
How do you harvest the corn? Are the farmers losing money?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How do you harvest the corn? Are the farmers losing money?

Starting from this year, according to the principle of "separation of market pricing and price compensation", China has adjusted the policy of temporary corn collection and storage in the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia to "market-oriented acquisition" plus "subsidy".

Under the new mechanism, what is the change in the income of grain farmers? Processing enterprises, grain brokers and other market buyers, what new actions will be made? What are the challenges facing the reform, and how will it be dealt with? With these questions, our reporter recently walked into the corn purchase and sale sites in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces to find out what happened.

Although the income of large grain growers is lower than that of last year, they can survive with subsidies.

"if there is a subsidy, that is to say, let's make it even." In Yingkou Village, Yingkou Village, Chang'an Town, Bin County, Heilongjiang Province, when the reporter asked about the profit and loss of growing corn this year, Yang Baochen, a big grain grower, made a detailed account with his fingers:

Out of a total of 92 mu of corn land, 70 mu are leased. Excluding labor, the planting cost per mu of land rented includes 500 yuan in circulation fees, 430 yuan in chemical fertilizers, seeds, pesticides and machine tillage fees, totaling 930 yuan. Judging from the average yield per mu of land, wet grain is 1500 jin, which is about 1300 jin of dry grain. According to the current market price of 0.7 yuan per jin, the gross income per mu is 910 yuan.

"excluding the cost, excluding the state subsidy, there is a profit of 480 yuan per mu for one's own land and 20 yuan per mu for the transferred land." Yang Baochen said.

According to the policy, the subsidy standard in Heilongjiang Province this year is 153.92 yuan per mu, which has basically been paid out at present. With subsidies, Yang Baochen can earn more than 130 yuan per mu of transferred land, with a slight surplus; his own land earns more than 630 yuan, about 230 yuan less than last year, when compared with the guaranteed purchase price last year.

It is worth noting that although the price of corn is on the low side this year, due to the implementation of the new acquisition policy, the land transfer fee has been reduced a lot, and the rent in Yingkou Village has dropped to 300 yuan per mu next year. This is good for large households who contract large tracts of land to carry out large-scale operation.

Cong Jian is the branch secretary of Guanglong Village, Wukeshu Town, Yushu City, Jilin Province, and is also the chairman of Tianyu Machinery planting Professional Cooperative, contracted land of 360 hectares. The average rent per hectare is 9000 yuan, the planting cost is 15800 yuan, and the net income is more than 1600 yuan.

"fortunately, there is a producer subsidy, and although the income is lower than last year, it still holds up." "Land transfer fees will be much lower next year, which is exciting," Cong Jian said. " He plans to plant corn next year. "I'm good at this job," he said.

Zhu Yuwen, director of the Heilongjiang Grain Bureau, believes that the implementation of market pricing for corn can promote producers to reduce production costs, realize the optimal allocation of agricultural land resources under the market mechanism, and improve the level of large-scale and intensive management of agriculture.

After the market-oriented purchase of corn, the survival of enterprises depends on their strength, and they all welcome this reform.

No matter in front of Cofco biochemical Energy Co., Ltd., Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province, or in the courtyard of Jiliang Tianyu Biological Engineering Co., Ltd., Yushu City, Jilin Province, the reporter was on the way to interview corn processing enterprises. You can see the scene of long queues of large trailers full of corn. This is the grain broker waiting for the enterprise to accept the goods.

"after the reform of the corn collection and storage system, it has added a lot of advantages to the development of enterprises in terms of food sources, costs and government policy support." Shi Xiaomei, executive deputy general manager of Cofco biochemical Energy (Zhaodong) Co., Ltd.

The so-called grain source means that the company can get an adequate supply of raw materials in Suihua City nearby, without having to go to the grain storage warehouse for auction or look for it outside the province as in previous years. The so-called cost advantage means that after the corn price follows the market, the purchase price has dropped a lot. The so-called policy advantage means that according to Heilongjiang regulations, corn deep processing enterprises above the scale will purchase 300 yuan per ton of processed new corn in the province by the end of June next year. Jilin Province also has a similar processing subsidy policy, the standard is 200 yuan per ton.

Liu Hongju, purchasing manager of Cofco biochemical Energy (Yushu) Co., Ltd., told reporters that the company has been losing money since 2013 due to the upside-down price of corn in the north and south. The purchase price of corn in Northeast China has dropped this year, and the company plans to purchase 500000 tons of corn and process 60, 000 tons of corn every month in an effort to turn losses into profits. "after market-oriented acquisition, the survival of enterprises depends on their strength, and there is no problem with our technology, equipment, and production lines." so we all welcome this reform. "

Guide Food and Agriculture to store grain scientifically and tap the internal potential to solve the bottleneck of transport capacity.

Zhu Yuwen revealed that although part of the planting structure has been adjusted, the total output of corn in Heilongjiang this year is expected to be about 100 billion jin; the total amount of corn consumed by processing and feed conversion in the province for the whole year is about 42 billion jin, and it is comprehensively estimated that about 58 billion jin of corn will be sold outside the province. Yang Guang, deputy director of the Jilin Provincial Grain Bureau, said that the corn output of Jilin Province will reach 60 billion jin this year. Taking into account the demand for storage, deep processing and conversion in the province, as well as the inflow from other provinces, it is estimated that the corn supply will exceed the demand by about 32 billion jin this year.

The huge stock of old grain and the huge increment of new grain will inevitably bring many challenges to the first year of corn market-oriented reform. The market price of corn is about 0.70 yuan per jin, which is the break-even point for farmers in Heiji and Jilin provinces to grow corn. If corn prices continue to fall, it may be beyond the affordability of farmers. At present, there is a widespread psychology of waiting for price in food and agriculture, so it is an important task for governments at all levels to guide them to store grain scientifically, sell grain in the wrong season, and choose an opportunity to sell grain.

In the aspect of scientific grain storage, under the background of market-oriented purchase, the price of corn follows the principle of "high quality and good price". The reporter saw on both sides of Yingkou Village Road that under the guidance of the government, many farmers have built corn baskets with a length of 40 meters, a height of 4 meters, and a width of 1.5 meters, with an iron cover on the top, which can store corn cobs produced in 70 mu of land and increase the flexibility of grain sales.

In solving the difficulty of transporting grain, due to the lack of railway transport capacity, the dispute between grain and coal, and the sharp rise in road freight, the transportation of grain from the north to the south has encountered a bottleneck of transport capacity shortage for a long time. Shen Lizhi, director of the Suihua Grain Bureau, suggested that this problem be solved from two aspects: first, the relevant state departments should strengthen coordination, tap internal potential, and jointly deploy resources; second, it is hoped that the highway will open a green channel similar to the transportation of food from the south to the north, so as to attract logistics businessmen and traders to increase the enthusiasm of transportation. It is understood that through the efforts of all parties, the average daily loading capacity of corn transportation in Heilongjiang province has increased from 700 to 800 vehicles at the beginning of October to 2000 vehicles at present.