
Fengdu, Chongqing: the couple's gross income from growing vegetables is 300000 yuan.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fengdu, Chongqing: the couple's gross income from growing vegetables is 300000 yuan.

"our village is 700 or 800 meters above sea level, and the temperature is lower than 400 meters along the river, so we are still transplanting vegetable seedlings." On April 23, Peng Xiujuan, a group of peasant women in Nanmu Village, Shuanglu Town, Fengdu County, said to the author.

Peng Xiujuan and her husband are over 40 years old. In recent years, in order to take care of their children's studies, the couple gave up going out to work and chose to stay at home to grow vegetables. Last year, the summer vegetables they planted were affected by continuous sunny and high temperatures in the late harvest, resulting in reduced yields and some losses. Therefore, Peng Xiujuan is looking forward to favorable weather this summer and striving for a gross income of 300000 yuan.

The high temperature of Lianqing leads to the decrease of vegetable yield.

"our family has only four or five mu of contracted land. In the past few years, many villagers have gone out to work, so we have taken over the contracted land of these villagers' families, with a total of more than 60 mu, all of which are used to grow vegetables." Peng Xiujuan said.

Peng Xiujuan told me that last spring, after discussion, she and her husband successively planted summer vegetable varieties such as string beans, cucumbers, eggplant, chili and cowpeas, as well as more than 10 mu of lotus root. The couple got up early in the morning and stayed up late in the night, braving the sun and rain, and used hard-working sweat in exchange for a variety of vegetables to thrive.

"in a twinkling of an eye, my husband and I are even busier. Almost early in the morning, we pick ripe vegetables and ship them to the market to sell. Sometimes vegetable vendors come to the fields to buy them." Peng Xiujuan said.

The growth trend of vegetables is good. According to past experience, the couple calculated that the yield of kidney beans, cucumber, eggplant, pepper and cowpea per mu is 800kg, 1300 kg, 1500 kg, 1000 kg and 1000 kg respectively. According to the market situation at that time, after all the vegetables were harvested and put on the market this season, the gross income is expected to reach 300000 yuan. Who knows that people are not as good as heaven, in the late harvest of eggplant, chili, cowpea and other vegetables, encountered more than 20 days of continuous sunny high temperature attack, as a result, the vegetables were dried to death prematurely, the output was greatly reduced, and the income also dropped. The overall loss is at least about 80,000 yuan.

In order to minimize the loss, after the Beginning of Autumn, the couple planted a lot of autumn and winter vegetables.

Plan vegetable production this year as early as possible

"Summer vegetable production is a top priority of the year. Just after the Spring Festival this year, my husband and I are busy preparing for spring ploughing, buying seeds, buying plastic film, and preparing fertilizers, mainly farm organic manure." Peng Xiujuan said.

The couple discussed and decided that on the basis of last year, the planting area of eggplant should be appropriately expanded for vegetables this summer, and other vegetables such as string beans, cucumbers, peppers, cowpeas and other vegetables should also continue to be planted, but the area is relatively reduced. Last year, due to drought, the yield of more than 10 mu of lotus root planted by them also reduced, so while there are more Rain Water at present, they should also do a good job in water storage and conservation, so as to strive for adequate water supply of more than 10 mu of lotus root this year, so as to achieve a better harvest.

"what is different from last year is that we have set up a greenhouse this year, mainly growing eggplant and other vegetables. At present, eggplant in the greenhouse is growing very well, and most of the plants have blossomed and bear fruit, and they are expected to be harvested and put on the market one after another in mid-May. " Peng Xiujuan said, but other vegetables grown in open fields are much later, mainly because of the higher altitude.

The author saw that the eggplant, chili peppers and cucumbers planted by the couple in the open field have only recently survived, while at the vegetable base of Wenxi Village in Gaojia Town and Gujiadian Village in Mingshan Street, these vegetables grown in the open field have already blossomed and borne fruit. Not only that, Peng Xiujuan told reporters that some of the vegetable seedlings they cultivated are still being transplanted.

"you see, what is left in this seedbed are eggplant seedlings, pepper seedlings, and watermelon seedlings grown over there. All these seedlings are expected to be transplanted out in two weeks." Peng Xiujuan said.

Expect this year's income to be better than last year's.

"will there be times when your husband and wife are too busy to grow more than 60 mu of vegetables?" The author asked.

"the main reason is that I was very busy during the harvest period, because after the vegetables were harvested, they had to be transported to the market for sale. My husband and I work very hard to go to the fields at dawn every day, but as long as the vegetables on that day can be sold at a good price, we won't feel anything no matter how hard it is. " Peng Xiujuan said: in fact, the vegetables they grow are ripening one after another, so the harvest is carried out one after another, so there is room for manoeuvre. As long as there are careful plans and arrangements, they will not be very tired.

Peng Xiujuan said that according to last year's market situation, the gross income of growing one mu of vegetables is more than 5000 yuan under normal circumstances. There would have been more than 300000 yuan in more than 60 mu, but some of the plants were killed by Lianqing's high temperature, resulting in loss in the later harvest. In order to prevent the recurrence of hot and dry weather this year, she and her husband adjusted some drought-tolerant plots, that is, planting drought-tolerant vegetables into drought-tolerant plots and drought-tolerant vegetables into drought-tolerant plots.

"at the same time, we also try to avoid the loss caused by high temperature and drought by planting early and delaying planting." Peng Xiujuan said that their decision to plant four or five mu of watermelons this year is also to prepare for the bad vegetable market, so that the two prices can complement each other to maximize income.

It is reported that at present, the couple have also learned to play Wechat, pulling some vegetable vendors into the group, so that they can not only learn about the market situation and other information at any time, but also sell vegetables farther and better through moments when vegetables are ripe and harvested.