
He blazed a way for ecological agriculture to become rich.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, He blazed a way for ecological agriculture to become rich.

Xiao Guoshui, who has been rooted in Huokou she Township, Luoyuan County since 2009, served as the director of the village committee of Qifeng Village and the director of Qifeng Landscape Ecological Agricultural Farmers' Professional Cooperative. he worked diligently and dared to innovate in seven years, leading the villagers to get rich.

At the same time, he is the vice president of Fujian Rural Youth Rich Leader Association, the chairman of Luoyuan County Edible Mushroom Industry Association, the vice chairman of Luoyuan County Labor Model Association, and the deputy of Fuzhou Municipal people's Congress.

In 2011, he was awarded the title of "Fuzhou 32nd Model worker", and in 2015, he was named "the ninth national leader of rural youth getting rich" by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. He is a green entrepreneur who abandoned merchants from agriculture seven years ago, promoted pig rearing and restored the ecological landscape in she township. He is a "master of mushroom farming". Over the past seven years, he has constantly reformed and innovated, developed the economy under the forest, and promoted the transformation and upgrading of agriculture; he has led the way to wealth, built roads and bridges, promoted tourism, and led the villagers to become rich.

He often says, "I am a farmer." he is Xiao Guoshui.

Drilling into the she Township to become "raising mushrooms to reach people"

Qifeng Village is located in Huokou she Township, the "hometown of Phoenix" in Luoyuan County. It is not only an old revolutionary base village, but also a key ecological reserve for Fuzhou's "second source of drinking water". The village has a total of 260 households and 980 people.

Recently in the morning, the reporter saw the belated Xiao Guoshui. It turned out that many wholesalers had asked him for orders early in the morning, and some people invited him to go to the mushroom cultivation training class.

Seven years ago, Xiao Guoshui, who is nearly 40 years old, gave up his stable business in the city and went to Qifeng Village, the mountain of Luoyuan, to become a farmer with muddy feet and start his business from scratch.

In 2009, in response to the policy call to protect Fuzhou's "second source of drinking water", Qifeng Village became the first demonstration village for livestock and poultry regulation. Xiao Guoshui, director of the village committee, mobilized villagers to withdraw from pig farming, and the villagers' life was a major problem he faced.

"without setbacks, there will be no success." At the end of the same year, Xiao Guoshui set up a professional cooperative of landscape ecological agriculture farmers in Qifeng, Luoyuan County, to organize local pig farmers to develop edible mushroom production, Camellia oleifera cultivation, high-yield bamboo forest cultivation, and underforest breeding ecological recycling agriculture, and broke through many difficulties such as "undervalued", "unsalable products", "natural disasters" and so on.

After seven years of efforts, the cooperative has won the titles of national demonstration cooperative, Fujian "vegetable basket" base, Fujian modern agricultural edible fungus industry technology system demonstration base and so on. Last year, it became a pilot demonstration base of major agricultural technology extension services carried out by scientific research institutions in Fujian Province.

Deep ploughing Agriculture to become the "Vanguard of Reform"

"as long as you soak for three or five minutes, a can of Tremella can be used as breakfast, which is not only convenient, but also retains nutrition." Xiao Guoshui told reporters that the cooperative carries out technical cooperation with the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences to deeply process products into canned and ready-to-eat food, which is currently trying to push to high-end markets such as Beijing and Shanghai, and uses the newly built e-commerce platform to make products go directly from the mountains to the dining table, so that traditional agriculture can catch the express train of the Internet.

"just maintaining the status quo is retrogression." Xiao Guoshui believes that traditional agriculture should be reformed, innovated, transformed and upgraded.

In December 2015, under the technical guidance of the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture, the cooperative tried to cultivate Dictyophora, the queen of bacteria, in the bamboo forest above 500 meters above sea level, so as to realize the symbiosis of bamboo and bamboo.

"the cooperative can produce 3 million bags of waste bacteria bags a year. If the garbage is thrown away, it will not only pollute the environment, but also incur a lot of transportation costs." Xiao Guoshui told reporters that through technological innovation, waste bacteria bags containing sawdust and nutrients were used to cultivate Dictyophora, reducing the cost of raw materials by half and turning waste into treasure.

The reporter learned that due to the good harvest this year, the bamboo shoot of more than 20 mu of experimental plots can reach an annual output value of 600000 yuan, and each mu of bamboo forest can also increase the income of villagers by 500 yuan.

In order to reduce the risk of "cheap grain hurting farmers", cooperatives cooperate with scientific research institutions such as the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Provincial Agriculture and Forestry University, and use the technology of "thermal insulation inner shed" to achieve the goal of "controllable growth of bamboo shoot throughout the year". In order to adapt to the changes in market demand.