
Grasp the key points of agricultural supply-side structural reform

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Grasp the key points of agricultural supply-side structural reform

China is a big agricultural country. In recent years, the development of agriculture and rural areas has maintained a continuous good trend, and great achievements have been made in agricultural modernization. However, measured by the standards of modern agriculture, agriculture has not fundamentally got rid of the situation of high input, high consumption, low efficiency and low quality, and agriculture is still a short leg of "synchronization of the four modernizations". The basic reason is that the agricultural development mode lags behind and traditional agriculture has not been fundamentally transformed. Therefore, one of the key points in promoting China's supply-side structural reform is agriculture, and the difficulty is also agriculture. To lengthen the "short legs" of agriculture and make up for the "short boards" in rural areas, it is necessary to accelerate agricultural modernization with supply-side structural reform as the starting point.

I. Promoting agricultural supply-side structural reform is the general trend

Under the new economic normal, the environmental conditions of China's agricultural modernization are undergoing profound changes.

First, agricultural supply-side structural reform is a key point of supply-side structural reform. Marx's theory of social expansion reproduction holds that the growth of production means ultimately depends on the production of consumption means and individual consumption. China is rich in agricultural resources and surplus agricultural labor force. The development of consumer goods industry can greatly promote the development of agricultural production, extend the agricultural industrial chain, improve agricultural efficiency, and play an important role in promoting the employment of rural labor force. Vigorously promoting agricultural supply-side structural reform and developing consumer goods industries and markets dominated by the production and processing of agricultural products is a key point of supply-side structural reform.

Second, agriculture faces multiple challenges and urgently needs to promote supply-side structural reform. With the development of the secondary and tertiary industries gradually entering a relatively mature stage, the huge potential value of agriculture is increasingly prominent, and agricultural development has entered a period of opportunities that can make great achievements. However, the challenges it faces cannot be ignored: the differentiation of the world economic development pattern and the increasing uncertainty of the international agricultural product market, how to prevent the risk transmission of the world market need to be prepared; Agricultural product market consumption enters the structural transformation period, how to innovate agricultural product supply and activate new market consumption demand is a difficult problem to be solved urgently; agricultural factor input cost is rising continuously, resource and environment constraints are increasingly strengthened, how to expand agricultural development space, reduce cost, improve quality and increase efficiency has become an important task to promote agricultural transformation and upgrading; The allocation mechanism of rural resource elements lags behind. How to construct the optimal allocation mechanism of resource elements in urban and rural integration is the key to further deepening agricultural and rural reform.

Third, agricultural supply-side structural reform is the focus of promoting agricultural transformation and upgrading. The total amount of agricultural products in China is sufficient, and the supply of bulk agricultural products occupies an important position in China. However, it is an indisputable fact that the quantitative position and quality position of agricultural products are asymmetric, and the competitiveness of agricultural products market is not strong. The problem of "selling difficulties" of some agricultural products frequently appears. In the world agricultural products market, there are not many agricultural products with market competitive advantages, and there are not many products that can go to the world, and mainly primary agricultural products. There is a lack of large enterprises and famous brand agricultural products with competitive ability. Therefore, the prominent problems faced in promoting agricultural transformation and upgrading are mainly: structural contradiction between quantity and quality of agricultural products supply, insufficient supply of medium and high-end agricultural products, insufficient multi-function development of agriculture, difficulty in adapting to the needs of market consumption structure transformation, resulting in mismatch between supply and demand, low total factor productivity, high cost of manpower, capital and land, and difficulty in improving agricultural market competitiveness and benefits. Therefore, accelerating the structural reform on the agricultural supply side is a key measure to realize the transformation and upgrading of agriculture.

Of course, at present, promoting the transformation and upgrading of agriculture is still faced with a series of problems, such as the agricultural support policy needs to be improved, the agricultural socialization service level is low, the grass-roots governance system and governance ability lag behind, and the agricultural management and assessment mechanism does not adapt. These problems need us to solve them by structural reform, strive to tap new potential in improving grain production capacity, open up new ways in optimizing agricultural structure, and seek new breakthroughs in transforming agricultural development mode. We have achieved new results in increasing farmers 'income, taken new steps in building new rural areas, and effectively accelerated the pace of agricultural modernization.

II. Path to Promote Structural Reform on Agricultural Supply Side

To promote agricultural transformation and upgrading, we must firmly establish the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, focus on improving agricultural quality, efficiency and competitiveness, strive to promote structural reform on the agricultural supply side, and follow a modern agricultural development path that conforms to China's national conditions and highlights the local characteristics of each region.

First, focus on regional landmark brand building to adjust the agricultural industrial structure. We should vigorously develop local famous and special products that adapt to local climate, soil and water quality conditions, and take supporting regional landmark agricultural product brands as a main direction of agricultural restructuring; In particular, we should strengthen the processing and sales support for regional representative characteristic agricultural products and key brands, pay attention to the excavation of local unique resources, traditional crafts and farming culture, so as to highlight the local individuality of agriculture and enhance the competitiveness of agricultural market.

Second, focus on cultivating new business entities in the direction of "new farmers". With rural talents as the key objects, we will actively train new professional farmers such as large professional households, family farm operators, farmers 'cooperative leaders, agricultural enterprise management personnel, agricultural socialization service personnel, etc., and build a new professional farmer training and support system. We will implement a new type of farmer quality improvement project, promote the shift from teacher classroom training to local talent training on the production site, and enhance the effectiveness of training.

Third, accelerate the flow of urban and rural resource elements with market mechanism as the driving force. We will improve the land acquisition system and encourage the development of mutual fund cooperatives. Focus on the development of electronic commerce to establish and improve the rural modern circulation system. Establish and improve the agricultural science and technology service system, and promote the transformation of agricultural science and technology innovation and service from government-driven to market-driven. Actively and steadily promote the new land circulation mode and promote moderate scale operation.

Fourth, promote rural grass-roots management reform in the direction of modernization of governance capacity. We should innovate the effective realization form of villagers 'autonomy, focus on giving full play to the outstanding role of "new township sages" and socialized service organizations such as rural veteran party members, veteran teachers, veteran models, veteran cadres, economic and cultural talents, returning entrepreneurs, brokers, university student village officials, volunteers, etc. in rural governance and agricultural development, and improve the relevant agricultural and rural system.