
From the working girl to the boss of the enterprise, he never forgets to lead the villagers to become rich.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, From the working girl to the boss of the enterprise, he never forgets to lead the villagers to become rich.

Su Yajiang (first from left) leads the villagers to plant flowering potatoes.

Tongdu Street Lizigou Village 30 kilometers away from Dongchuan City, the lowest elevation of 2450 meters, is an alpine mountain area. Due to historical and natural constraints, the village has a weak economic foundation and is classified as a "provincial poor village". In 2016, there were 167 poor households with a total of 641 people in the village. Under the leadership of Su Yajiang, Lizigou Village will get rid of poverty and take off its hat by the end of this year.

Su Yajiang, 46, is a Yi woman in Lizigou village. after more than 20 years of efforts, she has realized the transformation from a working girl to an enterprise boss. After affluence, Su Yajiang did not forget his original ideals and aspirations, returned to his hometown and led the villagers to develop industries to get rid of poverty.

Go out and make a career.

In 1989, Su Yajiang graduated from high school. In order to help his sister go to school and lighten the burden on his family, he walked out of Li Zigou and went to Kunming to start a business. He set up a barbecue stand and sold fish. In 2002, by chance, Suyajiang discovered the commercial value of raising geese and resolutely engaged in goose breeding and product development. The business is booming, with an annual income of more than 200000 yuan, making it a famous "goose commander" in Kunming.

After several years of training and accumulation, Suyajiang has mastered the experience of raising geese, fish and processing, as well as accumulated funds. In 2005, she returned to Dongchuan and invested 6 million yuan to set up Yunnan Changyu halal Food Company to develop meat goose breeding and food processing industry to help villagers get rich. Su Yajiang learned from everywhere and finally successfully developed 7 series and 28 varieties of "Goose Mingtang", which laid a solid foundation for the scale development of meat goose industry in Dongchuan District in the future.

In 2008, Su Yajiang set up a sales center in Kunming and signed sales agreements with a number of supermarket restaurants. In 2009, the company signed sales agreements with large supermarket chains such as Costco and Wal-Mart, and sales grew rapidly. Su Yajiang became a local celebrity to get rich.

The common prosperity does not forget the poor villagers

With the company, how to lead more villagers to get rich has become a problem for Su Yajiang. Under the guidance of the District Association of Science and Technology and relying on enterprises, she set up the Dongchuan District Goose raising Technology Association in 2006, leading 1500 local households to raise meat geese and plant flowering yams.

In order to better serve the local people in Dongchuan, they set up aquaculture associations, hired experts, compiled materials, and widely publicized to farmers. In order to reduce the risk of breeding, the association distributes feed, veterinary drugs, goose utensils and other materials to farmers at purchase prices, and carries out follow-up services, door-to-door free vaccination, and signs recycling contracts with farmers to ensure the economic interests of farmers. A number of measures have greatly encouraged farmers' confidence in breeding. Meat goose farmers have increased from 40 to 1500 now. In 2016 alone, more than 100000 meat geese were raised, with a total income of more than 6 million yuan.

In May 2010, Su Yajiang was elected director of the village committee. through in-depth understanding, the unique growth environment and soil are particularly suitable for growing yams. The yams here taste sweet and taste excellent. After being cooked, they are called "flowering yams" because they are shaped like white roses in full bloom. They are nutritious, but they can only sell for 1.5-2 yuan per kilogram on the farmers' market. In order to open up the market, Su Yajiang held the first "flowering Potato Festival" in 2011. Through publicity, the "flowering Potato Festival" was widely recognized. She used the Internet to set up an online shop, and through Wechat to vigorously promote "flowering potato", Lizigou flowering potato popularity has been further enhanced, each kilogram can sell 5-10 yuan. The "flowering potato" has become a treasure in the village, paving a new way for the villagers to get rich.

At present, the total output of the whole village can reach 960 tons, and the total income of Lizigou villagers can reach 4.8 million yuan every year. This year, as soon as the potato was sown, most of it was booked.

Rural tourism makes the villagers rich.

At 4017 meters above sea level, Guniu Mountain is the highest peak of the Wumeng Mountains, with overlapping peaks and majestic momentum, gathering beautiful and charming natural scenery such as alpine meadows and the sea of rhododendron flowers. Su Yajiang said that Guniushan is a major resource for Lizigou village to shake off poverty and become rich. every year, tens of thousands of people go to the mountains for sightseeing, but there is no place to eat and live, which does not help the local people to get rid of poverty. After much deliberation, she decided to introduce funds to develop Guniushan and develop rural tourism. In 2013, she began to plan to apply for the "Poverty-stricken Tourism Poverty Alleviation pilot Village" to her superiors. With the support of the relevant units at a higher level, and after more than two years of efforts, Lizigou Village has been selected as a national pilot village for poverty alleviation by tourism.

With the support of the project, Su Yajiang led the villagers to strengthen the infrastructure construction of the pilot village, integrated nearly 2 million yuan in various funds, selected 11 households to set up archives and set up credit cards, chose new sites to build houses, and created a tourist village to "return to the source of cattle." Plant cherry blossoms, plum trees, etc., and carry out reception training to improve the service level.

In August 2016, 11 houses in the characteristic tourist village of Lizigou were completed, with roofs of flying eaves and green tiles, white walls decorated with Yi totems, surrounded by bark fences and purple alfalfa flowers. Set the characteristics of farm catering, leisure and vacation as one. At the same time, the construction of public toilets, garbage collection areas, but also attracted mountain springs, the expansion of the village road.

"Tourism is the means, and poverty alleviation is fundamental." Su Yajiang said that in the next step, the District Bureau of Industry and Commerce will also support Lizigou Village to develop tourism industry, plant sunflowers in yams, and let them form Yi writing patterns to attract tourists and photography enthusiasts. After the further development of rural tourism, homes for the elderly and kindergartens will be built.