
Win the basic "hard Battle" of deepening Rural Reform

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Win the basic "hard Battle" of deepening Rural Reform

More than 30 years ago, as a major adjustment of rural production relations, "guaranteed production to household" and "guaranteed work to household" greatly liberated rural productive forces and solved the problem of feeding hundreds of millions of people in one fell swoop.

More than 30 years later, under the spring tide of urbanization, industrialization and global integration, the pressure of transformation and upgrading of rural society and agricultural mode of production is increasing, and the problem of how to release rural vitality is again in front of us.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the forum on rural reform in Xiaogang Village, Anhui Province: "the main line of deepening rural reform under the new situation is still to properly handle the relationship between farmers and land." As an important practice of correctly dealing with the relationship between farmers and land, the registration and issuance of rural land contractual management right is blooming and bearing fruit in the land of Qilu.

Shandong, a major agricultural province with a large rural population, has undertaken the arduous task of pilot projects since 2013, not only to implement the registration and certification of land rights in the province, but also to accumulate experience and wade out the way for the whole country. The Shandong provincial party committee and government accurately grasped the complexity, difficulty, and sensitivity of the work, made overall layout and scientific planning, and organized and arranged meticulously from various links such as organizational guarantee, policy propaganda, technical design, and working procedures. It took three years to basically complete the registration and certification of rural land rights in the province, which laid a solid foundation for further deepening rural reform and liberating and developing rural productive forces.

Recently, the reporter set foot on this land, which is in the midst of the spring tide of reform, visited the "positive, steady, and rapid" process of the new round of rural reform, witnessed the vivid scene of "giving true power, registering accurate records, and issuing iron certificates." feel the unprecedented changes that Shandong villages are undergoing.

With top-level design, scientific planning and orderly development, the registration and certification of land rights in the province has been steadily developed.

March 15, 2013 is destined to be an unusual day for the broad masses of farmers in Shandong Province.

On this day, a special meeting was held in Yinan County, located in Yimeng Mountain area. Wang Junmin, then deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, Zhao Runtian, vice governor, and party and government leaders, agricultural directors, and leaders of some provincial units from all over the province sat in the conference room, pondering how the land registration and certification work, which has a bearing on the vital interests of more than 17 million farmers in the province, would be carried out.

Shandong has jurisdiction over 17 districts and cities, 131counties (cities and districts) with the task of registering and issuing rural land rights, plus various county-level development zones, a total of 156units and 77070 villages (communities) with arable land. According to the second land survey, all agricultural land in the province covers an area of 112.65 million mu and cultivated land covers an area of 92.96 million mu, of which 89.867 million mu are cultivated land contracted by households in the second round of extension contracts, involving 17.653 million household contracts. It is obviously a huge test in front of party committees and governments at all levels.

This is a basic project for deepening rural reform, and it is also an "uphill battle".

The Shandong provincial party committee and the provincial government regard the registration and certification of the right of contracted management of rural land as an important task of comprehensively deepening rural reform. as a basic project to stabilize and improve the basic management system in rural areas, realize and safeguard the property rights and interests of farmers, and promote social harmony and stability in rural areas, it is carefully organized and carefully arranged.

In order to strengthen organizational leadership, Shandong Province has set up a leading group for land registration and certification work, which is composed of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and the vice governor in charge of the provincial party committee, the general office of the provincial party committee, the general office of the provincial government, the agricultural and industrial office of the provincial party committee, the provincial department of agriculture, the provincial department of finance, the provincial department of land and resources, the provincial government's legal system office, the provincial archives bureau, and the provincial government's financial office.

The leading group of the provincial party committee for comprehensively deepening reform specially listened to the report on the work of the whole province; Jiang Yikang, secretary of the provincial party committee, and Guo Shuqing, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee and governor, repeatedly gave instructions and put forward requirements on the handling of major issues at key points; and Gong Zheng, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, made a special trip to the Agriculture Department to supervise the construction of the information system for the registration and certification of rural land rights.

All cities, counties and townships have also generally set up leading groups and working organizations led by leaders in charge of party committees and governments and attended by responsible comrades of relevant departments, forming a work leadership and coordination mechanism with unified leadership of the party committee and government, division of labor and cooperation among relevant departments, and overall linkage of upper and lower work.

Wang Jinbao, director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Agriculture, said: "the whole work of the registration and issuance of rural land rights in our province is in accordance with the requirements of 'the village level is the main body of implementation, the township level is the main body of responsibility, and the county-level party committee and government is responsible for the overall responsibility', decompose the task step by step and implement the responsibility step by step, and build a work promotion mechanism to grasp level by level and implement layer by layer, so as to ensure that the work of the province is carried out actively and effectively.

Since 2014, the provincial party committee has incorporated the registration and certification of rural land rights into the comprehensive assessment of scientific development in the province for three consecutive years. "

The registration and certification of land rights in Shandong Province has been carried out steadily on the basis of the pilot project. Starting from the village-level pilot project, it has been gradually expanded to towns, counties, cities and even the whole province. First, cut a hole in some places where the foundation of the second-round extension contract is solid and the contracted account is intact, sum up the methods, accumulate experience, and then push forward to the places where the situation is more complicated.

What are the aspects of the registration and issuance of rural land rights? How many steps are there? What work links and contents are included? In order to establish unified normative requirements for the whole province, Shandong Province has successively arranged two rounds of pilot projects in Tengzhou City, Changyi City and other places. Gradually explored and summed up in line with the reality of Shandong rural land registration certificate "5123" work method (that is, the whole work is divided into five stages: organization publicity, investigation and verification, boundary surveying and mapping, examination and confirmation, data archiving. The 12 working steps are as follows: setting up a working team, policy promotion and mobilization, collection of relevant materials, household investigation and verification, on-the-spot boundary survey and mapping, input of relevant information, formation of cadastral sketches, confirmation of space location and area, filling in confirmation forms and signing contracts, establishment and improvement of registration books, issuance of contractual management rights certificates, establishment of information system and filing of materials. 3 list publicity system: the first list publicizes the results of the survey of household members and contracted land information in the second round of extended contracts; the second list publicizes the cadastral sketches of the location and mapping area of contracted land behind the boundary; the third list publicizes the cadastral maps of farmers' contracted land area, four to and spatial location after error correction, which shall be signed and confirmed by peasant household representatives after no objection. ) and promoted at the provincial level to ensure that the work of the province is vertical and horizontal, moving in step and advancing as a whole.

In order to strengthen guidance, the Provincial Agriculture Department and other departments have formulated guiding documents such as "opinions on carrying out the Registration and Certification work of Rural Land contractual Management right Registration" and "Shandong Rural Land contractual Management right Registration and Certification work Plan". The answers to legal and policy questions related to the registration and certification of rural land contractual management rights in Shandong Province and the compilation of work materials have been compiled and distributed to all localities to learn and grasp.

Legal and policy questions and answers are related to 34 universal problems encountered in the work of confirming land rights, which guide the specific operation at the grass-roots level, and can not tolerate the slightest deviation. The office of the leading group of provincial land registration and certification organizes special personnel to sort out policies one by one, so that they can not only comply with laws and regulations, but also guide problem solving.

In order to ensure the smooth development of the work, the provincial government has incorporated the funds required for this work into the financial budget to guarantee it. On the basis of 10 yuan per mu subsidized by the central government, the provincial finance subsidized another 5 yuan per mu, and the provincial, municipal, and county levels invested a total of 1.67 billion yuan, which really achieved the goal of not spending a penny on farmers.

The registration and issuance of rural land rights is a systematic project involving the vital interests of thousands of farmers, strong policy and technology, and complicated tasks. In order to firmly and steadily promote this reform, Shandong Province insists that progress is subordinate to quality, that a number of mature groups will issue a number of certificates, and that they will resolutely refrain from eating "raw rice."

"in order to find out the actual situation, we adopt the method of random sampling, take a map of the whole city, randomly select counties, randomly select villages, and randomly enter households, that is, to see if the certificate has been issued to the farmers and whether the people are satisfied. The ultimate goal is to give farmers a real right to contracted management of land and issue an ironclad certificate with legal effect that can stand the test of history. " Chu Ruiyun, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, said.