
Prospect of raising donkeys: how much is a black donkey? How much is an aconite donkey? Black-faced black-faced donkeys have a way to get rich.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The black face black donkey has a "way of money" to get rich.

The black face black donkey has a "way of money" to get rich.

Benefit analysis of raising donkeys:

The price of young donkey purchased by ① for 3-5 months is about 2000-3000 yuan.

The fattening period of ② is 10 months, and the cost of fodder and forage is about 2000 yuan.

③ weighs about 600-700jin in 10 months, and the price of each meat donkey is about 10000 yuan.

④ fattening donkeys for 10 months can make a profit of about 2500 yuan.

If ⑤ slaughters and sells itself, the slaughtering rate of donkey meat can be as high as 53%, and the net meat can be as high as 270jin. At present, the price of donkey meat on the market is about 30 yuan, and donkey meat can be sold for more than 8000 yuan; donkey skin for more than 30 jin can buy 2500-3000 yuan; donkey bones can be sold for 500-800 yuan; the total value is more than 12000 yuan.

⑥ the vast number of rural friends feed 20 meat donkeys, the annual net income of breeding can reach more than 50000 yuan.

⑦ a standardized meat donkey farm 500 meat donkeys, earning millions a year is not a dream!

Tiantian Water Network reporter he Yongde and Yang Xu

Speaking of donkeys, it is easy to think of the clever and docile little donkeys in the movie Avanti, where the donkeys are bright-eyed and white-mouthed, and now there is another kind of donkey called "black donkey", whose whole body is black. There are people raising such donkeys in Luotai Village, Huaqi Town, Qinzhou District.

It is understood that at present, there are less than 5000 aconite donkeys of this breed in China, and the aconite donkey breeding base in Huaqi Town, Qinzhou District has raised nearly 700. it is said that Ejiao made of this kind of donkey skin was specially used by the emperor, and it is conceivable how valuable the aconite donkey is. In today's words, it is of high economic value. Now its price is also not cheap, this batch of black donkeys from Shandong, the price of each breeding male donkey is about 20,000. Not only that, when you approach the black donkey, it will take the initiative to reach out to you with its long mouth and make friends with you cute. For such a golden black donkey, someone in the market unexpectedly changed beams and pretended to be "Li Kui." according to Luo Zisheng, the person in charge of the base, when he first bought in rural Shandong, individual villagers dyed the common bright-eyed white-mouthed donkey black. After the acquisition, with the growth of the donkey, the white hair on the mouth appeared, and only then did they know that they had been deceived.

In the conversation with Luo Zisheng, he learned that he was a lofty entrepreneur. As a native farmer, he had been building in Shanxi for more than ten years. When he returned to his hometown in 2013, he saw that most of the land in his hometown was idle. I came up with the idea of going back to my hometown to develop ecological agriculture. During the inspection, Luo Zisheng found that the black donkey had a lot of market space and belonged to the breeding blank in Gansu, so he went to Shandong Donga Group to study the breeding technology of the black donkey for three years. Luo Zisheng said: at present, he has transferred more than 7000 mu of land and set up female donkey breeding areas, aconite donkey breeding areas, aconite male donkey breeding areas and donkey seedling fattening areas. In February this year, under the careful care of Luo Zisheng and others, the base's first little donkey was born smoothly. Apart from joy, Luo Zisheng is also planning to expand the scale of breeding. "my goal is to produce 15,000 to 20,000 donkeys by 2020, while processing donkey meat and developing donkey milk products, so as to build the base into an influential black donkey breeding center and a leading industrial technology research and development cluster." Luo Zisheng told the reporter that after the base is completed and put into production, it will provide farmers with female donkeys to be raised by the farmers themselves, the property rights belong to the company, and the property rights and income of the donkeys born belong to the peasant households. The base tries out "one-to-one" assistance and guidance to farmers from the aspects of feed, breeding, feeding and technology, drives the surrounding villagers to carry out appropriate scale breeding, and absorbs women and middle-aged and elderly villagers around the base to work nearby to help villagers increase their income and become rich.

Having said so much, don't worry about eating this black-headed donkey's meat and milk. Luo Zisheng is more anxious than you. In 2016, three double-row donkey houses with a total of 7240 tons and three forage sheds with a total of 1500 tons were built, 700 donkeys were introduced, and an investment of 46.1 million yuan was completed. Three donkey houses and supporting facilities to be built in 2017 are under construction and are expected to be completed by October. After all six donkey houses are put into use, the breeding scale of aconite donkeys will reach more than 1200. At the same time, 4500 mu of alfalfa were interplanted in the base area, 3000 mu of newly transferred land was transferred in 2017, and it was included in the experiment of fallow cultivated land in Qinzhou District, and 3000 mu of peas were planted. At present, the base has provided more than 100 fixed workers to farmers in poverty-stricken villages around Luotai and Caotan, with each household increasing its income by 40,000 yuan a year, with more than 400 seasonal workers in the whole year, with a total wage of 5.8 million yuan.