
"Fruit King" Wei Xincheng: a green plum breaks the road to wealth

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, "Fruit King" Wei Xincheng: a green plum breaks the road to wealth

Wei Xincheng (left) looks through the harvested green plum on April 13.

On a rainy day in Qingming Valley, the weather is getting warmer, and everywhere I can see, it is full of green. On April 13, by the cement road of Xinhe Village, Datong Township, Donglan County, dozens of people wore hats and long-sleeved clothes, shuttling through the green plum woods. By the side of the road, more than a hundred bags of green plums picked that day were placed upright and upright.

Ma Chanwang, who had just drilled out of the woods, carried a bag of green plums on her shoulder. She saw her pile this bag with the two bags picked in the morning. This is the third bag she picked today. "Today there are fewer fruits, so it's a little harder to pick. Yesterday was the first day to pick. There was a lot of fruit on the tree, so it was easy to pick. " Ma Changwang, 40, comes from Laoweitun, Helong Village, Datong Township. On April 12, she and more than 50 people from nearby villages picked green plums in this orchard. Pointing to the fruits of today's labor, she said, "I picked about 400 jin, and I will continue to pick it later."

"there was a lot of fruit yesterday. We picked a jin and the boss gave it 0.25 yuan. The fruit is hard to pick today, and the price offered by the boss has doubled. " Having an income of 200 to 300 yuan a day is more cost-effective than going out to work. Ma Chanwang is naturally happy.

The boss mentioned by Ma Chang is Wei Xincheng, the grower of this green plum plantation. In his 50s this year, he is a villager of Poqiantun, Xinhe Village, Datong Township. Since 2001, he has boldly planted green plum and other fruits, knocking on the door to increase income and become rich.

"one more day tomorrow, my green plum garden will be over." On April 13, looking at the green plum piled into a hill, Wei Xin Chengxi was in his heart. He told reporters that Qingmei's purchase price this year is higher than in previous years, so Qingmei's income this year is estimated to double that of last year.

Sticking to it for more than a decade will eventually pay off.

More than a decade ago, Wei Xincheng began to learn to grow when he saw that others were on the road to getting rich by growing fruit. In 2001, he took out his savings for many years, introduced more than 4000 green plums from other places, and contracted 70 mu of barren slopes for planting. At first, due to the shortage of funds and lack of technology, he encountered a lot of difficulties and suffered a lot.

"at that time, I encountered a lot of difficulties. first, I was opposed by my family. I was afraid that I would lose money in growing green plums. Later, the family did not object, and technology became a problem again. Especially a few years ago, due to the lack of grafting technology, green plum did not grow well and the harvest was low. " However, Wei Xincheng is a person who is not willing to admit defeat easily, as long as he recognizes the right thing, he will stick to it. Over the years, he and the orchard administrator went out early and came back late every day, carefully managing and protecting the orchard, and finally figured out the law of the management and protection of the green plum tree, and his orchard soon became the first green plum planting demonstration base in the county. In 2013, he registered and established Naheng Fruit Field (micro-enterprise) in Xinhe Village, Datong Township, Donglan County, and has been operating the fruit farm since then.

"after years of exploration, if green plum trees have aphids, imidacloprid or Dongfanghong is more effective." When it comes to the care of fruit trees, Wei Xincheng is like an expert. In fact, there is nothing special about the usual management and protection of green plum trees, he said. It is enough to grasp three critical periods, namely, shoveling grass and loosening soil when young trees are young, as well as killing insects, fertilizing and pruning; as a result, shoveling grass and fertilizing; pruning every year from October to November. Wei Xincheng said that this pruning is more critical, directly determining whether there will be a high yield in the coming year.

Today, Wei Xincheng has become a well-known "fruit king".

From looking for a market to coming to the door of merchants

In order to ensure the marketing of Qingmei, Wei Xincheng took the initiative to contact with customers every year, and gradually formed a fixed sales channel. However, the situation has gradually changed in recent years. Wei Xincheng no longer has to look for a market, but the merchants come to the door on their own initiative.

"thanks to the newly built cement road in our village." Wei Xincheng said that in the past, when their village was still a mud road, the road was potholed, the road was narrow, many large trucks dared not come in, and most merchants would "look at the road and sigh." Now, since the concrete road was opened in the village, it has become much more convenient for large trucks to get in and out, and the merchants outside have also taken the initiative to contact him.

On April 13, just as Wei Xincheng was weighing Qingmei, his cell phone rang. Then, a boss is going to buy his Qingmei. About half an hour later, the boss came to the orchard. The boss is surnamed Liang and is also a native of Donglan. After a few pleasantries, Boss Liang opened the bag, grabbed a handful of green plum and looked at it again and again, then put it in front of his nose and smelled it.

"the fruit looks good this year, and now it is out of stock everywhere, and several factories in Guangdong have been pressing for it a long time ago." Boss Liang told the reporter that he had been buying green plum in Wei Xincheng's orchard for two or three years. This year, due to a small supply of goods, many manufacturers rushed to ask for goods, so he also went to the orchard to "rob" the goods. Boss Liang said that the green plum in Datong is of good quality and great fruit, and customers in the market like to scramble for it. At present, green plums in Datong are mainly sold to Guangdong, Yulin, Nanning, Beihai, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

The price of green plum varies from year to year. This year, the market price has risen a lot, reaching 2.8 yuan per jin, compared with only 1.4 yuan in previous years. According to this calculation, excluding the costs of picking, chemical fertilizer, and labor, the net income of Wei Xincheng's orchard this year is at least about 200000 yuan.

Cut into accurate poverty alleviation and lead the villagers to become rich together.

You are not rich if you are rich. Wei Xincheng has always thought that only when we are rich together can we be rich. Therefore, when green plum was developed as a characteristic industry in the village, Wei Xin encouraged nearby villagers to grow with him. In the past two years, after the country implemented accurate poverty alleviation work, Wei Xincheng taught all the planting techniques to poor households.

In the next step, Wei Xincheng plans to set up a special fruit cooperative to allow poor families nearby to participate, not only to grow green plums, but also to introduce other characteristic fruits, so as to drive more villagers to increase their income and become rich.