
Rural e-commerce logistics bottleneck to be broken through e-commerce platform and postal services

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Rural e-commerce logistics bottleneck to be broken through e-commerce platform and postal services

At the beginning of this year, the "implementation Plan for promoting the Development of Rural E-commerce" issued by Guangdong Province proposed that 50 county-level e-commerce industrial parks and 100 township e-commerce operation centers should be built in the province, so as to achieve full coverage of rural e-commerce service stations in administrative villages; by 2020, the overall development level of rural e-commerce in the province will be in the forefront of the country.

In the vast rural areas of Guangdong Province, especially in remote areas, the development of e-commerce has just begun.

Nanfang Daily reporter found that rural e-commerce has encountered a lot of difficulties in the development of rural e-commerce, and there are still many bottlenecks to break through. Following 10 "sample surveys", we begin to launch a "hot spot survey" today, focusing on hot and difficult issues in the development of rural e-commerce.

Logistics costs are high, express delivery is slow, and remote areas are difficult to reach. Logistics and distribution has always been a major bottleneck of "e-commerce to the countryside", which directly affects the efficiency of industrial products to the countryside and agricultural products to the city. Over the past few months, Nanfang Daily reporters interviewed in Lianjiang, Nanxiong, Renhua, Yingde and other places, e-commerce enterprises and rural consumers talked most about the issue of logistics and distribution.

Alibaba,, SUNING and other platform enterprises are constantly exploring unique logistics solutions in the process of competing for the rural market, while traditional circulation enterprises such as supply and marketing cooperatives and postal services are also trying to take advantage of the transformation and development of rural e-commerce. For a while, models such as logistics relay, opening direct-run stores, forming alliances with rural grocery stores, and joining hands with circulation enterprises have emerged one after another, opening up wisdom space for solving the problem of "the last kilometer" of e-commerce going to the countryside.

E-commerce service stations go deep into villages and towns

Online shopping has become a part of the daily life of urban people, but it is just beginning in many rural areas. It is not that farmers do not like high-quality and inexpensive online shopping, but some agricultural machinery, agricultural materials, household appliances, often need the villagers themselves to the town or even the county to collect goods. Logistics problems have greatly affected the promotion of e-commerce in the rural market. In recent years, the major e-commerce platforms have set up e-commerce service outlets in grass-roots villages and towns, which also makes the tentacles of logistics express go deep into every corner of the rural market.

In March this year, Shixing County began to introduce the village Amoy partner system, with government subsidies and support, Alibaba to provide training and incentives, set up 33 rural Taobao service stations. The village Amoy service station mainly acts as a "buyer" for rural consumers who are inconvenient for online shopping, and has also become a transit station for the logistics and distribution of online shopping goods. At the service station in Taiping Town, Shixing County, Zou Tingting, who is disabled, told reporters that her service store can receive more than a dozen orders a day, mainly household appliances, clothing and some daily necessities, which will be delivered to the service station first. Then use electric tricycles to deliver the goods directly to the villagers' homes. By taking a certain percentage of the commission from Taobao sellers, she has a commission income of two or three thousand yuan a month.

Another e-commerce giant Group has set up a rural e-commerce service system through the model of " service center + gang", and relies on these "strongholds" to infiltrate into the rural market. It is understood that 's service center is generally located in the county seat, and manages it independently, while the "Jingdong help" service store reaches as far as grass-roots villages and towns, and the relationship with belongs to the cooperative relationship of joining. The two share the functions of rural promotion, issuing orders for customers, logistics and distribution, and so on. Lin Jianghua, a delivery man at Service Center in Lianjiang City, told reporters that he runs more than 150km a day to deliver goods to various villages and towns, and the monthly odd number has risen from 70 or so at the beginning of the job to more than 500 now. The person in charge of the service center said that the construction of rural e-commerce service outlets has greatly alleviated the problem of distribution. A few days after "double 11", the service center can complete the distribution volume of about 5000 units a day.

Zhou Weiyuan, president of Lecun Amoy Guangdong Company, believes that grocery stores and small supermarkets all over the countryside can be transformed and upgraded to rural e-commerce service sites. At present, the tentacles of Le Cun Amoy have gone deep into Shaoguan, Zhaoqing, Shanwei and other places, and its experience store has become a "transit station" for online shopping by local villagers, and the trouble of express delivery has been easily solved. In Daling Village, Renhua County, the reporter saw in Aunt Cheng's taxi shop at the entrance of the village that after joining the Le Cun Amoy Village experience Store, the store was equipped with an electronic touch screen to place orders for online shopping. "in two months, we bought more than 20 orders, including shoes, clothes, steamers, and some electrical appliances." Aunt Cheng said that usually the goods can be delivered within a week after placing an order, and then she informed the villagers to come to the store to pick up the goods.

Post and supply and marketing cooperatives turn around magnificently.

As traditional circulation enterprises, the network coverage of supply and marketing cooperatives and postal service in the vast rural areas is almost unmatched by other enterprises. Now, supply and marketing cooperatives and postal system are also accelerating the transformation, playing a more and more important role in the construction of rural logistics system.

Liao Shenghua, director of the Bureau of economy and Information Technology of Nanxiong City, told reporters that when Nanxiong applied for e-commerce to enter the rural comprehensive demonstration county last year, the partner was China Post Nanxiong Branch. China Post's postal route in Nanxiong can cover 400000 people in 18 towns. "this has also laid the foundation for solving the problem of 'the last kilometer' of rural e-commerce in the future." According to Liao Shenghua, at present, in Nanxiong, the Post has set up rural e-commerce service stations in 18 towns, and 100 village-level e-commerce service stations will be completed by the end of this year. At that time, this logistics advantage of overnight delivery will be realized in more villages and towns.

Xinhui District of Jiangmen City has entrusted the heavy burden of integrating and leading the development of rural e-commerce to the supply and marketing cooperative system. These old shops, which have been ploughing the rural market for many years and reaching rural streets and towns, have been connected to the Internet and transformed into "online stores" full of modern genes-- e-commerce service stations. Huang Ruilou, deputy mayor of Xinhui District, told reporters that by October, supply and marketing cooperatives in 50 villages and towns in the region will be upgraded, and more than 190 administrative villages in the district are expected to set up e-commerce service stations next year. At that time, supply and marketing cooperatives will become an important stronghold for the development of rural e-commerce, opening up all aspects of product uplink and distribution.

In Britain and Germany, supply and marketing cooperatives are also a new force in the development of rural e-commerce. After being included in the pilot project of the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives in the province in 2014, the management model of "Internet + supply and marketing cooperatives + farmers cooperatives + farmers" has been gradually explored. Yingde City is the largest county-level city in Guangdong. it is a long way between county and town, town and village. if you want to enter the village from county to town, the logistics problem must be solved. Fu Shangbo, director of the Yingde supply and Marketing Society, told the reporter that Yingde followed the idea of e-commerce development based on the overall planning of urban and rural areas and the combination of online and offline. Combined with the advantages and characteristics of supply and marketing cooperatives, it adopted the method of "combining reality with reality, taking the big with the small," from county towns to townships, from townships to villages and towns, to promote the construction of rural e-commerce entity network in depth. "at present, we have developed 68 town and village service stations of supply and marketing cooperatives, and this year we will build 24 town-level service centers and 120 village-level service stations, so as to achieve full coverage of 24 towns (streets) in the city and basically solve the problem of the 'last kilometer' of rural circulation."

Big data helps

Rural warehousing logistics is more efficient.

If the village and town service station is the terminal nerve of the rural e-commerce logistics network, which undertakes the function of receiving and transferring express parcels, then, as the warehousing and logistics center of the central nervous system, it also plays a vital role in the efficiency and speed of the whole logistics system. In fact, both and SUNING spare no effort to build county-level warehousing and logistics centers in the process of expanding the rural market to ensure that goods purchased online can be quickly delivered to rural consumers.

After groping in recent years, Ali's Cainiao network has chosen a two-pronged approach-sinking goods in self-built warehouses and invigorating existing capacity in the area. On the one hand, big data predicts that the Cainiao network will sink household appliances and agricultural tools that are more in line with the buying habits of rural areas to Cainiao county warehouses ahead of time, achieving 50% daily arrival and 100% daily arrival; on the other hand, Cainiao network uses data systems to organize express delivery and logistics companies around the country to build a more extensive distribution network in rural areas. In September this year, Cainiao online launched the county intelligent logistics product "Orange Transport" and established a transport capacity service platform oriented to the regional logistics market through big data algorithm. Merchants sent orders to drivers who joined logistics companies through mobile phones, and the details of parcel logistics can be traced back.