
There are still many good policies on agriculture, rural areas and farmers whose good intentions have not turned out to be good.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, There are still many good policies on agriculture, rural areas and farmers whose good intentions have not turned out to be good.

To make up for the shortcomings of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", the supporting policy cannot be absent. Take a walk in the fields and sit in the old farmer's house. Good policies don't just "look beautiful."

There are a lot of financial policies to support agriculture, but many farmers' loans are still a difficult problem. The experiences of two big growers I heard a few days ago are thought-provoking:

A large corn grower in a northern province said that not long ago, local banks organized large banks to dock, and at the meeting, banks expressed their position one after another to implement the guarantee mortgage policy as soon as possible and increase farmers' loans. But the meeting was lively and cold, and his family was looking for a bank, but the threshold was still very high, and the "God of Wealth" was hard to see, but in the end he was happy.

Another big rice family from Anhui is in a different situation. He said that when the local finance set up a risk fund, not only the land management rights were successfully loaned to the loan, but also interest concessions were offered. More intimately, considering the agricultural production cycle, the interest can be repaid on a quarterly basis.

The same as the above policy, why is the landing effect different? The key is to see whether the relevant local departments take it seriously and whether the measures can be approachable. The difficulty of rural loans is a "hard bone". For the new business main body, the investment is large, and the most lack of funds. However, there are many loan procedures, complex procedures, low amount and short term, which restrict their development. For banks, the risk of agriculture is great, and farmers have no mortgage guarantee, and it is understandable that they are reluctant to lend. In order to solve this problem, the central government has continuously issued policies to clear the roadblocks for rural loans. However, a good policy needs to be linked up and down. If you just sit in the office and pat your head and come up with measures, or become a mere formality, simplifying demand docking into a forum, no matter how good the policy sounds, no matter how good the policy sounds, farmers will not be satisfied.

Many good intentions have not been achieved in the policies of strengthening agricultural support and benefiting farmers issued by various localities: in some places, structural adjustment plans have been introduced, but agricultural material services and technical guidance have failed to keep up, and farmers dare not and will not grow; some have formulated policies to support returning home to start businesses, but the threshold is too high for entrepreneurs who are in urgent need of start-up funds to enjoy it; provide free training to farmers, but the content is simple and repetitive, and farmers' enthusiasm for participation is not high. These good policies "look beautiful", but they are not approachable. Why? Some are not in-depth research and docking with the needs of farmers are not accurate; some are unable to keep up with supporting measures, resulting in "making it difficult to do"; and some are full of departments whose interests are divided, "when the fruit is ripe, they rush to pick it, and make a detour when they encounter difficulties."

At present, the development momentum of rural agriculture is good, but there are also many difficulties. The task of structural adjustment is heavy and difficult, there are many debts in rural infrastructure, and there is still a large gap between urban and rural areas. To make up for the shortcomings of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", the supporting policy cannot be absent. Farmers are often heard to complain: "Why do you break your leg and grind your mouth, but good policies just don't fall on us?" It can be seen that the policy is not approachable, not only affect the sense of achievement of farmers, but also hurt the hearts of farmers.

To make the policy approachable, the government should strengthen its "internal force". To improve the level of policy formulation, we might as well take a walk in the fields, sit in the homes of old farmers, think what farmers think, and solve the difficulties of farmers. Only in this way can the policies introduced have a more earthy flavor. The ability of policy implementation should also be strengthened, and farmers are increasingly divided, including the elderly and children who stay in their hometown, migrant workers, traditional farmers who stick to one mu and three mu of land, and new operators who dare to take the lead. How can good policies accurately meet the needs of different groups and fully benefit the development differences of different villages is an urgent problem to be solved. Cadres should have more "ability panic", constantly improve their abilities, find more problems from reality, make policy details more solid, and break through the last kilometer of top-level design and grass-roots implementation.

To solve the various contradictions and problems faced by agricultural and rural development, it is essential to deepen reform. Historical experience shows that no matter how it is changed, the strength of the policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting farmers and rich peasants cannot be weakened. With more hands and thicker shoulders to help fellow villagers, farmers can be more determined and confident on their way to a well-off society.