
Small field and big field farmers have the final say.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Small field and big field farmers have the final say.

Multiple plots of land in one household has not only become a worry for farmers, but also restricted the development of modern agriculture. Can the scattered plots of land in a household be merged into a whole piece of land, so as to realize co-cultivation and co-planting? In order to meet the needs of agricultural mechanization, large-scale and intensive management, all localities are actively trying to explore. Recently, the reporter learned from an investigation in Huaiyuan County, Bengbu City, Anhui Province that by exploring the reform of "one household, one field," the local area has been adjusted on the basis of two rounds of extension, which has not only improved labor productivity, but also achieved many effects, such as saving land, increasing agricultural efficiency, increasing farmers' income, and so on.

"piecemeal land is no longer suited to the needs of modern agriculture, and farmers have a strong desire to reform, so they should be respected."

"my family used to have nine plots of land, a total of 18 mu, one piece from east to west, the big one is more than 3 mu, and the small one is a little bit. Because the plot is small, it takes 70 yuan per mu for wheat machines and three or four days for nine plots of land. Now, after turning into a large piece of land, the wheat machine only needs 50 yuan per mu, which can be harvested in almost three hours. " Shao Dongyang, 68, of Dongshao Group in Yinshang Village, Huaiyuan County, said that this kind of "patch land" is available in every family, which makes the villagers have a headache.

As the land is fragmented and can only rely on manual farming, the cost of farming is getting higher and higher. "the largest family even has 42 plots of land, which is the reason why many farmers abandon their land." Liu Chunli, head of the Management Section of the Bengbu Municipal Committee of Agriculture, told reporters.

In the eighties and nineties of the last century, due to the differences in regional soil quality, water and electricity conditions, distance from the village and other factors, the cultivated land in a village group generally had land grade differences, "which directly led to the fragmentation of contracted land." Liu Chunli said.

When the second round of land contracting was carried out in that year, the land of Dongshao group was mainly divided into three categories: good, medium and poor, while the difference in land grade mainly depends on the situation of land drainage. "the land that is not flooded on the high ground is good, the land that can release water is generally the middle land, and the depression that is easy to flood is the bad land." Wei Wei, secretary of the party branch of Yinshang Village, said that from 1992 to 2013, Yinshang Village invested more than 20 million yuan in land renovation funds, mainly for financial projects such as comprehensive agricultural development, irrigation and water conservancy infrastructure, and comprehensive land renovation, which were used for ditch digging, bridge repair, road paving, and other construction, gradually narrowing the differences in land categories, "which to a certain extent laid the foundation for exchange and land exchange to achieve 'one household, one field'."

"you might as well have a small field and a big field!" The right of land was confirmed in 2014, and it was very difficult to register more than a dozen plots of land for each house. as a result, several village representatives such as Shao Zhimin and Shao Dongyang of the Dongshao Group of Yinshang Village came up with the idea of merging the land, which is currently too scattered and fragmentary. Re-merge in the way of swapping and merging blocks to form "one piece of land" per household. Unexpectedly, this proposal was immediately unanimously approved by the whole group of villagers.

In less than two months, the 20 households of Dongshao Group completed the merger of the original 467 mu and 168 pieces of arable land. The villagers spontaneously set up organizations, study and formulate plans, find the basis of laws and policies, strive for support at the rural level, conscientiously measure the land, and adhere to the basic principle of "keeping the population of the original two rounds of land distribution unchanged" in the process of merging land. in accordance with the "one household, one field" re-contract to households, so that 19 households to achieve "one piece of land", the other one household has two plots of land, achieving the goal of one household and one field. The land area of each household is as little as 10 mu and more than 30 mu, which is square and convenient for farming.

"piecemeal land is no longer suited to the needs of modern agriculture. Farmers have a desire to merge land and have a strong desire for reform, which should be respected." Wang Hong, director of the Bengbu Municipal Commission of Agriculture and Forestry, said.

Through democratic consultation and government guidance, we should steadily promote the pilot operation of "one household, one field", develop moderate scale operation, and explore a new road of land management suited to the development of modern agriculture.

"Xiao Tian is not Daejeon. It is easy to say, but not easy to do." Wei Wei has deep feelings.

"the biggest resistance to merging land comes from those farmers whose actual mu of land is larger than that of their allotted mu." Bai Yunxin, secretary of the party branch of Baihu Village, told reporters that during the second round of land contracting in 1992, due to many factors such as imperfect rules and regulations, the acreage actually allocated to some people at that time was larger than that due to it. In addition, after the land was contracted to households, each household continued to occupy roads around their land, and some opened up wasteland and pushed ponds to actually add a lot of new land.

"this time, the existing land of the whole group should be uniformly surveyed, and then the total number of mu of land should be divided by the total population, and it is concluded that each person should divide the area of land per mu. In this way, the masses who actually have a large acre of land will naturally be unwilling. " Bai Yunxin said that in order to convince this part of the masses, the village cadres simply broke their legs and frayed their mouths. Because of the benefits of merging land, many ordinary people will also take the initiative to do the work of this part of the masses. At the same time, we should also publicize the principle of "five invariants", that is, to adhere to the current household contract management system, to maintain the nature of collective land ownership in rural areas, to maintain the scope of exchange based on the original villagers' group of second-round contracts, to keep the original population base of second-round contracts unchanged, and to maintain the same use of modern agriculture. in the end, the farmers with the greatest resistance to the "one household, one field" system have dispelled their resistance to the system.

However, how to ensure fairness and fairness in the merging field has become a difficult problem. "the working people always have unlimited creativity and are faced with the problem of fairness and impartiality in the process of merging. They creatively invented the rule of drawing lots for two rounds." Liu Chunli said. The villagers marked the fields in the group with 10 mu as a unit, divided the fields in sequence in the first round, and drew the plot number in the second round according to the sorting number. The more than 1280 mu of land owned by 79 households in Yin Shang Village has been merged into 81 "concentrated fields" from the original 426 pieces of "broken land", basically achieving the goal of "one household, one contracted land." At this point, Yin Shang Village completely put an end to the piecemeal history of farming land. Seeing the benefits of merging fields, other villages are also eager to try.

"small experiment, general direction, explore the way, make a demonstration," Cai Yong, party committee secretary of Xuwei Township, summed up "one household, one field". He said, "what we are doing is a 'small experiment', but this must be the result of using the right to register and issue certificates. The 'general direction' of deepening the reform of rural land management system Our current work is to actively 'explore ways' for this, and if the experience summed up can 'set an example' for universal implementation, our work will be even more worthwhile. "

At present, 85 village groups have been piloted in Xuwei Township, accounting for 37.1% of the villagers' groups, and the farmers involved account for 27.5% of the total number of peasant households, with a total combined area of 46159 mu, accounting for 37% of the 125000 mu of arable land. By the end of this year, the area of "one household, one field" in the township will reach 60,000 mu, accounting for 48 percent of the total arable land; by the end of 2018, the township will fully realize the management model of "one household, one field".

The exploration at the grass-roots level has aroused the great attention of Bengbu City. In May this year, the Bengbu Municipal Committee of Agriculture issued the guidance on expanding Farmers' Exchange and realizing the "contracted Management of one Land", further clarifying the relevant support policies: for villages where "one piece of land" merges more than 100 mu of land through peasant household swap, the city finance shall reward and supplement the exchange area of 100 yuan per mu. The subsidy funds are mainly used for the construction of farmland infrastructure on merged land. The expenses incurred in the process of land exchange and merger, such as plot surveying and mapping, change of image information, database adjustment, etc., shall be borne by the county (district) finance. Farmers exchange and merge land to realize the contracted operation of "one field" or "two fields" per household, and change and issue the land contract management certificate free of charge, and the necessary expenses shall be paid by the county (district) finance.

The scattered land has been turned into a whole piece of land, and remarkable achievements have been made in production efficiency, land use efficiency and social benefits.

In early winter, the reporter saw in Yin Shang Village, Xuwei Township, that the whole wheat field was neat and uniform, and the villagers talked about the benefits of merging the fields.

First of all, after the average household of "one household and one field", the land is relatively concentrated, which is convenient for mechanized farming, the working hours of farmers in farming, irrigation, harvesting and other links are greatly reduced, and the input of material and financial resources is also significantly reduced. Wei Wei told reporters that after combining small fields with large fields, the production costs of wheat, corn, rice and other grain production per mu can be reduced by about 20%. Coupled with factors such as the increase in the effective arable land area of farmers and the increase in per unit yield, the efficiency of production and operation has been significantly increased, and the average household income has increased by more than 20%, and farmers have received real benefits.