
The little earthworm has big articles, but he never forgets the villagers when he is busy getting rich.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The little earthworm has big articles, but he never forgets the villagers when he is busy getting rich.

Circular agriculture is an agricultural production mode that uses the principle of material recycling and multi-level material utilization technology to achieve less waste production and improve the efficiency of resource utilization. Because of its dual characteristics of high efficiency and environmental protection, it is appearing on the hot search list of people's daily life more and more frequently.

"worms" out of the circular industrial chain

Liu Fang, a post-80s girl who lives in Huangcheng Town, Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, is inconspicuous at first glance. However, it is this simple girl with neat and short hair who turned from a university student to a farmer two years ago with her husband. Founded Wali Earthworm breeding Co., Ltd., Huangcheng Town, Linzi District. Now, she not only sent the little earthworm to the CCTV program, but also did not forget the feelings of the countryside, driving many poor families in Huangcheng town to get rich together.

"at first, I noticed that earthworms were growing flowers. My husband likes to grow flowers. Flowers bought from the flower market will have problems with the soil for a period of time. Earthworms can solve this problem from the Internet, and the effect is surprisingly good after the experiment. " Liu Fang told the reporter that she accidentally found the nutritional value of earthworms in planting flowers and grass, which opened the door to her business of raising earthworms.

Liu Fang told reporters that after discovering the role of earthworms in improving the soil, they also found that earthworm manure can be used as organic fertilizer. "when earthworms eat foods such as animal manure and plant straw, they are decomposed and transformed under the action of various enzymes in the digestive system. After excretion, they become earthworm dung. Earthworm dung is rich in trace elements and more than 20 kinds of amino acids. The water and fertilizer conservation capacity of earthworm dung is very good, which is 2 to 3 times higher than that of ordinary soil, which is conducive to the growth of crops. " Liu Fang explained to the reporter.

The two men bought 200 earthworms from the fishing gear store and started the experiment by self-study. After consulting a large number of materials and improving and innovating again and again, when the first batch of organic fertilizer was produced, Liu Fang took it to Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and asked professional researchers to test the composition of organic fertilizer. The results show that the indicators are very good.

"later, we found that in addition to organic fertilizer, earthworms themselves can dispose of kitchen waste for scientific research, and can also be sent directly to pharmaceutical factories to extract the ingredients needed in drugs. After the end of the survival period, these earthworms can also be used as fertilizer. " Liu Fang said this inspired her to develop earthworm farming into circular agriculture.

Through the interview with the reporter learned that in the Imperial City, Wall-E earthworms and other recycling industry has begun to take shape. The feces excluded by animals are fermented together with vegetable straw and vegetable leaves and fed with earthworms as food. the earthworm manure produced by earthworms can be applied to the vegetable field to meet the nutrients needed for vegetable growth. The eliminated earthworms can be used as feed for chickens to eat, chickens eat nutritious earthworms to produce high-quality eggs, and chicken manure can be recycled to provide food for earthworms, allowing small earthworms to "arch" an industrial chain of eco-agricultural cycle. Today, the one-third mu of land for raising earthworms has been expanded to more than 400 mu, the development of the company is getting better and better, and the products are in short supply.

Interlinked to help poverty alleviation

The earthworm recycling industry started by Liu Fang, a post-80s girl, is becoming more and more prosperous, but she thought of helping the poor families in her hometown after she became rich. In 2016, with the assistance of the Poverty Alleviation Office of Linzi District, Zibo City, she signed an assistance plan with 10 poor families in Huangcheng Town to provide employment opportunities for those with labor force and allow them to work in the company; those without labor force will be given a certain monthly living allowance.

At the time of the reporter's interview, Zhang Guozhong, a 70-year-old poor household, was cleaning in the company. "my main job is to take care of the base and plant flowers. I'm not tired at all. I still get 60 yuan a day." Zhang Guozhong is a native of Beiyang Village in Huangcheng Town. When he was young, he didn't get a wife because his family was poor. He managed to make ends meet by doing odd jobs. Nowadays, with the increase of age, the physical condition is getting worse and worse, it is no longer possible to go out to work, and life is becoming more and more difficult. After learning about the situation, Liu Fang arranged for Zhang Guozhong to build trees and branches at the base. Zhang Guozhong told reporters, "after arriving at the company, not only can I earn enough living expenses, but more importantly, I have company to chat and talk, and I am no longer alone." When Liu Fang talked to reporters about the original intention of poverty alleviation work, she said, "now that we have a certain ability, we should try our best to help more people in need."