
Guizhou wife leads the villagers to raise pigs and fruits on the road to prosperity in pingguo.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Guizhou wife leads the villagers to raise pigs and fruits on the road to prosperity in pingguo.

In Mingjiang Village, Sitang Town, Pingguo County, speaking of any red powder, director of the village committee, it can be said that no one knows, no one knows. In 2009, He Hongfen and her husband started a pig farm, and now she contracts land to grow citrus fruits. Relying on scientific orange planting and pig raising technology, she led the villagers to walk wider and wider on the road to becoming rich.

College students return home to raise pigs

Guizhou sister He Hongfen graduated from Hunan Agricultural University majoring in animal medicine in 2007, and then worked in Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation Jinguang Company for one year, where she met her husband who studied animal husbandry and veterinary medicine. In 2009, He Hongfen decided to go back to her husband's hometown_Pingguo County Mingjiang Village Nadengtun to establish a pig farm. At that time, they were confident that both husband and wife were majoring in animal husbandry, with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience."Ten thousand pigs are in charge, but can't they get hundreds?"

At first, the people around me did not understand,"Graduated from college should find a stable and decent job in the city, honestly work as a white-collar worker." Isn't returning home to raise pigs equivalent to studying books for so many years in vain?" My husband's family thinks so. When the villagers knew about their idea of raising pigs, they all looked at them strangely and shook their heads one after another. This made the couple feel great pressure from the outside world.

He Hongfen and her husband started their pig business under pressure. Since they started running their own pig farm, they have hardly left the pig farm except to go home for dinner. "Your own pig farm needs to do everything thoughtfully, not just do the same job in your hand." He Hongfen said. After they started raising pigs, they lived in a simple hut in the pig farm. There was nothing in the house except a double bed and simple toiletries. At first, due to limited funds, only ten thousand yuan was borrowed from relatives and friends. The pig farm was small in scale and only 6 sows were raised. At present, He Hongfen's pig farm has grown to 70 sows and 1600 commercial pigs annually. The pigs are sold to surrounding towns, Nanning, Fangchenggang, Chongzuo and other places through pig QQ group and WeChat.

Despite the success of pig farming, He Hongfen has also suffered unexpected major blows. From 2013 to 2014, the price of pork dropped to an all-time low, with the price of pigs falling as low as 5 yuan per catty, but feed was still expensive, which meant selling pigs would cost money. He Hongfen after calm analysis think, This kind of ultra-low pig price is approaching the bottom, Very likely will rebound before 2015, Should take advantage of the pig market downturn this period of time to upgrade, Cultivate new varieties in order to seize the future market.

He Hongfen this "rest and recuperation" plan also got her husband's support, the couple began to raise funds to focus on breeding big ternary commodity pigs. Finally, in 2015, the pig market began to pick up, and the price of live pig also rose to 8 yuan/catty. Because He Hongfen's pig was a big ternary commodity pig with good breed, the price was more expensive than that of other breeds of pigs, which made them taste sweet. After that, they kept investing in the development of pig breeding business, and the scale of pig farm also expanded continuously. The couple's wallet also slowly bulged up.

The "local expert" who "forced" out

He Hongfen has brought real economic benefits to the village. The villagers have seen it for themselves. Everyone is grateful to her. From 2011 to 2014, she was elected as the Women's Director, Deputy Director and Director of Mingjiang Village Villagers Committee successively. The greater the official position, the heavier the burden on his shoulders. As the leader of the village, He Hongfen keenly realized that it was not enough to raise pigs to make the villagers really rich. At that time, many people in the village also planted grapes to make a fortune. Selling grapes was one of the main economic sources of villagers. However, due to many roots of grapes, serious aging of varieties planted for many years, poor quality of fruits, resulting in poor yield and selling price, villagers 'income has not increased significantly.

In 2015, He Hongfen found that planting citrus fruits was an effective way to increase farmers 'income through investigation, so he proposed to mobilize villagers to plant citrus fruits to the village committee team. Although everyone thinks this is a good way to increase income, after all, no one in the village has planted oranges on a large scale, and no one dares to plant them first. In order to play a leading role in demonstration, He Hongfen bought back more than 800 fruit tree seedlings, contracted 21 mu of land and began to embark on the road of combining planting and breeding. As the saying goes: alternate rows such as mountains, after all, planting fruit is not He Hongfen's specialty, and pig farming has obvious differences. He Hongfen had to take the lead in learning the theoretical knowledge of fruit tree planting by himself, while leading villagers to visit nearby villages where fruits were planted, and also went to Wuming District of NanNing City at his own expense to "learn scriptures" and learn advanced fruit tree planting technology. Through self-pressurization and hard study, the clever He Hongfen has now become a "local expert" in fruit tree planting and has mastered the technology and method of fruit tree planting skillfully. Villagers love to consult her when they have problems planting fruit trees. Driven by her, Mingjiang Village is currently planting more than 800 mu of citrus fruits. In order to solve the worries of fruit farmers, He Hongfen often accompanies fruit farmers to transport high-quality fruit seedlings to other places, and provides high-quality fruit seedlings to fruit farmers at preferential prices by making use of acquaintance relations. Some fruit farmers lack start-up funds for planting fruits, and He Hongfen also guarantees loans for fruit farmers.

The female director of "Good Speech"

As the director of the village committee, He Hongfen had endless things to do every day, which made her spend less and less time at home. She was so busy that she often forgot to feed her daughter, who was only a few months old, and waited for her daughter to cry out of hunger before stopping to feed her daughter a few mouthfuls of milk in a hurry. Villagers all praised He Hongfen for "good speech", which villager encountered difficulties, a call He Hongfen, she immediately went to help solve. Once, there is a left-behind old man in the village who wants to go to the bank to open an account deposit, but can't write, so he goes to the pig farm to find He Hongfen. She was busy feeding the pigs and immediately stopped her work and carefully filled in the relevant materials for the old man. Fruit tree planting needs dung water, He Hongfen let villagers to their own pig farm in the septic tank pick, never received a penny, but also pig farm biogas residue biogas slurry free of charge to fruit farmers, benefit area of more than 300 mu. He Hongfen believes that the village to develop first village committee team to unite. For this reason, He Hongfen pays great attention to good relations with village cadres and strengthens the cohesion of village committees. Under the leadership of He Hongfen, the village cadres twisted into a rope and tried their best to solve the problems for the villagers and won the trust of the villagers. "My relationship with the villagers is like brothers and sisters." He Hongfen said that her achievements are the result of working hard with everyone.

Leading villagers to become rich together

Villagers see He Hongfen couple pig made a fortune, one after another to them to learn pig experience, but also want to get rich through pig farming. He Hongfen is not afraid of peer competition, unreservedly provides them with technical support for epidemic prevention, feed and breeding, and provides them with improved breeding pigs, feed formulas and modern pig management technology. The prevention of epidemic diseases is what He Hongfen cares most about. Once she finds signs of epidemic situation, she will not only do epidemic prevention in her pig farm, but also inform other pig farmers in the village, and tell them which vaccine should be given and when to vaccinate.

Under the careful guidance and care of He Hongfen, the pig industry in Mingjiang Village developed rapidly, and dozens of pig-raising scale households emerged. Zhang Biaoxiang of Tuoshatun now sells 800 commercial pigs a year, and Huang Dingjian of Nading Tun sells 600 commercial pigs a year. Some poor households in the village only raise sows because of lack of funds and sell piglets to make money. They have also achieved good economic benefits. Some of them have also been lifted out of poverty and their living standards have been steadily improved.