raised 360 cows, with an annual benefit of 1.5 million yuan, driving 85 poor households, with an average annual increase of 3000 yuan. In June 2016, milk prices fell and the cooperative began to transform, reversing the loss situation. At present, there are 120 beef cattle in stock. 600 beef cattle are planned to be stocked in 2017, and the work is ready to enter the stock. it is estimated that 600 beef cattle can be completed by May 1.

Before developing dairy farming, Xu Haiying, like most rural women, made a living by farming. In 1995, Xu Haiying raised funds to contract 300 mu of land, but he lost all of it due to a hailstorm and owed a debt. The stubborn Xu Haiying was not intimidated by the disaster. After trying to pay off her debts, she came up with the idea of raising a cow. In 2001, Xu Haiying used her only savings to buy a cow and recovered the cost at the end of the year. As a result, Xu Haiying, who tasted the sweetness, strengthened his confidence in raising cows for more than a decade.

In 2010, as the county party committee and county government offered more and more preferential policies for raising dairy cows, milk prices were also rising day by day. Xu Haiying thought about expanding the scale of farming, but it could not be realized due to lack of funds. In October of the same year, with the strong support of the governments at the county and town levels, Xu Haiying and his niece jointly applied for a small guarantee loan of 160000 yuan from the Women's Federation, together with 350000 yuan of self-raised funds, to build a standardized farm of 500square meters and a milk station of 500square meters. Realized the integrated management of pasture and milk station, and embarked on the road of scientific and large-scale management. The pasture absorbed 4 dairy farmers and increased the stock of dairy cows by 120. The establishment of pastures and milk stations not only solves the problem that it is difficult for farmers to deliver milk, but also ensures the quality of milk source. During the peak milk production season, the milk station can transport 1.5 tons of fresh milk to Feihe Dairy every day, with a profit of 200000 yuan in that year. In July 2012, Xu Haiying took the lead to apply for a women's federation micro-guarantee loan of 300000 yuan with farm farmers, and built another 270square meter farm. The number of farmers living in the farm also increased to seven, and the stock of dairy cows reached 248head. Xu Haiying has made great progress in raising cattle for more than ten years.

With the progress of her career, Xu Haiying has been praised by the higher government many times. In 2010, Xu Haiying was recommended as a deputy to the County people's Congress, and in 2012, he was awarded the honorary title of "Advanced individual of" double Learning and double comparison "activity in Heilongjiang Province, demonstration household of" Liuxingjia "at provincial level, and" Advanced individual for Post Construction of Urban and Rural Women in Heilongjiang Province ".

Xu Haiying's career and honorary double harvest did not forget to lead the villagers to become rich together. Xu Haiying mobilizes the villagers who have the desire to raise cows to settle in the pasture to raise dairy cows. And share with farmers unreservedly the breeding techniques and disease prevention and control experience they have accumulated over the years. In the process of breeding, actively solve practical problems for farmers, and provide a solid technical guarantee for farmers living in pastures. And set up Haiying dairy farming cooperatives to attract more farmers to join, the scale of breeding continues to grow.

Driven by Xu Haiying, people in Dongfeng Village are becoming more and more enthusiastic about raising cattle. In everyone's mind, raising cattle is not only a means to make a family rich, but also a sustainable industry. Xu Haiying is their reassurance to invest in this industry.