
Why Land Bank is the only way to solve the problems of Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Why Land Bank is the only way to solve the problems of Agriculture, Countryside and Farmers

Land bank, as its name implies, is a financial institution that deals with land. Here, the target of deposit and loan is land. The land bank centralizes the scattered idle land in the hands of farmers and then transfers it to the large agricultural growers through the way of "zero deposit and whole loan", which can effectively speed up the circulation of agricultural land and promote the formation of agricultural industrialization and scale. It is the only way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

With the continuous introduction of relevant policies, the speed and scale of land circulation are increasing, and the exploration of the mode of land circulation has become particularly important and urgent. this paper will introduce in detail several common modes of land bank and land circulation, and analyze their characteristics in order to help the public better understand the economic and social significance of land circulation.

Chengdu model-- villager autonomy, government support, market operation, cooperative operation

In December 2008, the first agricultural resources management cooperative (Land Bank) in Pengzhou City, Chengdu-the Huangcheng Agricultural Resources Management Professional Cooperative in Cifeng Town was officially put into operation. This is Chengdu's bold innovation on the basis of the reform of the rural land property right system. It is a village-level collective economic organization engaged in land ownership deposit and loan business.

The specific operation mode of Chengdu Land Bank refers to the government coming forward to organize, on the basis of farmers' willingness, to classify, integrate or appropriately transform the contracted land use rights of farmers in a certain area, rural collective construction land use rights, and farmers' homestead use rights after "dismantling and merging homes". On the premise of maintaining the basic agricultural use unchanged, "loan" to other agricultural enterprises or farmers with land demand. The land demanders pay the land bank the storage value, consolidation and development value of the land and the loan interest of the sum of the two in the same period, and the land bank cashes the storage value to the farmers.

As the first area to set up a land bank, Chengdu follows the operation mode of villagers' autonomy, government support, market operation and cooperative operation, which ensures the proper concentration and scale operation of land and realizes the maximization of land benefits. it also fundamentally protects the interests of farmers, achieves the goal of "win-win" for all parties, and provides valuable experience for later generations.

Magpie Mountain Model-- Land Bank, Professional Cooperative, Professional Farmer, Service Enterprise

The "magpie mountain model" of "Land Bank + Professional Cooperative + Professional Farmer + Service Enterprise" in Queshan Village, Chengqiao Town, Ningxiang County, Hunan Province, integrates the scattered fields of farmers, which is similar to the "zero deposit and withdrawal" of the bank. the overall circulation of land in the whole village has solved the problem of land abandonment commonly existing in the village in only two years. A land cooperative was set up in the village, which included all the 4205 mu of arable land in the village; the land cooperative rented the land as a whole to the grain specialized cooperatives set up by the villagers spontaneously, and the grain professional cooperatives divided the land into a number of production areas according to the scale of 50-100mu, handed it over to capable land farmers by competitive bidding, and provided them with paid services such as agricultural machinery, agricultural materials, warehousing, drying, and so on.

Today, the "magpie mountain model" has long been out of the magpie mountain, and teams from all over the country have come to visit and learn from the magpie mountain village. Ningxiang promotes this model in 40 administrative villages of 24 townships in the county, while Changsha promotes it throughout the city. at present, 136 administrative villages have successfully copied the "Magpie Mountain Model". This model has successfully solved the contradiction that "there are fields without people, and people without fields" in rural areas. people who do not want to grow grain can feel at ease to go outside to make money, and large households who want to grow grain should give priority to planting on a large scale. Farmers can get rent and enjoy secondary dividends from land cooperatives. If you are willing to farm the land, there is also a sum of labor and wage income.

Gongzhuling model-- government-enterprise cooperation, tripartite co-construction, Internet +, serving agriculture, rural areas and farmers

On August 19, 2016, the opening ceremony of Gongzhuling Agricultural Land Financial Trading Center and Mengjia Farmers' Land Stock specialized Cooperative in Fanjiatun Town, Fanjiatun Town was held at Fanjiatun Branch of Gongzhuling Agricultural Commercial Bank, indicating that the construction of Gongzhuling City "Land Bank" has entered a substantive stage.

Gongzhuling Agricultural Commercial Bank signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Hunan Land flow Information Co., Ltd. ( and Gongzhuling Rural Economic Administration Bureau to jointly build Gongzhuling farmland property rights transaction center and land financial transaction center. Agricultural land financial trading center is a non-profit organization led by the government and serving "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". The center provides financial services in the aspects of capital settlement, loan financing and so on. At present, the platform of Gongzhuling Rural property Rights Trading Center, which is supported by, has been officially put into operation, which integrates news and information, policies and regulations, mortgage financing, transaction bidding, project management, contract file management, dispute mediation, project announcement, transaction rules, service center and other functions.

Compared with the land banks in the other two places, Gongzhuling City finds its own way in the two mainstream paths of government supervision and market-oriented operation, and seeks a balance fulcrum in private capital and agriculture-related public welfare services. innovatively adopt the model of "government-enterprise cooperation" to introduce, a comprehensive service platform for land circulation, which has been developed for 7 years. Grafting the credibility of the government with the advanced land transfer mode and professional technology of Internet +, it has made bold innovations to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in an all-round way.