
If we can't solve the problem that farmers go to work in cities, urbanization is empty talk.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, If we can't solve the problem that farmers go to work in cities, urbanization is empty talk.

Urbanization does not mean giving up agriculture. In fact, agriculture can also enter the modern industrial chain and be required by some technical standards.

With the gathering of urban population, people must be trained in modern civilization.

If we do not create an employment system for farmers and train them to adapt to the task of employment, urbanization will be empty talk.

The opposite of the new urbanization is the old urbanization, but where is the problem of the old urbanization? It may be that people used to have a narrow understanding of urbanization, thinking that urbanization means building houses and land development, allowing farmers to go upstairs. However, after the farmers go upstairs, have the relevant problems been solved? No.

How to measure the new type of urbanization with people as the core?

The reason why the new type of urbanization is new, the key is to highlight people as the core. The content of urbanization with people as the core is very extensive. I think the most important aspects are four aspects, that is, the great changes that have taken place in people's own mode of production, way of life, civilized quality and social rights and interests as the subject of urbanization. these four aspects are the process of people entering the modern civilization system.

For us, from the point of view of the mode of production, human urbanization is of great significance. China is experiencing the largest urbanization process in the history of the world. What people are facing is not only the change of the way of living, but also the change of the system and mechanism of production operation, that is, the change of industrial form. I have always believed that urbanization does not mean giving up agriculture. In fact, agriculture can also enter the modern industrial chain and be required by some technical standards. In addition to farmers and migrant workers entering the urban industry and service industry to obtain employment and completing the form of citizenization, they can also enable farmers to urbanize locally and learn and accept the modern mode of industrial operation, which is also an important way of urbanization. that is, workers are in line with modern industrial operation.

People's urbanization is shown in the transformation of life style, which refers to the process of rural residents entering and integrating into the modern civilized way of life. Recently, some local governments have simply proposed the cancellation of user registration to solve the problem, but I think the change in lifestyle is not a change in household registration name, but a real change in all aspects of life. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an index system of urban life style to measure. For example, Huaxi Village and Gaobeidian, although nominally the establishment of rural household registration, have realized the transformation of modern lifestyle, so modern lifestyle is a core element.

Town and urban life also requires everyone to have high public awareness and civic quality, and human urbanization also means that everyone who participates in urbanization has civilized quality. With the gathering of urban population, people must be trained in modern civilization. There is indeed a lack of training in this area in our traditional rural areas and many places. In cities and towns, especially in big cities, if we do not abide by public order and public health norms, the multiplier effect of dense population and huge population will cause great disaster.

Our nation has been the dividing line between urban and rural areas since ancient times. in ancient times, urban people were called countrymen and rural people were called savages. At that time, China built the most city walls in the world, and to build a city is to separate the city from outside the city. Therefore, the distinction between urban and rural areas in our country is not formed today, but for long-term historical reasons. The prominent problem in the dual system of dividing urban and rural areas and dividing urban and rural areas is the unfairness and injustice of rights and interests. For this reason, urbanization is necessary to establish and improve a set of systems, systems and mechanisms, including fair rights, fair opportunities and fair rules.

In fact, urbanization and citizenization is a great progress in Chinese history. If one day we can really citizenize the vast majority of the population, this kind of citizenization not only refers to changes in the mode of production, way of life and the quality of civilization, but also means that the vast majority of the population can enjoy the same public welfare and social security as urban dwellers. It will be of great significance, and of course it will be very difficult and stressful.

Countries with relatively small populations in the world, such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, are often better at social welfare security, and most of them are countries with millions of people, while China's full social security pension coverage is aimed at the size of 1.37 billion of the population. You can imagine the pressure.

Four core tasks of promoting citizenization

Recently, we conducted a sample survey across the country, the first of which is about whether migrant workers are willing to return to the countryside. The survey shows that more than 70% of migrant workers do not plan to return to their hometown for employment, 80% of migrant workers do not want to choose to work in rural areas, the older generation is fine, the younger they are, the more reluctant they are to go back to their hometown for farming. Only 3.8% of the "post-90s" migrant workers said they are able or willing to go back to their villages for farming.

The second is the question of where farmers are willing to stay in the process of citizenization. It is found that 80% of migrant workers are willing to settle in cities at or above the county level, while more than 20% of the country's rural registered population have bought houses in cities at all levels. Farmers want to go to the city for two purposes, one is for their children to go to school, and the other is for the elderly to seek medical treatment, while good schools and hospitals are all in cities at or above the county level, in cities with a certain scale, intensity and high degree of integration.

It can be seen that in the future of China's urbanization and urban construction, it is reasonable to highlight the development of county towns and cities above the county level, the employment opportunities created by the population gathering to a certain scale will be doubled, and the cities with larger scale will be more competitive.

To promote citizenization and urbanization, cities need to promote various tasks from four aspects: employment, household registration, children's education and security.

If we do not create an employment system for farmers and train them to adapt to the task of employment, urbanization will be empty talk. Employment is the core of urbanization, and we have also proved in the sample survey of urbanization that all places that have done well have created new industrial chains. therefore, cities need to do two things well, one is to provide new industrial opportunities, the other is to do a good job in employment training for migrant workers.

According to the guiding principles of classification, the most difficult thing to promote the reform of the household registration system at different levels and stages lies in the mega-cities. At present, the liberalization of household registration policy in super-large cities is still not realistic. According to the actual situation, we should try to appropriately reduce the household registration threshold and access conditions in various types of cities; for the vast majority of large and medium-sized cities, we should further experiment on how to reduce access conditions, encourage and absorb more qualified migrant workers to settle in the city. On the other hand, small cities should be liberalized in an all-round way, take the lead in realizing the free movement of people in cities and provinces, and then gradually promote inter-provincial mobility.

Recently, the document of the State Council on supporting the citizenization of the agricultural migrant population proposed that the compulsory education of the children of migrant workers should be included in the scope of public financial protection. it is also proposed to gradually improve and implement the policy of exemption from school and miscellaneous fees and universal preschool education in secondary vocational education, which will play a positive role in solving the problem of education for the children of migrant workers.

It will be a huge problem for cities to realize the coverage of permanent residents, including registered population and floating population. In terms of social security, at this stage, we should first promote the overall planning of social security in the province. Jiangsu, Guangdong and other places have carried out the experiment of overall planning in the province, and its experience is worth using for reference. On this basis, we will gradually formulate and improve national measures for the continuation of inter-provincial transfer of social security, which can be carried out in the inter-provincial experiment of social security transfer payment in the outflow and inflow of migrant workers from major provinces, and gradually promoted to the whole country.

In addition, the greatest resource for farmers is still land, including homestead and arable land. At present, some places have done experiments on land transfer and asset mortgage, which is conducive to the reform of China's rural areas and to the promotion of a new type of urbanization and citizenization.