
From melon and fruit online sales to brand building, the new farmer he Feijie's e-commerce upgrade.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, From melon and fruit online sales to brand building, the new farmer he Feijie's e-commerce upgrade.

He Feijie inspected and studied in Yanliang melon planting base.

He Feijie went to the field to harvest melons.

He Feijie discussed with partners the packaging design of "Gua Fangdun" brand.

The "melon fat pier" is sub-packed in the warehouse, and the packed melons are sent to consumers across the country by express delivery.

"A few years ago, we devoted ourselves to helping farmers sell more melons, but did not pay enough attention to the brand. This year we began to improve the entire melon industry chain by shaping the melon brand." He Feijie, founder of Yan Liang melon brand "melon fat pier" and a new farmer born in the 1990s, told reporters that after using the "melon fat pier" brand, the price and sales of melons have increased greatly compared with last year.

In the melon garden, farmers are picking melons according to the standard of "melon fat stump". Packing warehouse, loading workers are the same day sent to all parts of the country "melon fat pier" set of "safety clothes" (protective net), label. Workers at the scene told reporters that the fine packaging was used for melons not to be bumped during transportation to ensure that the melons received by customers were intact.

The reporter learned that he Feijie of the post-90s has rich experience in melon and fruit acquisition, packaging, online sales and express delivery services, all of which stem from his social practice during his college years.

During the university: from the express stall at the school gate to selling millions of jin of Luochuan apples online.

In 2009, when he Feijie was still in high school, due to the influence of his roommates, he began to notice Taobao, a new thing that was not yet popular at that time. Smart and studious, he slipped into the Internet bar and began to check the information related to his study. At one point, he became what parents and teachers called "unprofessional" children. After entering college, at that time, he did not understand what online marketing was, but simply copied and uploaded a piece of information supplied by Apple from his hometown to different types of agricultural websites. In addition, he used his spare time to set up a stall in front of the school to start a small express business.

He Feijie told reporters that there were very few people doing online sales in 2009, and the effect was very good, and Apple orders continued. As a start, he became one of the leaders in selling Luochuan apples through the Internet in his hometown. With the development of the Internet, in 2013, he sold one million jin of apples in his hometown to a big supermarket in Chengdu, which not only provided high-quality products for merchants struggling to find good apples, but also helped farmers in his hometown Luochuan County sell farmers' apples, which was highly appraised by all walks of life.

Graduation Entrepreneurship: from online selling of all kinds of fruits to Brand Building of characteristic Agricultural products

After graduating from university in 2013, he Feijie did not choose to work related to his major, but continued to start his own business and began to devote himself to the supply and marketing of melons and fruits. After doing full-product melon and fruit supply and marketing business for two years, I sprouted the idea of creating a brand, determined to make Shaanxi melon and fruit brand benchmark, and took Yanliang melon, which is the earliest listed in Shaanxi every year, as the first characteristic agricultural product for brand packaging.

After that, he Feijie and his partner Zhang Zhanhai spent nearly a month going deep into Yanliang melon base to consult and learn from Tanaka's old melon farmers and agricultural experts, starting from the beginning of melon planting knowledge. finally, they chose "melon fat pier" as the brand name of their own distribution of melons. And go to the village to inspect melon varieties, planting situation, for their "melon fat pier" products to find high-quality supply.

He Feijie told the reporter that the reason why he named "Guapang Dun" on the one hand is based on the image of melon, on the other hand, the word "melon" is taken from Shaanxi dialect, and his steadfast efforts and perseverance are all the more his resolute attitude in making a career.

It is understood that the "melon fat pier" selected is the red Yan Liang small seed series melon, the melon taste is sweet and not greasy, each melon line is symmetrical, the net weight is between 600 and 700 grams, after picking and bagging at the base every morning, it is transported to the warehouse for sorting and packaging. the goods packaged in the afternoon are shipped to various places, all fresh melons of the original flavor.

Transformation and upgrading: "melon fat pier" muskmelon sold hot melon and fruit brand dream set sail

At present, about 2,000 melons are sold online every day, and many e-commerce and WeChat businesses across the country have joined the sale of "melon fat pier" melons, which has become a relatively popular single product among the characteristic agricultural products sold on the Internet across the country.

According to he Feijie, the reason why "melon fat pier" is popular is that the variety is good, the planting is more scientific, the size is moderate, and the taste is more sweet. This is different from many kinds of melon farmers who sell varieties with large size, beautiful appearance and relatively poor taste. Their "melon fat pier" brand melons are of better quality, and only in this way can they go for a long time.

He Feijie said frankly that to build the brand of characteristic agricultural products, we need to rely on the brand premium to lead traditional farmers to change their ideology, focus on long-term interests, and pay more attention to product quality, not just output. Only when everyone pays attention to the quality of Yanliang melon can the landmark industry develop better.

He Feijie said that agricultural production and agricultural brands need a group of new farmers to do a series of accurate positioning with new vision and new methods. "melon fat pier" is the first step of their dream of melon and fruit brands. in the future, we will build a number of brands with their own characteristics around Shaanxi apple, kiwifruit and other industries, and strive to make the brand stronger and stronger to help fruit growers create profits.