
Converging the theoretical joint force of agricultural modernization

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Converging the theoretical joint force of agricultural modernization

-- A Summary of the theoretical achievements of the Annual meeting of the China Agricultural Economics Association on the 16th ○

A few days ago, the 2016 annual meeting and academic seminar of the China Agricultural Economic Association was held in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. This annual meeting revolves around the theme of "promoting agricultural supply-side structural reform and vigorously developing modern agriculture", which aims to provide theoretical support for solving hot and difficult problems in China's agricultural and rural areas and accelerating agricultural modernization under the current new situation and new challenges.

Make up for the shortcomings of industrial development and product form with reform

"Agricultural supply-side structural reform" is one of the hot words of this annual meeting. Experts attending the meeting held that this reform, which focuses on solving the contradiction between periodic oversupply and insufficient supply in the current agricultural structure, is a targeted and strategic measure aimed at the development of agriculture and rural areas. it is necessary to focus on the three tasks of eliminating inventory, reducing costs, and making up for deficiencies. It is necessary to remove the inventory through the adjustment and optimization of the layout of the corn industry, the reform of the grain collection and storage system, the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, and the value-added processing; it is necessary to adjust the thinking of scientific research, change the mode of operation, and promote industrial integration to reduce costs; it is necessary to focus on the quality and safety of agricultural products, agricultural infrastructure investment and agricultural ecological environment protection to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture.

Experts put forward that the supply-side structural reform of agriculture should build a modern agricultural industrial system in view of industrial development and the shortcomings of product forms. In response to the short development of industry, in the aspect of vertical extension, it is necessary to build a complete industrial chain from field to table and extend agricultural supply chain and value chain through industrialization, organization and large-scale operation. In the aspect of horizontal expansion, it is necessary to speed up the integration of rural industries and promote the development of leisure agriculture and tourism. In terms of breadth and depth, it will enable agriculture to dock with the development forms of "Internet +", information technology, and intelligence, and give birth to new industries and new business type.

Using science and technology to promote product upgrading and industrial chain extension

To develop modern agriculture, we must play a leading role in science and technology. The experts attending the meeting pointed out that under the guidance of industry, it is necessary to strengthen scientific and technological innovation and the application of achievements in key areas, vigorously break through a number of key technologies, and realize the transformation from "following" and "running side by side" to "leading" in the field of global agricultural science and technology.

In agricultural R & D innovation, it should not only be based on high-end, fine differentiation, diversified product demand, but also based on green, high-quality and safe product demand. It is necessary to strengthen the status of agricultural scientific research institutions as the main body of innovation, continuously increase the investment of financial funds in agricultural science and technology, enhance the autonomy of innovative subjects in allocating resources, and establish a stable mechanism to meet the requirements of scientific research and innovation. we will strengthen the building of innovative talents in agricultural science and technology and speed up international cooperation and global distribution of agricultural science and technology.

Strengthen rural development and agricultural competitiveness with policies

The transformation and upgrading of agriculture is inseparable from the targeted policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers and rich farmers. Experts attending the meeting pointed out that at present, agricultural and rural reform is deepening, practice is developing, and the situation is changing, and the concept of inclusive and shared benefits should be used throughout the policy creation, so as to establish and improve the agricultural support and protection policy system under the new situation.

Some experts have proposed to establish a policy system that is equal, efficient, high-quality, and covering urban and rural grassroots and urban and rural residents in an all-round way, and unify planning and layout, resource allocation, and institutional supply. it is necessary to tilt financial investment and allocation to the rural grass-roots level, poverty-stricken areas, and border areas, improve public policies on urban and rural public services and social security, and achieve breakthroughs in cracking the dual system of urban and rural areas.

In order to integrate the agricultural functions and the channels to increase farmers' income.

Rural industrial integration plays an important role in solving the problems of rural development, prospering rural economy and increasing farmers' income. The experts attending the meeting believed that to promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, the "characteristics" and "highlights" are the key, and the development of multiple functions and values of agriculture is the core.

Experts attending the meeting pointed out that agricultural industrial integration should shape a new horizontal structure, lengthen the industrial chain, improve the quality of factors and the efficiency of allocation, innovate the concept of agricultural management, and form a new driving force for agricultural development. it is necessary to share the dividends brought by the integration of the three industries with farmers, attract modern factors to transform traditional agriculture, expand agricultural functions, and cultivate new growth points in rural areas. Such as adhere to local conditions, regional advantages, agricultural products processing industry as related industries to cultivate and support the development of leisure tourism strategy.

Opening up to seek international layout and global food security

Under the new situation, the openness and sharing of modern agriculture are remarkable. Some experts proposed to make an in-depth study on the utilization of two kinds of resources, two markets and two kinds of rules under the background of economic globalization, and believed that China's agriculture should actively lay out the international agricultural industry chain. At present, the conditions for realizing the global layout of China's agriculture are basically mature, and the historical opportunity is rare. The "going out" of agriculture should be supported by enterprises in the front, and transferred from the production link to the layout of the whole industry chain.

Other experts have proposed to examine China's food security strategy from the perspective of global food security, pay close attention to the characteristics and trends of international food security, strengthen the comprehensive analysis and research of the global food situation, and improve China's participation and voice in international food security. at present, it is necessary to establish a common governance system of global food security and regard it as an important part of the global economic governance system.

Industry leads the development of small towns with characteristics and the integration of urban and rural areas.

To solve the current problems of uncoordinated and unbalanced urban and rural development, we must take a new way of urbanization. Some experts believe that it is necessary to formulate a more inclusive and shared policy for the integrated development of urban and rural areas, balance the allocation of urban and rural resources, and allow rural residents and migrant population to share the fruits of modernization and urban development.

"realizing the integration of urban and rural development" provides a rare opportunity for the development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in the new normal of economic development and the important period of economic and social transformation in our country. Some experts pointed out that the construction of small towns with characteristics is an important starting point for promoting urban-rural integration and an important measure for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. The construction of characteristic towns should properly handle the relationship between industry and small towns, between characteristics and nature, between government and market, between "soil" and "foreign", and to make the construction of characteristic towns an important breakthrough in the new type of urbanization in our country.

In addition, this annual meeting also conducted extensive and in-depth discussions on land transfer, rural financial supply and other issues. Chen Xiaohua, vice minister of agriculture, Chen Xiwen, vice chairman of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, Wang Julu, vice director of the Social and Rule of Law Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, and Duan Yingbi, president of the China Poverty Alleviation Foundation. Wan Baorui, chairman of the State Food and Nutrition Commission, and Li Chunsheng, former deputy director of the Council of the all-China Federation of supply and Marketing Cooperation, attended the meeting. The annual meeting was presided over by Yin Chengjie, president of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Economics.