
How to solve the problem of "who will farm"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How to solve the problem of "who will farm"

The 13th five-year Plan is not only the decisive period for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, but also the key period for accelerating agricultural modernization. At present, the question of "who will farm the land" is facing us realistically. Only by speeding up the cultivation of a new type of professional farmers and forming a team of high-quality agricultural producers and operators as soon as possible, can we assume the historical task of modern agricultural construction.

I. to promote agricultural modernization, there is an urgent need to speed up the cultivation of new types of professional farmers

It has always been a strategic issue to correctly understand and deal with the problem of farmers. As the largest social group, farmers are not only the foundation of China's agricultural modernization, but also the future of the new socialist countryside. As the main body of the development of modern agriculture, the professionalization of farmers is an important index of agricultural modernization. "new professional farmers + new agricultural operators + large-scale operation" is the basic direction of China's modern agricultural development. At the present stage, improving the scientific quality of farmers and cultivating a new type of professional farmers is the inevitable choice to promote the development of modern agriculture and the key measure to solve the problem of "who will farm the land".

At the Central Rural work Conference held at the end of 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly expounded the issue of "who will farm the land", emphasizing the need to establish a special policy mechanism and build a contingent of professional farmers, focusing on attracting young people to work in agriculture and training professional farmers. At a forum on rural reform held in Xiaogang Village in Anhui Province in April 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again stressed the need to speed up the construction of a team of professional farmers and form a team of high-quality agricultural producers and operators. Since 2012, five consecutive Central No. 1 documents have made major arrangements for the cultivation of a new type of professional farmers, especially in 2016, the Central Committee No. 1 document clearly proposed to train professional farmers to become the leading force in the construction of modern agriculture. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition and the arrangement of Central No. 1 document fully demonstrate the strategic position of cultivating a new type of professional farmers in the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and governments at all levels must unremittingly grasp the work of cultivating new professional farmers. fundamentally solve the problem of "who will farm?"

From the perspective of the overall situation of modernization, cultivating a new type of professional farmers is a strategic issue related to building a well-off society in an all-round way. "whether we are well-off or not depends on the villagers." the key and difficulty of building a well-off society in an all-round way lies in farmers, and the most arduous and arduous task lies in rural areas. "if farmers want to be well-off, their income should rise continuously." although the income of farmers in China has continued to grow in recent years, and the relative income gap between urban and rural areas has narrowed, the absolute gap has been widening. In 2015, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 31195 yuan, while that of rural residents was only 11422 yuan, with a difference of nearly 20, 000 yuan. Moreover, the level of social security of farmers is low, and they have little access to public services. To a large extent, farmers are still a kind of "identity" title. Did not become a decent profession. At present, there is an urgent need to speed up the cultivation of a new type of professional farmers, to turn more and more farmers into professional large households, family farmers, cooperative leaders and the backbone of agricultural enterprises, and by vigorously promoting various forms of appropriate scale operation, improve the efficiency of agricultural management, make agriculture a promising industry, and make farmers a decent profession.

On the whole, at present, the problem of the quality of agricultural labourers in China is prominent, which is difficult to meet the needs of modern agricultural development, and has become a bottleneck restricting the synchronization of the four modernizations. First, the number shrinks. Statistics show that the number of migrant workers transferred from agricultural production in China has reached 277 million, which is still growing at the rate of millions a year, and the number of farmers, especially young and middle-aged farmers, has decreased sharply. The second is the structural imbalance. Most of the farmers who stay in rural areas are elderly and women, and the average age of farmers in Zhejiang and Jiangsu has reached 57. Third, the quality is worrying. Among farmers, primary and junior high school education accounts for more than 70%, and the proportion of farmers with basic scientific quality is only 1.7%, far lower than the national average of 6.2%. Fourth, there are few successors. The vast majority of the new generation of rural labor force choose to "jump the agricultural door", and farmers have become the "low-lying areas" of national quality. Due to the quality of the labor force, it is difficult to use high-efficiency agricultural facilities and equipment, and it is difficult to transform high-level agricultural scientific and technological achievements.

The Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the outline of the 13th five-year Plan have clearly pointed out that remarkable progress should be made in agricultural modernization by 2020. China's agriculture is in a critical period of transformation and restructuring, and the promotion of agricultural modernization is facing severe challenges and arduous tasks. We must strengthen the cultivation of new professional farmers, actively promote the process of professionalization of farmers, and speed up the construction of a team of high-quality modern agricultural producers and operators, so as to provide a solid human resource foundation and guarantee for agricultural modernization.

II. Initial results have been achieved in the cultivation of new professional farmers in China.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have taken speeding up the cultivation of new professional farmers as a strategic task to meet the needs of agricultural modernization, which has achieved remarkable results in promoting the construction of modern agriculture. In accordance with the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, combined with reality to improve the cultivation system, strengthen system construction, and increase financial input, various localities have made efforts to improve the overall framework system for the cultivation of new-type professional farmers, and a large number of new-type professional farmers have emerged.

The work pattern of cultivating a new type of professional farmers has basically taken shape. China launched a pilot project to cultivate new-type professional farmers in 2012, launched a new-type professional farmer training project in 2014, and launched a modern young farmer training program in 2015. Driven by the central policy guidelines and national pilot demonstration, party committees and governments at all levels attach great importance to the cultivation of new-type professional farmers, list the cultivation of new-type professional farmers as a key work in agriculture and rural areas, constantly increase financial input, and implement support policies. refine the work requirements and promote the in-depth development of pilot demonstration. At present, 4 provinces, 21 cities and 487 counties across the country have established a relatively perfect demonstration and training system for new-type professional farmers, and initially formed a new-type professional farmer training pattern promoted by the government, linkage among departments, industry-driven, and farmers' initiative.

The institutional framework for the cultivation of new professional farmers has been basically established. In the cultivation link, we should adhere to education and training as the focus, standardize management as an important means, policy support as an important guarantee, and vigorously support professional farmers to start a business. In the training object, adhere to the professional farmers, family farmers, cooperative leaders, the backbone of agricultural enterprises and other production and operation of professional farmers as the focus, taking into account professional skills and professional service-oriented professional farmers. In the cultivation mode, we should carry out "one-point, two-line, whole-process" training, that is, taking industrial development as the foothold, the improvement of production skills and the level of operation and management as the two main lines, and arranging centralized training in stages according to the key links of agricultural production. to achieve full coverage of the industrial cycle. In the training level, mainly relying on agriculture-related vocational colleges and agricultural radio and television schools, for the new type of vocational farmers to carry out secondary and higher vocational education. After nearly three years of exploration and practice, China has basically established the "trinity" of education and training, standardized management and policy support, and the "three types of coordination" of production and management, professional skills and professional services. primary, intermediate, senior "three-level" new professional farmer training system framework.

The construction of a new education and training system for professional farmers will be accelerated. Proceeding from reality, all localities actively give full play to the role of agricultural radio and television schools, agriculture-related universities, scientific research and extension institutions, and enterprise and social organizations, formed a new type of "one main and pluralistic" vocational peasant education and training system with agricultural radio and television schools as the main body and multi-force participation, and explored many experiences and practices with distinctive characteristics, remarkable results, and strong representativeness. Some places rely on agriculture-related colleges and universities to establish vocational farmers' colleges to create a new professional farmer training model of "education + skills + entrepreneurship"; in some places, farmers' field schools are built by relying on farmers' cooperatives and agricultural enterprises, so that new-type professional farmers can be cultivated into industries and service industries; and in some places, relying on leading agricultural enterprises, farmers' education and training are carried out directly in the fields. At the national level, five major vocational education groups of modern agriculture, modern animal husbandry, modern fishery, modern agricultural equipment and urban agriculture have been established to explore effective ways to train new types of professional farmers such as agricultural high-skilled personnel and modern young farmers through the integration of industry and education.