
Guangdong roast meat variety roast meat training learn roast duck craft start-up and get rich good project Yuehuang roast duck training

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Guangdong roast meat variety roast meat training learn roast duck craft start-up and get rich good project Yuehuang roast duck training

The selection of roast meat varieties in Guangdong is an important part of cooked food management, which to a certain extent determines the success or failure of deli management. The varieties suitable for cooked food can be divided into five categories: roast, stewed, baked with salt, white cut, soy sauce and other five series of crafts, as well as spicy, spicy and spicy. These products are convenient and fast for customers, that is, customers can buy ready-to-eat products.

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However, it should be noted that the variety of any Guangdong roast meat deli should not be too single, otherwise it will make your deli look lifeless and make the whole deli difficult to operate.

Location and location of Yuehuang roast meat and cooked food restaurant

Deli has always been characterized by convenience, high quality and low price, and takes the public as the main service object, so the positioning of cooked food must be popular, medium-and low-grade. Take the current cooked food industry market as an example. In addition to the popularity of varieties, the prices of Guangdong roast meat deli are also very low. Yuehuang Roast Duck training "inline=" 0 ">

Cooked food is most popular among the working class, especially white-collar workers, students and the floating population. therefore, the location of cooked food shops should be located in factories, office buildings, prosperous commercial areas, schools and other places with a concentration of working class or students, as well as places with a large floating population, such as stations, docks, traffic roads, and so on. only in this way can we ensure an adequate supply of passengers.

Scale and decoration of Yuehuang roast meat deli

Generally speaking, the area of a deli can reach about 10 square meters, and the processing area can reach more than 30 square meters. The small scale of the deli has two advantages, one is that it can save the initial investment of about 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, and the other is that it can avoid the waste of the store area when the business is slow. Guangdong roast meat delicatessen restaurant decoration may also wish to refer to. The inherent aesthetic of Guangdong people, because. Cantonese people have a crisp character, so they also tend to have a simple and lively style in terms of aesthetics. The decoration of Guangdong barbecue shop should adopt simple style and lively color to give customers a relaxed and pleasant feeling.

Operation and management of Yuehuang roast meat deli

The operation and management of Guangdong roast meat deli boils down to very simple, that is, select the variety of cooked food, select the location of fast cooked food, do a good job in the decoration of the deli and install the facilities of the deli, and then you find a processing staff. find a salesperson, let them do their job every day, and be responsible for purchasing and production.