
How to play "double 11" by rural "electric waiter"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to play "double 11" by rural "electric waiter"

Reading Tip: rural e-commerce has increasingly become the highlight of "double 11". Not only the uplink of agricultural products enriches the e-commerce market, but also the huge consumption potential in rural areas has become the main battlefield of "double 11". How can the e-commerce platform better serve the consumer groups of farmers, and how can the "e-waiters" from rural areas better cope with the opportunities brought by the development of e-commerce? Please take a look at our reporter's report from Zhejiang, where e-commerce is developed.

"double 11" carnival, more and more not only belong to the city. With the full penetration of e-commerce in rural areas, in the face of the super temptation of shopping, farmers are also looking forward to it early in the morning, waiting for the bell to ring in the early hours of November 11, ready to "do a big job".

But there are differences between rural areas and cities. For farmers, in addition to enjoying the same convenient and worthwhile shopping experience as in the city, what is more important is how to open the sales channels of agricultural products, promote product brands and achieve premium sales with the help of e-commerce platform. For traditional agriculture, the bigger proposition is how to better complete the transformation of the supply chain through "touching the net", so as to connect the huge consumer market.

With these questions, the reporter conducted an in-depth interview, trying to interpret the deep meaning of this upcoming event for rural e-commerce from the perspective of Ali village Amoy strategy, a village Amoy partner and more agricultural e-commerce operators.

Village Amoy: the Wisdom Countryside starts here

As the maker of "double 11", Alibaba is undoubtedly the biggest focus. After its listing in the United States in September 2014, Ali officially regarded agriculture-related e-commerce as one of the three major strategies in the future. Immediately, Ali announced the launch of the "Thousand Counties and Thousand villages Plan", which plans to invest 10 billion yuan to establish 1000 county-level service centers and 100000 village-level service stations in the next three to five years.

In the specific model, Ali builds a service network at the county and village levels, gives full play to the advantages of e-commerce, breaks through the bottlenecks of logistics and information flow, and the deficiency of talents and consciousness, and creates a two-way circulation function of "online goods to the countryside" and "agricultural products to the city". Of course, the first step of the whole project is purchasing agents.

After two years of development, as of August this year, rural Taobao has landed in 29 provinces, the number of rural Taobao partners and Amoy helpers is close to 20,000. The reporter learned that this year's "double 11", rural Taobao also carried out at the same time. This is the first time for many businessmen who have just settled in the village Amoy platform, and it is obviously an uphill battle.

Sun Lijun, vice president of Ali and general manager of the Rural Taobao Business Department, said at the 2016 County Ecological E-Commerce Festival and double 11 Rural E-Commerce Expo held in Hefei, Anhui Province on October 13th that this year's village Amoy will focus on penetrating the rural market through services. "in the previous village Amoy 2.0 strategy, we and merchants are more concerned about selling goods. But in the 3.0 strategy, service will be a core for merchants to upgrade. "

The reporter learned in an interview with Alibaba that different from last year, after the village Amoy is upgraded to the "3.0 strategy," it will lay out the "double 11" around the new "three centers," namely, the ecological service center, the business incubation center, and the cultural public welfare center. The role of partners in the whole village will also change from an entrepreneur to a rural service provider.

How exactly does it change? For example, village Taobo will no longer simply shop and sell goods, but will access all the resources of Ali's system, from e-commerce, finance, medical care, education to entertainment, so that farmers can enjoy the intelligent rural services brought about by the Internet. Ali can get more rural big data. For example, in the future, with village Taobao as the core, more businesses engaged in local services will be incubated, as well as upstream shops for agricultural products and industrial products.

According to reports, today, Ali Village Amoy's entire downward logistics cost has been effectively reduced, and this cost reduction will drive more agricultural products up. At present, the village Amoy team is relying on Ali retail platform and village Amoy Tian Tian channel to carry out uplink work. At the same time, when the regional agricultural products reach a certain scale, the collection and batch collection will be realized through the 1688 platform.

Wu Yanfeng: rural New School Entrepreneur

November 1, in the online world, is also called "Little Singles Day". For Wu Yanfeng, the rural shopping spree she led began on this day and will last until the end of Singles' Day. On the same day, in the square of Wuzhai Village, Zhongshan Township, Tonglu, Zhejiang Province, a convertible car was used as the stage, Wu Yanfeng tugged at the throat, promoting warm shoes, cotton-padded clothes and other products.

Tonglu is the location where Ali Village Amoy established its first county-level service center, and now there are more than 220 villages. Approaching the "double 11", under the organization of the county-level service center, all the village partners are fully riveted. According to the plan, from October 21 to 31, it will mainly go to the home to investigate the needs of the villagers; from November 1 to 10, there will be spot sales, and some goods will be sold in advance; and on the 11th, it will be fully liberalized, just like the city. Orders need to be snapped up.

"in terms of time, the shopping spree in the countryside is longer than that in the city, and there are more and more promotional methods." In the following week, Wu Yanfeng will form a "six-man team" with partners from Amoy sites in several surrounding villages and take turns to show sales in each village. "each of our partners has dozens of samples, which is very rich together."

Convertibles are uniformly distributed by county-level service centers. In Tonglu, there are nearly 20 such teams, each with a car. How exactly do you shout? Everyone will show their talents, whether they play games or give out welfare, but they will do everything they can. In the past, a group of people did not know how to recommend, but now they have all become "marketing masters" after being honed.

Wu Yanfeng sold more than 800,000 yuan of goods during the Singles Day holiday last year. Surprisingly, she sold three cars. How did you do that? Wu Yanfeng's secret is to grasp the needs of farmers and provide supporting services. This is not this year. A long time ago, Wu Yanfeng began to travel from house to house, handing out leaflets and filling out questionnaires. Every day starts at 3 o'clock in the afternoon until 8: 00 or 9: 00 in the evening.

Where does Wu Yanfeng get so much creativity and energy? You might think that she must be a young girl. But as soon as the reporter asked, she was nearly half a hundred years old. before she did village Amoy in 2014, she did not even know how to use a computer. She was a pure "online shopping rookie". It is her willingness to bear hardships and her willingness to learn that Wu Yanfeng has become a "village Amoy person". Now, every month, her village Taoban sales are more than 50,000 yuan. On November 1, Wu Yanfeng pre-sold 20 household appliances.

Wu Yanfeng said that since there are village Amoy sites, people's awareness of e-commerce is getting stronger and stronger, and when they buy, they sell. Now, many farmers come to the door on their own initiative, asking if they can sell their inexhaustible agricultural products online. Tang Zhongqiang, head of the county-level service center in Taotonglu, told reporters that they are implanting "community functions" to realize the online trading of local agricultural products.

Agricultural products sellers: the bigger the market, the greater the challenge.

The reporter learned that in the "double 11", many sellers of agricultural products do not have a special "cold" because the burst of logistics is a great challenge to fresh agricultural products. Moreover, many sellers also say frankly that the threshold for selling agricultural products on Taobao platform is getting higher and higher, and many large-scale uplink can only be completed by the platform directly going deep into the front-end supply chain and giving traffic support.

As a result, many sellers are now turning to the rising WeChat merchants. Today, the strength of this "ant army" of Weiqun is also not to be underestimated. In the "double 11", many primary processed agricultural products with low logistics requirements have also begun to come to the fore. The merchants are ready to make money in the carnival.

Ma Gongzuo, a "post-85" youth, is one of them. After graduating from Xiao Ma University, I did clothing Taobao in Hangzhou for two years. Seeing that it was difficult to sell honey at home, I returned to Hengzhang Village, Dadongba Town, Songyang County, and began to help my father sell honey online. His approach is: through Wechat, online live broadcast of the whole process of beekeeping and honey cutting, where the native honey comes from and how it tastes, so that consumers can see clearly.