
Intensification is the general trend of agricultural development

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Intensification is the general trend of agricultural development

To establish a new agricultural production model is to use market-oriented means to establish an intensive agricultural production cooperative organization on a voluntary basis, so as to make agricultural production on the road of industrialization and science and technology.

The large-scale development of urbanization and urbanization has led to the hollowing out and aging of some rural areas, especially after a large number of young and middle-aged people in rural areas have entered the cities to work or even settle down, the farmland in some areas has been abandoned. Who will cultivate the land has become a prominent problem.

In fact, behind this problem, one problem that cannot be bypassed is that the income of agricultural production is still low. Therefore, to answer this question is to greatly improve the level of labor productivity of agricultural production and make agricultural production an attractive industry. The biggest problem of agricultural production in China is that the level of farming technology is not high, and its production efficiency is very low. In order to solve this problem, we need to reform the current form of agricultural organization, and agriculture should embark on the road of intensive development, so as to liberate farmers and improve agricultural labor productivity.

At present, the household land contract system is widely implemented in the rural areas of our country, which effectively improved the labor productivity at the beginning of the reform and opening up. However, the abandonment of land in some areas is caused by the fact that land contractors are no longer willing to farm land after entering the city or engaged in other industries, and it is difficult to transfer land due to institutional constraints. To solve this problem, it is necessary to establish a new agricultural production model, which is to establish an intensive agricultural production cooperative organization by market-oriented means and on a voluntary basis, so as to make agricultural production similar to industrialization and science and technology.

Recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the opinions on improving the method of separating the Management right of Rural Land ownership, which is another major institutional innovation in agricultural reform after the household contract responsibility system. It provides an institutional guarantee for intensive agricultural management. According to the opinions of the "two offices", after the implementation of the reform of "separation of powers", a model of "agricultural land owned by farmers and used for agriculture" has been established, and farmers who go to cities or engage in other industries can lease and transfer the contracted land to other people. land management rights can be activated, and optimal allocation of land resources can also be achieved. Through this intensive model, agricultural science and technology, agricultural mechanization can be widely used, agricultural labor productivity can be greatly improved, so that agricultural production and management has become an attractive industry for employment and entrepreneurs.

In Europe and the United States and other developed countries and regions, the intensive development of agriculture has already formed a scale. In these countries, farmers have become agricultural workers, and China's agricultural development should also take this road. After such a reform, there is a reassuring answer to the question of who will farm the land. Chinese farmers in the future will no longer be the traditional image of facing up to the earth and covered in mud and sweat, but modern agricultural entrepreneurs with knowledge, technology, management and market knowledge.