
The laying hens never forget the villagers when they get rich.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The laying hens never forget the villagers when they get rich.

In Xinglong Street Village, Xizi Town, Ningcheng County, there is a well-known egg breeding champion, who is Li Jingjun, a 52-year-old party member who has become rich.

In 2013, the price of chicken industry nationwide dropped sharply due to epidemic diseases. Li Jingjun was keenly aware that chicken price and egg price would rise sharply after falling to the bottom. In 2014, he boldly invested 1 million yuan to lease 10 mu of abandoned brick factory under the piedmont slope behind the village, build chicken houses, brood rooms and feed rooms totaling 2000 square meters, purchase 10,000 chickens, and start breeding laying hens.

In the process of breeding, Li Jingjun pays great attention to the investment of science and technology, hires chicken technical talents with high salary, and carefully studies professional knowledge. With honesty as the basis of business philosophy and rich breeding experience and shrewd mind, Li Jingjun's laying hen breeding industry is getting bigger and bigger, eggs are exported to Shenyang, Beijing and other places, which brings him considerable returns, in recent years accumulated profits of more than 600,000 yuan.

Li Jingjun's scientific chicken raising set an example in the town. He did not forget the villagers when he became rich. He always hung in his heart that "a rich family is not rich, but everyone is rich." Many chicken farmers have learned from him, and he has unreservedly taught his epidemic prevention and treatment technology to other chicken farmers. Some needy households have the intention to raise chickens, but have no money to buy chicken seedlings and feed, Li Jingjun learned that after generous help. Driven by him, 15 farmers in the village have begun to breed laying hens. There are 100,000 laying hens in the pen, with an average income of 100,000 yuan per household. At present, more than 100 farmers in Xizi Town have embarked on the road of becoming rich through scientific chicken raising.