
Feng Xiangquan, a poor household, released the "get rich pigeon" and realized his dream of becoming rich.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Feng Xiangquan, a poor household, released the "get rich pigeon" and realized his dream of becoming rich.

Rows of neat pigeon cages hung from the posts, and pure white pigeons pecked the food in the trough, making a "goo" sound from time to time. "as long as I hear the cry of pigeons and the sound of flapping wings, I am very happy." On April 9, in Fengliang Village, Mingyang Town, Enyang District, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, villager Feng Xiangquan came to his meat pigeon farm early in the morning and happily introduced it to the reporter while feeding.

"in our village, as long as you talk about Feng Xiangquan, everyone calls him the Pigeon King." Liu Jun, secretary of the village branch, said that Feng Xiang has made a fortune by raising meat pigeons in recent years. His farm produces more than 10,000 meat pigeons every year, with an annual income of more than 70,000 yuan.

Who would have thought that today's "Pigeon King" was once a famous poor household in the past.

It is understood that Feng Xiangquan is a poor family of three who live mainly by growing grain. The husband and wife are sick all the year round, can hardly stretch out their waist and hands, can't do heavy work, their son can't find a job for three or three days, and the family lives in poverty.

"my earliest way was to raise ducks and goats." Feng Xiangquan said that in 2012, he borrowed 2000 yuan from friends and relatives to make "fire money" and began to raise ducks and goats. Unexpectedly, the sheep could not raise the price, and the duck got the plague again. Throughout the year, the family not only had no money left, but also owed tens of thousands of yuan in debt.

"I just can't believe that I can't turn over and even my poor days can be changed." Although he is seriously ill and in debt, the strong Feng Xiangquan refuses to admit defeat. He is unwilling to rely on government subsidies for a living. He is determined to change his appearance and become rich with his own hands.

By chance, a friend who liked pigeons came to see him and told him a lot about the knowledge and benefits of raising pigeons, which rekindled Feng Xiangquan's determination to shake off poverty and become rich.

It is the first step that costs troublesome. "at first there was no money, so I only bought 200 pigeons." Feng Xiangquan still looked helpless when he talked about the original situation. What if there are pigeons without a pigeon shed? Feng Xiangquan and his wife carried it on their shoulders and built their own pigeon shed and pigeon house. In his most difficult time, the "two village committees" helped him coordinate 10,000 yuan in working capital for the loan industry, and he borrowed another 30,000 yuan from friends to solve the urgent need of venture capital shortage.

Through meticulous feeding and careful care, Feng Xiangquan's stock of meat pigeons increased from 200 to 600 in less than half a year. At the end of 2014, he successfully lifted himself out of poverty and got rid of the "poor hat".

"after I raised pigeons, I began to read books about raising pigeons. If I couldn't recognize the words, I went to ask the village school teacher. I often went to other places to learn my skills, and there were many places to run." Feng Xiangquan said: suffering is a bit bitter, but it has made a lot of progress.

Feed and manage during the day, and carefully observe the living conditions of pigeons at night. Every morning before feeding, Feng Xiangquan and his wife clean and disinfect the pigeon cage. "We feed the pigeons our own corn, wheat and peas, so that the pigeons are green and healthy."

Careful care, of course, has good benefits. "every day on the spot, pigeons and pigeon eggs are sold out before noon." Feng Xiangquan calculated an account: a pair of breeding pigeons can produce an average of 17 or 18 young pigeons a year, which can bring a net income of more than 100 yuan according to the current market situation. A pigeon lays eggs a year, conservatively speaking, more than 70 yuan, if the market is good, the income of 100 yuan is not rare.

Seeing that Feng Xiangquan, who was self-reliant, had made a fortune, many poor families in the village were so encouraged that they also decided to seek development on their own. "after Feng Xiangquan's success, the villagers learned from him one after another." Liu Jun said, "he always unreservedly teaches everyone his experience and management methods of raising pigeons."

"this year, I will continue to expand my scale and strive for 20, 000 columns, with an annual income of 100000 yuan." Feng Xiangquan said, "getting rid of poverty is not my goal. Getting rich is my dream. I believe that the days to come will only get better and better."