
New Finance should focus on the New main body of Agricultural Management

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, New Finance should focus on the New main body of Agricultural Management

In her keynote speech at the 2016 China New Financial Summit Forum held in Beijing, Tao Huaiying, Chief Financial Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture, stressed that on how to give full play to the advantages of new finance and promote the realization of financial benefits in rural areas, it put forward the following suggestions.

New Finance should focus on the New main body of Agricultural Management

Farmers are the largest social group in our country, and their financial services have been extremely lacking, even almost blank in some rural areas. In a certain sense, whether they can obtain effective or universal financial services is an important aspect of social equity.

"We want to promote rural areas and farmers to shake off poverty and become rich, rural prosperity and development, and achieve the grand goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way by 2020. I think we urgently need the promotion of financial forces." Tao Huaiying thinks.

Tao Huaiying said that with the continuous promotion of large-scale and intensive agriculture, the demand of new agricultural operators for finance is becoming more and more urgent, expanding to long-term, large-value, and centralized financial services. to insurance, futures, securities and other comprehensive services.

"judging from the composition of the main body of agricultural production and operation in our country, those in the middle of the pyramid are new types of operators engaged in moderate scale operation of agriculture. At present, this number probably includes major households, family farms, and cooperatives, which are called new types of operators. The number of large households is 5.5 million." Tao Huaiying said so. "there is also a trend that there are 4.5 million migrant workers and college students returning home to start a business, which represent a new trend in the development of our modern agriculture, that is, a new new force. They can bring modern agricultural science and technology, mode of production and business concepts to rural areas and introduce them into agriculture. These operators are a particularly good growth or a particularly good new force to promote the development of our modern agriculture. "

However, due to our lack of effective mortgage guarantee and other reasons, finance has become a bottleneck in their development, and it can also be said to be the weakest link in rural financial services at present. therefore, we also appeal from many aspects and give you suggestions. We hope that the new finance with vision should focus on and serve these new business entities on the premise of all-round and equal development of society. Serve the broad masses of farmers in rural areas, provide personalized financial services tailored to them, establish long-term cooperative relations of mutual benefit, promote the development and growth of our new business entities, and achieve a win-win situation, it will also promote the accelerated development of our country's modern agriculture.

New Finance should aim at the main Battlefield of Rural Reform

In addition, Tao Huaiying said that with the deepening of the reform of our country's rural land system and the deepening of the reform of the rural collective property rights system, the property rights of a large number of non-resource assets in rural areas have been further clarified. At present, the registration of land rights for contracted management in rural areas, which is being vigorously promoted throughout the country, has now registered 650 million mu.

Tao Huaiying revealed that this year, 6 billion yuan of central financial subsidy funds have been used to promote this matter, to further promote the registration of land contractual management rights, and at the same time, it is also promoting the reform of shareholding rights of collective operating assets, which is also being piloted and promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Tao Huaiying said: through the continuous deepening of a series of rural reforms, the continuous reform and improvement of the resources of collective land assets and farmers' property rights, the protection system of farmers' property rights will be further improved, and the role of market mechanism will be brought into full play. Financial participation is also needed to make good use of these resources. Therefore, financial enterprises should actively participate in rural reform, open up rural markets, boldly practice, actively innovate, work together to help rural financial development, and share the huge dividends released by rural reform.

Finance should participate in the Construction of Rural Credit system

Tao Huaiying stressed: generally speaking, the work of rural financial rating and credit information in our country is still relatively weak in rural areas, and it is still blank in many places. there has always been a serious information asymmetry between financial institutions and farmers.

The reality is that financial institutions often do not dare to borrow money and have nowhere to use. Now through the Internet big data, we can see that farmers' production activities, transaction behavior and credit information can be recorded through the scene. If we work together to accumulate these data and strengthen the sharing of information resources, we can promote the improvement of the rural credit information system. Thus fundamentally solve the bottleneck of rural finance and achieve benign interaction and win-win situation.

Tao Huaiying revealed that at present, the Ministry of Agriculture is building a new business entity direct reporting system to accurately locate and dynamically track new business entities such as family farms and cooperatives across the country, and its purpose is to establish such a direct reporting system. Integrate these data on such a resource, such a network, and integrate these data together.

The system integrates and makes full use of these data through accurate positioning, dynamic tracking, point-to-point docking to farmers, credit, insurance, training, operation, production services and other information.

"in the future, we are also going to open this system to market players who are interested in developing 'agriculture, rural areas and farmers' services, that is, we will build such a platform to put the basic data, production and operation, and personal information of these new business entities, as well as financial institutions and insurance institutions interested in carrying out this service, all on such a platform for resource sharing and service docking. It is also necessary to innovate financial services for rural finance, especially for new financial entities, in such a way. " Tao Huaiying said so.

Tao Huaiying said: judging from the characteristics of our country's agricultural and rural development, the effective landing or effective docking of rural financial services still needs the policy support of the government. At the same time, the traditional basketball financial function policy also needs to be further reformed and perfected. Innovating the ways and methods of financial functions of finance and finance, the Ministry of Agriculture is now exploring to promote the prying role of financial funds on financial capital. To promote the innovation of rural financial services.

"in the next step, we should actively promote various ways, such as fiscal discount, premium subsidy and risk compensation, to promote the trinity interaction of fiscal policy, financial policy and industrial policy, so as to promote the innovation of rural financial services." Tao Huaiying said.