
What problems have rural e-commerce really solved?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What problems have rural e-commerce really solved?

The Internet has been under the banner of rural e-commerce in order to win the last uncultivated field of the Internet, but there is a lot of thunder and little rain in front of us.

Many people think that doing rural e-commerce is just a "net" and a computer thing.

In fact, this is not the case, to do rural e-commerce is not so good, to enter the rural e-commerce is actually very difficult.

After Premier Li Keqiang released the "Internet +" plan in 2015, many people put their future money-making tricks in rural areas. E-commerce is a gold mine to be developed in rural areas, so rural areas must be a big development market in the future.

But many people do not understand, what on earth is rural e-commerce? Why do you want to do rural e-commerce? What problems can rural e-commerce solve? The following Nongjun (official account: nyguancha) will tell you about it!

What is rural e-commerce?

Baidu encyclopedia definition: rural e-commerce (rural e-commerce), through the network platform to graft a variety of resources to serve rural areas, expand rural information service business, service areas, and make it become a three rural information service stations all over counties, towns and villages. As a rural e-commerce platform, the entity terminal is directly rooted in rural areas to serve agriculture, rural areas and farmers, which really makes the services of agriculture, rural areas and farmers on the ground and makes farmers become the biggest beneficiaries of the platform.

The definition of mass media: rural e-commerce is through the Internet platform to achieve industrial products to the countryside, agricultural products to cities, resources docking and other functions, and through the Internet to connect agriculture, rural areas, farmers and cities to exchange needed goods and share resources.

Now there are too many related concepts, some call agricultural products e-commerce, some call county e-commerce, there are agriculture-related e-commerce, and agricultural e-commerce, a little bit chaotic. Behind these concepts of rural e-commerce, there is even a basic common sense premise-what is e-commerce is not clear.

In fact, so far, the concept of rural e-commerce is more complex, everyone's ideas are different, that depends on how you understand this rural e-commerce!

Why do we want to do rural e-commerce?

First, to meet the practical needs of farmers

Rural e-commerce is a livelihood project. Let's take a look around the countryside. How hard is it for rural people to pay a telephone bill? How hard is it to buy some branded products? At a glance at the exotic fake and shoddy products that appear in the rural market, we can see that the rural e-commerce market has great potential. The rural consumer market is unable to rise, and there is the problem of "not being able to afford it" and even "unable to buy it". In a subjective sense, the timing of e-commerce is better. Both the professional research of McKinsey and the data on Alibaba platform give a realistic answer that rural e-commerce has a lot of "money".

Second, it can promote young people to return to their hometown to start their own businesses.

We shout year after year, young people, hurry back to the countryside, or who will farm tomorrow? But I didn't go back even though I shouted at the top of my voice. Why? If we do not create a young man who is willing to work, earn a good income and make a decent living in the countryside, who is willing to go back? If we go farming again like the older generation of farmers, young people will definitely not do it.

But after the rural e-commerce came out, young people are willing to go back to work, and it is also easy to do. A network cable, a computer, an account, thousands of yuan, also started, the threshold for entrepreneurship is low, the risk is low, there is income from moving the mouse. After Taobao villages everywhere got up, the young people basically came back.

Looking at the current data, about 95% of the operators of rural e-commerce are young people. Where there are young people, there is hope. Today's e-commerce is also promoted by young people taking the lead in online shopping, isn't it?

If you want young people to go back to their hometown to start a business, it depends on whether rural e-commerce can eat incense in your hometown.

Next, let's talk about what things rural e-commerce can really solve.

1. Solve the problem of slow increase of farmers' income.

New channels to increase income are mainly through information network docking, which is conducive to resolving difficulties in selling, as well as direct docking of production and marketing, reducing the synergistic effect of intermediate links.

Rural e-commerce enables farmers to join rural e-commerce in various fields, from prenatal, mid-production, and post-natal to change that farmers only planted and raised in the past, and can also be sold directly through e-commerce in the future. in this way, the income of circulation can also be left in the hands of farmers to solve the problem of slow growth of farmers' income.

2. Solve the difficult problem that the rural people cannot sell, and help agricultural producers better sell their products to all parts of the country and even to all parts of the world.

There are also many characteristic libraries on Taobao, and products have their own characteristics and selling points, so selling their own goods online has naturally become a relatively low-cost and high-return thing, so it is favored by many agricultural producers. More agricultural producers are also willing to use the Internet to start businesses and use the Internet for sales and marketing.

3. It can solve the problem that people in rural areas can not buy or buy well, so that consumers in rural areas can enjoy goods from all over the world without leaving their homes.

For example, goods from Shanghai, Beijing, New York, London and Tokyo allow people to try new things and buy special products from all over the country and new products from all over the world through the Internet. so that all rural residents can better spend online.

And can also compare several stores, in this way, in front of you is a variety of "gourmet delicacies", but also more selective.

4. Solve the difficult problem of starting a business in rural areas, so that outstanding talents can stay in rural areas and rely on rural areas for entrepreneurship and development.

A new carrier of entrepreneurship, through e-commerce for thousands of young people to build a low-cost platform to return home to start a business.

Through the Internet, farmers do not have to go to the city to work, do not have to go to the city to look for all kinds of job opportunities, but can also rely on the resources and characteristics of their hometown to start businesses through the Internet, bringing opportunities for the development of the service industry, including opportunities for a variety of services such as logistics and training.

5. It can promote the rapid development of the local economy and improve the economic income of farmers.

The mode of promoting the development of the rural economy, sending urban products to the countryside and rural products to the cities, allowing agricultural products from the rural market to enter the cities, driving the circulation of the rural market economy, bringing convenient services to rural areas, promoting economic development, and promoting the rapid development of the local economy, increase the economic income of farmers, such as rural and urban products.

6. Rural e-commerce can even give birth to a new industry.

With the new driving force of transformation, e-commerce has driven the development of e-commerce service industry and packaging express logistics industry, which has a significant role in upgrading and transformation of the original industry, and may even give birth to a new industry.

7. At the same time, it can also solve the problem of rural people's payment.

How hard is it for rural people to pay a telephone bill? Friends in the countryside may know that you have to pay a fee to run a few kilometers away from home. Although our country is economically developed now and can go by car, you run like this every month. Aren't you tired? Rural e-commerce has solved such a problem and can pay fees at home.

To sum up, it can be seen that the "birth" of rural e-commerce has many functions, and it can also solve many problems, which can be said to solve some problems of farmers, but it still needs a lot of "hurdles" to do rural e-commerce!

The current development of rural e-commerce should not only encourage bold feeling of stones across the river, but also strengthen theoretical summary and top-level design at the same time, but also need talents, innovation and so on. Are you ready to be a rural e-commerce?