
Agricultural insurance should be applauded as well as popular.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Agricultural insurance should be applauded as well as popular.

Agriculture is inherently weak because of its long production cycle, great environmental impact and high investment risk. The development of agricultural insurance can improve the ability of agricultural producers to resist risks, so it is widely valued by countries all over the world. Since the promulgation of the regulations on Agricultural Insurance in 2012, agricultural insurance has ushered in an upsurge of development, but it has not yet got rid of the dilemma of "applause but not popularity": although governments at all levels have made great efforts to promote agricultural insurance, the enthusiasm of the majority of farmers to participate in the insurance is not high, and it is common that agricultural insurance is not popular. In order to realize agricultural insurance, it is necessary to solve the bottleneck problem that restricts the development of agricultural insurance.

Behind the "praise but not popularity" of agricultural insurance is a concentrated reflection of the various bottlenecks faced by the development of agricultural insurance for a long time. First of all, China's agricultural mode of production is relatively backward, the idea of "relying on heaven for a living" is deep-rooted among agricultural producers, and the awareness of risk and insurance is weak. Secondly, the risk of agricultural production is high, the procedure of insurance claims settlement is tedious, and the enthusiasm of insurance institutions to participate in agricultural insurance is not high. China is a country with frequent natural disasters, the development of facility agriculture is backward, the ability to resist natural disasters is poor, and the disaster rate and disaster rate of agriculture have been high. Therefore, compared with other commercial insurance, agricultural insurance has higher compensation rate and lower income, and it is difficult to settle claims and determine claims. At present, except for a few insurance institutions to carry out agricultural insurance business, most insurance institutions are still holding back. The existing agricultural insurance business has a single type of insurance, narrow coverage and small amount of insurance, so it is difficult to effectively protect agricultural production and reduce farmers' economic losses, which also affects the popularity of agricultural insurance products in rural areas. Finally, policy-oriented agricultural insurance is greatly restricted by the financial resources of local governments. Compared with the agricultural premium subsidy of more than 50% in western developed countries, even in the western region with the highest agricultural insurance subsidy rate, it is only about 40%. This also restricts the development of agricultural insurance.

From a worldwide point of view, agricultural insurance plays an important role in countries and regions where modern agricultural development is more successful, and is called the "stabilizer" of agricultural production. To explore its successful experience in the development of agricultural insurance, it is worth learning from the following aspects: the establishment of a relatively complete insurance legal system, it defines the security objectives, the way for farmers to participate in insurance, the amount and way of initial capital raised, and the reparations and treatment methods accumulated in excess of the total reserve under abnormal disasters, which can effectively protect the interests of farmers. Adopt the agricultural insurance model of voluntary and compulsory combination, implement statutory insurance and compulsory insurance for a few agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing products and major crops related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and the premium rate is relatively low; the government subsidizes agricultural insurance, not only the premium but also the management cost; attach importance to giving full play to the role of professional agricultural insurance institutions and support commercial insurance institutions in operating agricultural insurance Establish an agricultural reinsurance mechanism and provide reinsurance for agricultural insurance by commercial insurance institutions and reinsurance institutions supported by the government or the government.

The development of agricultural insurance is related to the development of modern agriculture and the improvement of farmers' income. First of all, improve the pertinence and effectiveness of financial support policies. The central government will focus on ensuring safety and people's livelihood, and increasing insurance support for strategic agricultural products and major grain varieties. Local finance focuses on protecting key points and advantages, and strives to develop characteristic and advantageous varieties of insurance that play a great role in increasing farmers' income and have great potential for industrial development. Second, promote insurance types and business model innovation. We will speed up the transformation from a single basic risk protection to output insurance, income insurance, price insurance and index insurance, give insurance institutions greater autonomy and expand the space for farmers to choose their own insurance policies. On the basis of strengthening policy-oriented agricultural insurance, we should explore "Internet + agricultural insurance" and actively develop general commercial agricultural insurance and mutual-aid agricultural insurance. efforts will be made to solve the problems of scattered policyholders, high operating costs, complex procedures for surveying and determining losses, and so on. Third, construct the comprehensive guarantee system of agricultural insurance. On the basis of doing a good job in primary agricultural insurance, we should speed up the development of agricultural reinsurance and catastrophe insurance to form a three-level risk protection system with clear business, clear rights and responsibilities and adequate protection. At the same time, we should develop the socialized service of agricultural insurance and establish a third-party evaluation mechanism to improve the efficiency and credibility of agricultural insurance. It needs to be emphasized that the development of agricultural insurance is inseparable from the government's macro-control and market supervision. According to the thinking of the combination of release and management, government departments should correctly grasp the specific policy objectives such as market access, tax and fee concessions, credit support, reinsurance development and catastrophe prevention, and strengthen the top-level design and macro-control related to the overall and public policy system. We should supervise the market activities in the micro field during and after the event, and strive to cultivate a fair, reasonable and orderly agricultural insurance market order and environment.