
Farmers with good market price of Baiyu loquat can increase their income and get rich quickly.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Farmers with good market price of Baiyu loquat can increase their income and get rich quickly.

"the wholesale price of ordinary loquat is only 5 yuan, while that of my white (jade) loquat is at least 9 yuan." On May 10, next to Yang Zhengzhong's commissary at the entrance of Laoxian Village, Mahao Town, Shibing County, he and his family were busy packing loquats. "two days ago, a boss of Carey said that he would come to pick up the goods the day after tomorrow. I couldn't pick it up as much as he could." In recent years, more and more people know that Yang Zhengzhong's family grows loquat, and more and more bosses come home to buy loquat, so there is no shortage of sales at all.

In the loquat orchard, clusters of loquat hung all over the branches. "you see, this kind of white loquat is white." Although it looks yellow from a distance, you can tell which one of the two brothers is Xiaobai and who is Xiao Huang when you take a closer look. " Said, Yang Zhengzhong casually peeled off one for the reporter to taste, loquat flesh is milky white, similar to litchi color, delicate meat, entrance fragrance juicy, sweet as honey.

In 2000, Yang Zhengzhong went out to work and did orchard management in Shenzhen, and accumulated some experience. A few years later, he decided to go back to his hometown to start a business, because loquat is easy to manage, and he has also learned the grafting technology of white loquat, which is ten years.

Loquat is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients needed by the human body, which can protect eyesight, keep skin healthy and moist, and promote children's physical development. Fu Maobin, secretary of the party committee of Mahao Town, said, "Yang Zhengzhong currently grows more than 30 mu of loquat, of which more than 80% are Baiyu loquat, with annual sales of more than 10,000 jin. In the near future, the government will coordinate the land to help him expand the planting scale and plant more than 60 mu at the entrance of the village. " The town will make full use of the local unique soil climate to develop Baiyu loquat large-scale cultivation, Baiyu loquat into the big city boutique fruit market, making it gradually become one of the industrial directions of Mahao Town. "We have been so busy these two days that we have to pick a few choices every day, and some bosses have directly called to say that we want everything we are familiar with." Yang Zhengzhong's younger brother Yang Zhengxing helped his brother take care of the loquat garden. Although he was tired, he thought that the fruit could be sold for a good price immediately, not to mention how sweet it was. "this white loquat is sweeter and tastes better than ordinary loquats. the fruit is fat and fat, and many owners of boutique fruit stores are rushing to place orders." Yang Zhengzhong's loquat grows well and sells well, and loquat alone brings him an income of nearly NT $100000 a year, causing villagers from all over the country to come to learn lessons and want to plant this "strange" white loquat.

Yang Zhengzhong was also generous. He not only patiently explained the planting essentials of white loquat to the villagers who asked for advice, but also gave their own white loquat saplings to the villagers who came to learn from the classics for free. However, it is difficult to plant delicious loquat trees, because the management technology is not in place, large-scale cultivation of white loquat, he is still the only family in the county. "Yang Zhengzhong's white loquat fruit has beautiful shape, good taste and high yield, which proves that the local climate and soil is very suitable for the growth of white loquat." Officer Li, director of the poverty alleviation workstation in Mahao Town, said that white loquat, also known as Baiyu loquat, originated from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, has sweet fruit, thin skin and much moisture. In the whole country, it is relatively difficult to introduce varieties, and the total output is not high. Therefore, scarcity is precious. In big cities, white loquat can be sold at a retail price of 50 yuan to 70 yuan per catty. It is a high-end boutique fruit loved by urban white-collar workers. In the state market, due to the low popularity, the retail price of white loquat is only about 20 yuan. It is understood that the greatest difficulty for local farmers in growing white loquat is the lack of technology and perfect management. therefore, the Mahao town government statistics show that farmers who are willing to develop white loquat cultivation, taking the old county village as the center, mobilize villagers with suitable soil and water conditions to transfer land, and are ready to expand white loquat cultivation.

Yang Zhengzhong, as a member of the village committee, is pleased with the large-scale planting of white loquat in the village and town, and is willing to technically help everyone to develop the white loquat industry. "if the acreage goes up, the output can go up, so that our loquat can be sold to other markets, and the price can double!"