
Pheasant breeding feasibility report: how to raise pheasant technology? can pheasant be raised to make money?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The dream of raising pheasants to shake off poverty and become rich

Jiyang District helpers visit Lan Dexin, an accurate poverty alleviation household.

Before    poverty alleviation, Lan Dexin, a villager in the bowling group of Luopeng Village Committee, was poor due to illness and lacked their own hematopoietic ability. According to the causes of poverty caused by the Lande new family, Jiyang District through "industrial poverty alleviation + labor export + expand marketing" for Landexin "tailored" poverty alleviation program, through breeding pheasants, dance out of poverty and become rich dream.

On the morning of the 19th, the reporter saw in Lande's new home that the house had been renovated and the shady betel nut groves in the doorway and more than 300 young chickens in the chicken ring were strolling.

   Lan Dexin is a villager of the bowling group of the Luopeng Village Committee. The eldest son, Lan Zhizhong, has been married and separated. The second son, Lan Zhizhong, injured his left calf in a car crash and was unable to do heavy work. Later, he was diagnosed with "osteoma" and was successively treated in the 425th Hospital and 301st Hainan Branch of the PLA. The cost of this treatment alone consumed all the savings of Lan Dexin and his wife.

   Lan Dexin said that before poverty alleviation help, the family did not have any actual sources of income. With the help of the poverty alleviation working group, great changes have taken place at home. "in the past, the per capita income of a family of five was only more than 1000 yuan a year, but now the situation has been greatly improved, with a per capita income of almost 12000 yuan in 2016. Not only some pigs and pheasants have been raised and a betel nut plantation has been opened, but also the sick second son has been employed by enterprises involved in poverty alleviation in the city, and the living standard of the family has been significantly improved.

   in order to help Lan Dexin, poverty alleviation personnel according to the characteristics of their family members and the actual situation, find the right way, help on the point, through the development of industry, the introduction of varieties, breeding pheasants; finally, accurate to the household, leading out of poverty.

Cai Yaoze, deputy director of    Jiyang District, said that in order to develop the industry, the most important thing is to establish the concept of brand agricultural products. We will actively promote the discovery of good products, establish good brands, promote marketing channels, cultivate good consumer markets and consumer groups, and achieve the closure of the virtuous circle of high-quality agricultural products. According to the actual situation of Lande Xinjia, the district government decided to make use of the open space in front of its door to help develop the economy under the forest, increase the planting of betel nut forest, and set up a chicken farm under the betel nut forest. With the help of technicians, in March 2017, the first batch of more than 460 pheasants raised by Lande Xin were sold out, applauded and sold out.

   "there is a good price for superior products." Consumer groups prefer pollution-free agricultural and livestock products in rural areas. Chen Yue, secretary of the Jiyang District CPC Committee, said that the next step can be explored through the "e-commerce" platform, relying on the Sanya consumer market to promote "accurate poverty alleviation", increase the market for rural livestock products, and enable more farmers to shake off poverty and become rich. It's time for the pheasant raised by Lan Dexin to go out. In order to help it sell the pheasant in time, the government, enterprises, and social forces gathered together to help poor families. On August 26, 2016, relevant departments used Wechat and QQ groups to release relevant information. Sanya City Rural Youth Rich leaders Association, Hainan Farmers Association and Tianya Voice responded positively. Volunteer organizations such as "Heart to Heart" and "Love at Tianya" participated in the love relay and forwarded the poor pheasants in the WeChat group for love subscription. Members of the association, volunteers, citizens, and enterprises responded one after another. Some contacted farmers in advance to purchase, and all 460 pheasants were quickly subscribed.

   helps families to get rid of poverty accurately, and it is necessary to formulate poverty alleviation measures of "one household, one policy". According to the specific conditions of villagers, their willingness to get rich and their ability to work, Jiyang District provides diversified characteristic agriculture such as raising sheep, raising chickens and growing melons and vegetables, and sets up rural cooperatives to promote industrial projects to help the poor, so that every household has a way to get rich and fundamentally solve the poverty problem of poor families. Ordinary people cannot be allowed to return to poverty as soon as they are lifted out of poverty.