
The innovative practice of the professionalization of Chinese Peasants

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The innovative practice of the professionalization of Chinese Peasants

This is a strategic project that affects the overall development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, a basic project to ensure the successors of modern agriculture, and an innovative practice related to building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. this is a fundamental way to improve farmers, support farmers and well-off farmers, which is the cultivation of new professional farmers.

From General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thesis on "who will farm the land", to the strategic deployment of five consecutive central "No. 1 documents", from the emergence of the new professional farmer training project of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance, to the successive implementation of more than 1600 counties across the country, the new type of professional farmers has developed and grown, showing a gratifying situation-- promoting a group of "old farmers" who have feelings for agriculture and have experience. It has attracted a group of "new farmers" who are homesick and want to start a business, and introduced a group of educated and innovative "intellectual farmers".

Wang Yang, member of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice premier of the State Council, pointed out that talents are the key to the development of modern agriculture, and it is necessary to speed up the cultivation of new professional farmers and constantly expand the ranks of new farmers. Cultivating a new type of professional farmers is the "total grasp" of the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in our country under the new situation.

Practice has proved that the way of cultivating new professional farmers with Chinese characteristics is not only changing the fate of hundreds of millions of farmers, but also profoundly affecting the process of agricultural modernization. Since 2013 alone, a total of 2.6 million new professional farmers have been cultivated throughout the country, and a group of high-quality young farmers are becoming large farmers, family farmers and leaders of farmers' cooperatives. a group of college students, returning migrant workers and veterans have joined the ranks of new professional farmers, and a number of new professional farmers with glasses are emerging, playing an important role in promoting the early realization of China's agricultural modernization.

The new type of professional farmers shoulder an unprecedented mission--

In the next 10 to 20 years, a large number of new professional farmers with culture, technology, management and management will be the main force for the development of China's modern agriculture. China's agriculture will be mainly borne by them, and thus move towards modernization.

At present, China has entered the decisive period of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and it is also the key period to accelerate agricultural modernization. Farmers are the main body of rural production and life and the primary force to promote the development of rural society. However, the brain drain in rural areas brings new challenges to agricultural and rural development. On the one hand, the rural agricultural labor force is part-time, aging and low-educated; on the other hand, the scale, standardization and intensive production of modern agriculture put forward higher requirements for the quality of the labor force. "who will farm and how to plant the land well" has aroused the concern of the whole society.

There is no doubt that the core of solving the problem of "who will farm the land" is to solve the problem of people. The root of agricultural modernization is the modernization of farmers. "Let agriculture become a running industry and farmers become a decent profession" is the most practical expectation of farmers. It can be said that cultivating and improving farmers is not only the strategic requirements of the country and the realistic needs of the industry, but also the sincere demands of farmers.

The cultivation of new professional farmers is a major strategic issue related to the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. In the traditional farming society, "facing the loess and back to the sky" not only made the hardships of farming, but also made "farmers" become a humble identity symbol, "jumping the agricultural door" has become a helpless choice for farmers for thousands of years. Vigorously cultivate a new type of professional farmers, so that farmers are no longer a symbol of low status, but a decent and dignified profession, and strengthen their confidence in taking agriculture as their root, industry, and livelihood. Cultivate modern agriculture and build a beautiful new countryside in the fields of hope.

The cultivation of new professional farmers is a directional problem related to agricultural modernization. The professionalization of farmers is an important indicator of the basic modernization of agriculture, and "professional farmers + cooperative management + socialized service" is the basic direction of the development of modern agriculture in China. Only by strengthening the cultivation of new professional farmers and speeding up the construction of a high-quality team of modern agricultural producers and operators can we provide a solid human foundation and guarantee for agricultural modernization.

The cultivation of new professional farmers is an overall issue related to building a well-off society in an all-round way. "whether we are well-off or not depends on the villagers." the focal point and difficulty of building a well-off society in an all-round way lies in farmers.

Although the income of farmers has continued to grow in recent years, the absolute income gap between urban and rural areas is still widening, and the level of social security of farmers is low, and there are few public services. Cultivate a new type of professional farmers and build them into large professional households, family farmers, cooperative leaders and the backbone of agricultural enterprises, so that agriculture can become a promising industry and farmers become leaders in getting rid of poverty and becoming rich.

It can be said that the development of the times calls for a new type of professional farmers, and the new professional farmers also shoulder an unprecedented mission.

Just as Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu said, in another 10 to 20 years, a large number of new professional farmers with culture, technology, management and management will be the main force for the development of China's modern agriculture. China's agriculture will be mainly borne by them, and China's agriculture will move towards modernization.

The institutional framework for the cultivation of a new type of professional farmers has been basically formed.

Although there is only an one-word difference between cultivation and training, it represents a kind of institutional innovation, which extends from single technical training to equal emphasis on skills training and management, from simple education and training to identification management, follow-up service and policy support.

The cultivation of new professional farmers is a complex system engineering, and scientific top-level design and strong policy promotion are the key to ensure its smooth implementation.

From 2012 to 2016, five "No. 1 documents" issued by the central government made comprehensive arrangements for the training of new-type professional farmers. To this end, the Ministry of Agriculture launched a pilot project for the cultivation of new professional farmers in 2012, and in 2014, in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance, launched a new professional farmer training project. In 2016, the new professional farmer training project has covered 8 provinces, 30 cities and 800 demonstration counties, and more than 1600 counties across the country have carried out the training of new professional farmers.

Zhang Taolin, vice minister of agriculture, said that after several years of efforts, China has initially formed a new working pattern of cultivating professional farmers with government promotion, department linkage, industry drive and farmers' initiative. Basically established the education and training, standardized management, policy support "trinity", production and management type, professional skills type, professional service type "three types of coordination" Primary, intermediate and senior "three levels through" the new institutional framework for the cultivation of professional farmers.

"although there is only an one-word difference between cultivation and training, it represents a kind of institutional innovation, no longer simply talking about projects and simply completing training tasks, but paying more attention to the quality of training. from single technical training to equal emphasis on skills training and management, to identification management and follow-up services after training, as well as the follow-up implementation of supporting policies. It improves the pertinence, standardization and effectiveness of the cultivation. " So said Liao Xiyuan, director of the Department of Science and Education of the Ministry of Agriculture.

It is precisely in order to ensure the quality of cultivation, since the implementation of the new professional farmer training project, the capital investment has been increasing. The central government has invested 1.1 billion yuan a year, which has been expanded to 1.39 billion yuan this year, driving local governments to invest nearly 1 billion yuan a year, raising the standard of subsidies and improving the effectiveness of training.

During the interview, the reporter learned that in the process of cultivating a new type of professional farmers, various localities have actively explored and boldly practiced, one after another raised the cultivation of new professional farmers to a government act, listed it as a key work in agriculture and rural areas, and created a lot of good experiences that can be popularized and replicated.

The Jiangsu provincial party committee and provincial government have incorporated the "degree of cultivation of new professional farmers" into the index system of agricultural modernization, and proposed that the training degree of new professional farmers in the province will reach 50% by 2020, for which the provincial finance will invest 100 million yuan a year. Cities and counties have also included the cultivation of new professional farmers in the key contents of target assessment. Today, this work is in full swing.

Shaanxi Province has been identified as a demonstration province by the Ministry of Agriculture for three consecutive years, and the professional farmer shaping project was launched in 2013, innovatively taking agricultural students from colleges and universities as the object of cultivation. "in the cultivation of professional farmers, we have explored a unique model of 'theoretical teaching, network teaching, base training, qualification identification, assistance and guidance, and policy support', established a database of professional farmers, and identified a large number of professional farmers." Yang Xiaohong, deputy director of the Agriculture Department of Shaanxi Province, introduced it to the reporter.