
With the extension of the industrial chain, farmers do not have to worry about selling grain.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, With the extension of the industrial chain, farmers do not have to worry about selling grain.

As soon as the autumn harvest season entered, Liu Changming was busy opening. The farmer in his early 50s is the head of Jihe Rice Company in Haian County, Jiangsu Province, which processes 300000 tons of rice a year. What is the concept of 300000 tons? Hai'an County has a rice planting area of nearly 700000 mu, and even if all the rice in the county is sold here, it is not enough for processing, so it is necessary to buy raw grain from the surrounding cities of Dongtai and Rugao. Of course, the price offered by Liu Changming is also high, five or six cents higher than others per kilogram. The enterprise also set up a cooperative, with more than 30,000 mu of acreage, planted the popular Nanjing series on the market, and purchased by order, which is about 0.20 yuan higher than the market price per kilogram. "these days, the workshop is working 24 hours a day." He pointed to the canal at the gate and said that the rice processed at night was shipped to the Shanghai supermarket in the morning.

There are 65 grain processing enterprises in Haian County, large and small. "the local rice is simply not enough to be processed." Lu Xuexiang, deputy secretary of the party committee of the Haian County Bureau of Commerce, said: these processing enterprises need to buy a large amount of raw grain from other places.Therefore, Haian has become a raw grain import place for central and northern Jiangsu, and the price of rice is obviously higher than that of other places. the 146 local grain growers basically do not have the problem of selling grain. In order to improve the added value of products, processing enterprises pay great attention to brand building, such as rice processed by Jihe rice industry, which has become a famous trademark in Jiangsu Province, which is sold exclusively by Metro supermarkets; other processing enterprises in the county have also put their products into the major supermarket chains. "as a result, the whole grain industry has formed a virtuous circle."

There is also an interesting phenomenon: in recent years, due to the basic mechanization of rice harvesting, drying equipment has also increased a lot, mechanical harvesting and drying will wear out rice husks and form rough grains. The rough rice outside the grain can not be purchased at the lowest price in the country, because long-term storage can easily make the rice hot and then mildew. However, this kind of rice processing enterprises are not picky, because they can not only relax the moisture content of rice, but also welcome the rough rice, because it can improve the rice yield.

When the reporter interviewed on the front line of grain purchase recently, he felt deeply that where the grain processing enterprises were developed and the industrial chain was lengthened, farmers would not be worried about the difficulty of selling grain, and they could also sell it at a good price.

Jingjiang has a rice planting area of more than 300,000 mu, where there is the largest grain logistics park in our province, but the grain in the logistics park is from other places and provinces, and the local grain in Jingjiang is generally sold to processing enterprises. because there are 28 grain processing plants large and small in the city, and the local raw grain is not enough for these enterprises to "eat", therefore, the reporter rushed to Jingjiang to enter the lowest price purchase list of grain depots to interview. However, he was told that he had not received a single grain of rice and all went to private processing enterprises. Baoying County is also a major grain-producing county. Baofeng Group, a famous grain processing and selling enterprise inside and outside the province, has formed a cooperative relationship with more than 680 large grain growers in the county to plant 152000 mu of rice varieties with good taste and fragrant rice. the enterprise not only guarantees the purchase above the market price, but also provides free transportation and drying services. And subsidize agricultural insurance premiums to growers, hire experts for regular guidance and soil testing formulations free of charge, and farmers who sell grain can also participate in secondary dividends, so these farmers naturally have no difficulty in selling grain.

After making a long industrial chain, processing enterprises can also guide farmers to introduce excellent varieties. Subei Grain and Oil Company, located in Sihong County, promised the big grain growers that as long as it is Nanjing 9108 rice, the price per kilogram is 0.20 yuan higher than that of ordinary varieties. The company has also set up a planting base of more than 10,000 mu in Yancheng to ensure the supply of high-quality raw grain. In view of the small planting area of local high-quality rice, Lu Huanzhi, director of the Luzhiyuan Rice Factory in Jingjiang City, specially took the lead in setting up a Guanhua rice cooperative this year, with the aim of allowing members to grow high-quality varieties and carry out order purchases. "We have often opened up the market in Suzhou and Wuxi, and consumers there are particularly fond of Nanjing 5055. Although the price is a little higher, it will not affect sales at all."

Precisely because of the low domestic grain prices in recent years, unprocessed raw grain is at a disadvantage both in sales and in price, and some large grain growers begin to extend the industrial chain. Wang Haibin, a big grain grower in Bieqiao Town, Liyang City, purchased rice processing machinery in 2010. In addition to processing his own rice, he also purchased raw grain from surrounding farmers for processing. Over the past few years, the pollution-free rice of "Haibin Rice Industry" has established a good reputation in Suzhou, Wuxi and Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, and brought him huge profits. Under the influence of Wang Haibin, Tang Fangxiu, another major grain grower in Liyang City, also purchased a rice processing line last year and processed 150000 kilograms of rice, all of which were vacuum packaged and sold to the local and Changzhou. "Last year, the rice was not sold at a good price because of the decline in the quality of Rain Water. But I made more than 300,000 yuan in processing this piece. " Tang Fangxiang said that after the rice was harvested this year, the processing line started at the same time, and more than 60,000 kilograms had been processed by the 16th, and a number of local and non-local supermarkets took the initiative to come to him and asked to sell his "Uncle Tang rice."

A relevant responsible person of the Jiangsu Provincial Grain Bureau believes that the high domestic grain stocks will not change in the near future, and the storage capacity will remain tight; the quantity of imported grain will be on the rise year after year, and the price of grain at home and abroad is seriously upside down. Under such a major premise, there is great pressure to buy grain at the lowest price, and a lot of grain needs to be digested through market channels, and the market price is often lower than the minimum purchase price. if we rely entirely on selling raw grain, it will be very difficult for grain farmers to increase their income. income may even decline. However, if we extend the industrial chain, expand and strengthen the grain processing industry, and connect directly with the market, we can increase the added value in the processing and circulation links, and the problem of farmers selling grain will be easily solved. "when local governments support grain processing and circulation industries, they are actually supporting grain farmers." The person in charge said.