
Grow sugarcane grapes and raise pigs "tough old men" on the road to get rid of poverty and become rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grow sugarcane grapes and raise pigs "tough old men" on the road to get rid of poverty and become rich

Xie Kaiju sweeps the pigsty

Xie Kaiju, 68, is a 68-year-old poor household in Longchang County, Longshi City, Lantern Village. Although he is physically disabled, he is strong and strong. With the support of the government's precise poverty alleviation policy, Xie Kaiju, who is not afraid of hardship and tiredness, has planted sugar cane and grapes, raised pigs, and realized his dream of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich step by step by developing the breeding industry and increasing income through multiple channels.

The husband is disabled, the wife is ill, and the whole family loses its financial resources.

Recently, the reporter came to Xie Kaiju's home. Standing by the courtyard dam, looking ahead, the green seedlings in Xie Kaiju's field are particularly "spiritual" in the sunlight. A group of native chickens are looking for food in the yard, and several pigs in the pigsty are about to come out of the pen.

On the same day, the outdoor temperature was 28 degrees Celsius. As soon as Xie Kaiju returned from the field, he immediately fed the pig again, and his clothes were all drenched. Although he is older and has a disability in his hands, Xie Kaiju is adept at doing his job with years of farming skills.

"if you have hands, feet and life, great difficulties can be overcome." This is a sentence often spoken by Xie Kaiju. At the age of 68, he has a tough temperament hidden in his thin body, and the villagers affectionately call him a "tough old man."

Once upon a time, Xie Kaiju and his wife worked as a farmer and ran a small family. Although they were not well-off, they had no worries about food and clothing. But in 2009, because of carelessness, Xie Kaiju broke his right hand and left him disabled for life and could no longer work hard. At this time, the house missed all night's rain, and in 2013, his wife, Zhang Guqin, 62, suffered from a serious lumbar spondylosis and scraped together 30,000 yuan for the operation. At present, Zhang Guqin is still unable to work in agriculture after the operation, and it costs about 1000 yuan to see a doctor every month. the whole family makes a living only by Xie Kaiju's son doing odd jobs, and the originally happy family has fallen into poverty.

However, the hardships encountered did not erase Xie Kaiju's hope for life. "I am a farmer. I know that if I don't farm, there will be no harvest. If I want to live my life, I have to work harder." Xie Kaiju told reporters. Although his right hand was unable to work because he was disabled, he firmly refused to give up and learned to work, farm, and feed pigs with his left hand. Due to the lack of development funds and planting technology, we can only grow corn and rice in our own fields, barely self-sufficient for food and clothing.

Xie Kaiju (left) and Pan Junjiang, the first secretary of the village, check the growth of grape seedlings.

With the help of the department, the poor families embarked on the road of planting and raising to get rid of poverty.

In 2015, Xie Kaiju's family was listed as a poor household for filing and setting up cards. In order to help Xie Kaiju's family out of poverty, in October 2015, the Longchang County Agriculture and Forestry Bureau paired up with Xie Kaiju's family to help cadres go to his home many times to learn about the situation. through repeated exchanges and talks with him, the cadres found that Xie Kaiju had a strong desire to get rid of poverty and had the confidence and fighting spirit to get rid of poverty.

Pan Junjiang, "first secretary" of Longchang County Agriculture and Forestry Bureau in Lantern Village, said in an interview that through discussion, combined with the local natural conditions and climatic environment, we found that it was very suitable for sugarcane growth, and Xie Kaiju also expressed his willingness to plant sugarcane.

Subsequently, Pan Junjiang successively brought sugarcane seedlings and fertilizers provided by the Municipal Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Xie Kaiju can't wait to plant nearly half an acre of sugarcane, looking forward to a good harvest in the coming year.

Xie Kaiju lacks technology and experience in planting sugarcane, so the county agriculture and forestry bureau invited technicians from the Municipal Academy of Agricultural Sciences to provide technical guidance for Xie Kaiju, which saved him a lot of detours. Not only that, Pan Junjiang, the "first secretary", will go to Xie Kai's family as soon as he is free to see the growth of sugarcane in the fields. If there are any problems in the planting process, he will consult professionals in planting, and then "learn and sell now." teach Xie Kaizhi hand in hand.

"helping the cadres to encourage me to learn skills gave me a lot of confidence." Xie Kaiju said gratefully. In the first year, Xie Kaiju worked hard in the morning and dark. Under his meticulous planting, sugarcane had a bumper harvest. "Last year, there was plenty of sunshine and Rain Water, and sugar cane tasted sweet, and the government helped solve the market. the sugar cane trading price was better, with an income of 1000 yuan!" Speaking of last year's sugar cane harvest, Xie Kaiju smiled happily from ear to ear.

With the help of the government, Xie Kaiju became more energetic in the development of planting and aquaculture. Taking advantage of his spare time in planting sugar cane, Xie Kaiju built a pigsty in the open space in his yard. "Last year, I sold eight piglets and earned 4000 yuan. Now, the income from growing sugar cane and raising pigs is more than 5000 yuan a year, which is something I couldn't even imagine! "

Poverty alleviation cadres also applied for medical assistance for Xie Kaiju and his family. From then on, the family no longer sighed day and night about the expensive medical expenses. Speaking of helping cadres to help themselves, Xie Kaiju said: "without the help of cadres, we could not have lived such a good life."

Broaden the channels of increasing income and actively develop grape planting

"although the national policy is good, we cannot live on the support of the state for the rest of our lives. We can only rely on our own hands to work hard and not be afraid of hardship or tiredness. Only by living a good life can we be secure." Xie Kaiju said that his family's income from growing sugar cane and raising pigs is still a long way from getting rid of poverty, so he always wants to find a suitable project to get rich.

By chance, Xie Kaiju found that the local villagers had considerable benefits in growing grapes, and the grapes were still a kind of fruit with a long harvest period, and the market prospect was broad, so he identified grape cultivation as a way.

After learning about Xie Kaiju's idea, the county agriculture and forestry bureau sent him "timely rain"-nearly 100 grape seedlings in March this year. At the same time, the professional and technical personnel of the county agriculture and forestry bureau came to Xie Kai's family to teach him to fertilize, administer medicine, and put on airs.

As soon as he was free, Xie Kaiju stayed in the vineyard to check the growth of grape seedlings, and several times he specially took a bus to Neijiang to learn the planting experience of professional grape growers. From cultivation and fertilization to pest control, Xie Kaiju takes good care of grape seedlings.

Seeing that the grape seedlings planted are as long as possible, Xie Kaiju is more and more confident. "the county agriculture and forestry bureau and the village will try every means to help our family. I will develop the planting and breeding industry anyway. Growing grapes is a long-term plan. I will be able to hang up the fruit in three years, and then I will be able to see the benefits." Xie Kaiju said firmly.

Now, Xie Kaiju's road to getting rid of poverty and becoming rich is getting wider and wider, and in the next step, he also thinks that the current lobster market is good, and he wants to use his remaining one mu of land to raise lobsters, increase income through multiple channels, and strive to get rid of poverty as soon as possible.