
The enthusiasm of growing grain is frustrated. Why does the new management body in rural areas "break the contract and return the land"?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The enthusiasm of growing grain is frustrated. Why does the new management body in rural areas "break the contract and return the land"?

A few days ago, a reporter from Outlook Newsweek conducted a survey in Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Henan and other major grain producing areas and found that due to multiple factors such as falling grain prices, natural disasters, and high turnover fees, some new business entities, such as family farms, major grain growers, and cooperatives, faced losses, frustrated their enthusiasm for growing grain, and the phenomenon of "breaking their promise and returning to the land" was staged in many places. At present, many new operators are in a state of entanglement and confusion, playing a game between farmers and large grain growers around the price of land transfer.

In view of the phenomenon of "breaking the contract and returning to the land" among the new business entities, grass-roots cadres and experts interviewed are generally worried that under the background that grain prices are difficult to change and planting income is significantly reduced, this phenomenon may increase significantly. This not only has an impact on the ongoing land transfer and agricultural scale operation, but also brings hidden dangers to the national food security, and may lead to land transfer disputes and intensify the contradiction between operators and contractors.

They suggest that great attention should be paid to this, and that the risk prevention and control mechanism of large-scale operation should be further improved, and a new mechanism for the formation of land transfer price should be implemented to prevent the spread of the phenomenon of "breaking contracts and returning land" by new operators.

"break the contract and return to the land" was staged in many places.

"now, the market price of corn is worse than expected during spring ploughing. Fortunately, there is not so much land transferred, otherwise there will be more losses." With the advent of the autumn harvest, Wang Yuelong, chairman of the Modern Corn Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Hatun, Yanjiang Township, Sun Wu County, Heilongjiang Province, told Outlook Newsweek that he was very glad to have returned 18000 mu of dry land transferred during spring ploughing this year. Last year, the cooperative signed an agreement on the transfer of the whole village with three local villages, and the contract will not expire until next year. Due to the high price of land transfer, Wang Yuelong "put up with pain" and stopped the transfer.

It is not an isolated phenomenon that "break the promise and return to the land" like Wang Yuelong. In Jiangsu Province, due to the outbreak of scab in summer grain this year and the drop in rotten wheat farms and grain purchase prices caused by continuous overcast and rain, it is relatively common for large grain growers to reduce their production and income, and there has been a phenomenon of new operators returning their fields and abandoning their crops in some places. The person in charge of the Agricultural Service Center of Changsha Town, Rudong County, Jiangsu Province, reflected that 10 large farmers in Siqiao Village have transferred more than 2500 mu of land, and recently these large families have concentrated on reporting to the village committee asking for the return of the transferred land.

"now it depends on the situation of autumn grain. If we can't make up for the loss of summer grain, we will quit." Fan Hongqi, a major grain grower in Yingxin Village, Xiaoji Town, Jiangdu District, Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, told this reporter that he increased the transfer of land from 50 mu to 180 mu last year, with a turnover fee of 800 yuan per mu. Unexpectedly, due to the weather and the drop in grain prices, this year's summer grain production and income has been reduced. "if you really can't, you have to return the land and stop the transfer."

In Henan, 630000 mu of farmland was affected by widespread precipitation during this year's wheat harvest. The rare overcast and rainy weather seriously affected the quality of wheat in the main high-quality wheat producing areas in Henan, and farmers and big grain growers in some areas of northern Henan suffered serious losses. Fan Zhenyong, head of the Xianhepo planting Farmers' specialized Cooperative in Xinxiang City, told this reporter that he transferred more than 2000 mu of land, more than 400,000 per year. The losses caused by the disaster add up to more than 1 million yuan. This year he decided to return to the land, "certainly can not transfer so much."

Our reporter learned that at present, many new agricultural operators are in a state of entanglement, wait-and-see or even confusion, and have the intention to return to the land, and their enthusiasm for growing grain has been seriously affected.

Impact on large-scale operation of agriculture

Relevant experts told Outlook Newsweek that due to the large losses of the new operators, the phenomenon of "breaking the contract and returning to the land" and even the phenomenon of "running away" in individual areas will increase. This is likely to have an impact on the process of agricultural scale operation, and even lead to a decline in food production.

First, the new business entity may lose money or become the norm.

Fu Taihua, a major grain grower in Fuzhuang Village, Jun County, Henan Province, has transferred more than 10,000 mu of land this year, mainly growing wheat in summer grain and corn in autumn grain. He calculated an account for our reporter: this year, the yield of wheat and corn per mu is 1000 jin and 1200 jin respectively, and the average price of local wheat is 0.95 yuan per jin. At present, the price of corn is only 0.7 yuan per jin, resulting in an annual income of 1790 yuan per mu of land, deducting 850 yuan from contract fees, and 1050 yuan in agricultural materials, irrigating land and labor investment in two seasons.

The cost Branch of Taizhou Price Bureau in Jiangsu Province investigated and compared the wheat costs and benefits of 39 agricultural survey households in Xinghua City, Jingjiang City, Taixing City and Jiangyan District, among which 10 households had a planting area of more than 100 mu. The survey shows that the average net profit per mu of large-scale growers is 478.06 yuan, which is 60.7% higher than that of ordinary growers who lose 297.49 yuan. According to a survey conducted by the Agriculture and Industry Office of the Yangzhou Municipal CPC Committee, the loss of the city's major grain growers reached more than half in the first half of the year.

Second, the phenomenon of "breaking the contract and returning to the land" is likely to increase.

Yan Zhongjie, secretary of the party branch of Zihe Village, Erjing Town, Bei'an City, Heilongjiang Province, and Wu Desheng, deputy head of Yanjiang Township, Sun Wu County, said that most of the major grain growers, cooperatives, and farmers signed land transfer agreements for three to five years, and under the circumstances that the income from growing grain is not guaranteed, the phenomenon of "breaking the contract and returning the land" will probably intensify next year.

Ma Deyun, director of the Agricultural Bureau of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of Agriculture, believes that it is not common to "break the contract and return the land" at present, which is also related to the high number of natural disasters this year. However, many big grain growers are waiting on the sidelines, and if autumn grain is still difficult to make up for summer grain losses this year, the phenomenon of "running away" may increase.

Third, the process of agricultural scale has been impacted.

"if locals like me and mechanized grain growers lose money, it would be impossible to make money if they were planted by someone else." Fan Hongqi said. Grass-roots cadres interviewed are generally worried that when grain prices fall and there is no bumper harvest, the first ones to suffer are the big grain growers and cooperatives, whose enthusiasm has been thwarted, and the phenomenon of "breaking an agreement and returning to the land" may transmit the negative impact to the ongoing land circulation and large-scale operation, slow down the process of agricultural scale, and even lead to a decline in grain production.

The increase in disputes affects the credibility of the grass-roots level

Experts believe that in addition to the impact on the process of agricultural scale, the phenomenon of "breaking the contract and returning the land" also has an impact on rural economic development and social stability.

On the one hand, the contradiction between operators and contractors has become increasingly prominent. A reporter from Outlook Newsweek conducted a survey at the grass-roots level and found that the rural land transfer was carried out in accordance with the principle of "according to law, voluntary, and paid", and the two sides signed a land transfer contract. In previous years, the income from growing grain is OK, and the main body of operation still has a certain income. At present, due to the low grain prices, the long circulation period, the operators want to "break the contract" at a loss, and the farmers are unwilling to "break the contract", the contradiction between "destroying" and "not destroying" not only restricts the development of rural economy, but also brings factors of social instability, and disputes over land transfer will increase.

Zihe Village, Erjing Town, Bei'an City, Heilongjiang Province, has a total of 33000 mu of cultivated land with a population of 4964. At present, the cultivated land in the village is transferred to five big growers, and most other farmers go out to work. "if the circulation price is reduced to a level acceptable to the large households, the farmers do not agree, and the big grain growers do not accept the price according to the wishes of the farmers." Yan Zhongjie said that if it is not carried out in accordance with the previously signed contract, the transfer dispute will intensify. A farmer in the village who transferred the land said that the three-year contract he signed with the big family was 450 yuan per mu. "it is only the second year this year, and the big family wants to reduce it to 300 yuan per mu. What can I do? Failure to abide by the contract is a breach of contract. "

On the other hand, it has an impact on the credibility of rural grass-roots organizations.

In many interviews, our reporter learned that due to the large number of contracted farmers involved in land scale management, and the heavy workload of negotiating and signing contracts from one household to another, village-level organizations and village cadres came forward to organize bidding, negotiations, and signing contracts in many places. to achieve the circulation of the whole group and the whole village. At present, the new type of operators want to withdraw their rents, and the masses will spread their "grievances" on grass-roots organizations.

Some large grain growers and grass-roots cadres in Jiangsu said frankly that when it comes to reducing transfer fees, some peasant households said to village cadres, "it was you who asked us to transfer land in the first place. Large households kept quiet when they made money and reduced rents if they lost money. How can the contract be changed?" Wu Zhiming, a big grain grower in Luo Village, Xuebu Town, Jintan District, Changzhou City, said that the circulation contract signed uniformly with village cadres a few years ago wanted to negotiate a rent reduction this year, but after the village cadres proposed that the peasants were unwilling to do so, it was very difficult for him, and the rent could not be reduced. If you continue to plant, "the loss is really unbearable."