
The frontline cadres in the "big fight" to get rid of poverty have made great efforts.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The frontline cadres in the "big fight" to get rid of poverty have made great efforts.

The big fight against poverty is another important measure to get rid of poverty in Guizhou after the spring offensive. It has always carried the great poverty alleviation strategy throughout the economic and social development, and called on cadres at all levels in the province to actively participate in the cause of poverty alleviation, to shoulder more responsibilities, to compare ways and methods, to compare cadres' work style, to compare mental state, and to gain a sense of feeling than the masses for a while. Tens of thousands of village cadres and village leaders who struggle on the front line of poverty alleviation work hard to shed sweat for the cause of poverty alleviation and sow hope of becoming rich.

"the State Forestry Administration has won the target of 1500 forest rangers for Dushan County. Each forest ranger earns 10,000 yuan a year, which is enough for a family of four to lift themselves out of poverty. As a result, 6000 poor people in the county have been lifted out of poverty. All these are thanks to Secretary Zhang's active efforts to help us fight for it from our mother's family. This is the way to lift 6000 poor people out of poverty today." When they heard that Zhang Mingji, first secretary of the State Forestry Administration stationed in Zilinshan Village, Dushan County, and long Kuixu, director of the Poverty Alleviation and Development Bureau of Dushan County, talked about the path of ecological protection to get rid of poverty, the villagers sighed deeply.

Recently, the reporter and his entourage came to Zilin Mountain Village, where Zhang Mingji is located, and saw that transport vehicles were busy transporting stone to the road through the village, and the planned Tongcun Avenue, which could accommodate two vehicles in parallel, was nearing completion. When I walked into the village, I found that the village, which was originally cold and without industrial support, had finally found a way to develop, planting cold-resistant and shady sea flowers, and the poor villagers of Zishan Village competed to talk about the changes of their village over the years.

Zilinshan Village is located in the hinterland of Zilinshan National Forest Park and Duliujiang Provincial Wetland Reserve. It is not only an important ecological function area and water conservation area, but also one of the most remote mountain villages in Dushan County. The remote geographical location, bad climatic conditions, backward mode of production, outdated ideas and other factors lead to the backward development of the village.

Zhang Mingji's bond with Zilinshan Village originated in August 2016. Three months after his marriage, Zhang Mingji took the initiative to apply for the post of "first secretary" in Zilinshan village. since he was stationed in the village, he has always insisted on eating and living with the villagers and practiced "two learning and one doing." contribute to local development. "in 2015, there were 400 households and 1040 poor people in the village. Among them, the general poor households are 200 and 718, and the low-income households are 200 and 322. The incidence of poverty has reached 41.0%, and the old Zilinshan village is a first-class poverty-stricken village in the country. Weak grass-roots organizations, poor basic conditions, deep poverty and heavy development tasks are the most obvious characteristics of Zilin Mountain Village. " When it comes to the situation of the village, Zhang Mingji is like a family treasure.

Behind the familiarity with the village situation is the result of Zhang Mingji and the villagers treating each other wholeheartedly for two years. "I am from Liaoning, and when I first entered the village, I couldn't even communicate with the villagers in Putonghua. Now the members of the village team already speak Putonghua, and many people can communicate with us directly without barriers." Zhang Mingji recalled.

Through research, Zhang Mingji aimed his efforts at the grass-roots organizations in Zilin Mountain Village, combined with the study and education of "two learning and one doing", through investigation and study, famous teacher teaching, courtyard discussion, on-the-spot investigation, and so on. lead the party members and masses of Zilin Mountain Village to find gaps, guide ideas, and improve ideas, and constantly improve their ability and performance in practice. At the same time, college students and advanced leaders of getting rich are selected as village cadres to enrich the team of the "two committees" of the village.

The difficulty of access is an obstacle to the development of people in Zilin Mountain Village for generations, and road construction has become the most urgent need of the villagers. Where does the funding for road construction come from? After several twists and turns, under the coordinated efforts of Zhang Mingji, we won 80 million yuan in project funds for the construction of Zilin Mountain Village Tongcun Road. Today, the widening and hardening project of a number of roads through the village has started construction, and the decapitated roads have been opened, with a total mileage of more than 40 kilometers. "in the past, the highway was only three meters wide, and it was easy to be blocked when there were too many cars going home during the holidays, and there was no access to the Tonggu road. Some villagers had to walk a long way to get a car, and it took more than two hours to get to the county seat. When the road is all repaired, we will have to save at least half the time when we get to the county. It's all thanks to our 'first secretary'! " Wu Tianxue, a villager of Zilin Mountain Village, said.

The road has been completed and the infrastructure of the village is becoming more and more perfect. With the help of Zhang Mingji, 47 solar street lamps have been installed in Zilin Mountain Village and more than 3000 meters of Tianji Road has been built. The cultural square and conference room with an investment of more than 300,000 yuan have been completed and put into use. The village drinking water upgrading project with an investment of 500000 yuan is about to start construction.

With the improvement of the ability of the party organization and the keeping up with the infrastructure, how can the villagers increase their income and become rich? In the course of investigation, Zhang Mingji found that the native peat moss is an important wetland plant for water conservation, and local villagers often pick and sell it, which has become an important source of income for them, but it also has a negative impact on the local ecological environment.

In view of this situation, Zhang Mingji adopted the method of "blocking" and "sparse" and explored the development model of wetland reward and compensation and poverty alleviation in Zilin Mountain Village. On the one hand, it applied to establish a team of 50 ecological forest rangers to comprehensively manage and protect wild peat moss areas; on the other hand, it guided villagers to use farmland to cultivate peat moss, and successively integrated forestry and other nearly 5 million yuan of funds. to support cooperatives and villagers in the village to carry out farmland planting; at the same time, more than 800,000 yuan was applied for central wetland protection incentive funds.

At present, the planting area of peat moss farmland in the village has reached 2000 mu, which has not only effectively controlled agricultural pollution, but also initially realized planting scale and industrialization. the ecological protection and regional development poverty alleviation model of "comprehensive protection on the mountain, moderate development under the mountain, and the combination of farmland collection and cultivation" has been formed. this industry alone will increase the annual income of farmers by more than 2500 yuan per mu.

"in early March this year, I sold 600 bags and made a profit of more than 20,000 yuan." Wu Longmei, a big peat moss grower in Zilin Mountain Village, said. Through understanding, Wu Longmei not only planted 40 mu locally, but also contracted 100 mu to Shangsi Town. Last year, her family's annual net income reached 200000 yuan. At the same time, it also led to the employment of more than 10 people, making her a veritable small boss.

Aiming at the advantage of the beautiful natural scenery of Zilinshan Village, Zhang Mingji mobilized six party members and cadres to take the lead in establishing Zilinshan Agriculture and Forestry Development Co., Ltd., to develop rural tourism with the industrial development model of "village party branch + company + cooperative + villager". Expand the village collective economy and promote the employment of farmers, of which the village collective economy accounts for 60% of the shares. In September 2016, the first village inn built by Zilinshan Village, which raised more than 700,000 yuan, officially opened, becoming a stable source of income for the village's collective economy. At the same time, the collective economic income channels of Zilinshan Village have been further broadened by holding the "Azalea Tourism Festival", carrying out share dividends of poverty alleviation industrial funds, ex gratia loans, and so on. In 2016, we achieved a zero breakthrough in the village collective economy, adding a total of 151000 yuan to the village collective income, and successfully shelled the village collective economy "shell village".

At present, the general poor households in Zilin Mountain Village have dropped from the original 200 households and 718 people to the existing 71 households and 262 people, among which Old Zilin Mountain Village has successfully achieved a first-class poverty alleviation.

In the twinkling of an eye, June came again. Tan Yuefeng, the first secretary of Tongren Vocational and Technical College stationed in Yanxi Village, Dewang Township, Jiangkou County, has been in Yanxi Village for more than a year. Since he began stationing in the village in April 2016, he has tried his best to do civil affairs and concentrate on development. He warms the land of Yanxi with his boxing heart and warm-hearted feelings. Now when talking about Tan Yuefeng in the village, the villagers all give a thumbs up.

Yanxi Village, located in the north of Dewang Township, has jurisdiction over 13 village groups, with a total of 1304 people from 292 households, including 102 poor households. With few sources of income, weak infrastructure and great difficulties in increasing income, the village is one of the key poverty-stricken villages in Jiangkou County.

When he first came to Yanxi village, through more than a month of in-depth visit and research, Tan Yuefeng visited all the villages in Yanxi village, focusing on the organizational construction, infrastructure, public services and industrial development of the village. he comprehensively and fully mastered the first-hand information of the village and poor households, and personally drew a map of the people's feelings in Yanxi village.

He often said, "when you are stationed in a village, you should look down, sink down, step down, walk more, and listen more to the voices of the masses." For more than a year, he persisted in eating, working and living together with the masses, measured the feelings of the people with his footsteps, faced them face to face, listened attentively to the hearts of the masses, helped them solve their practical difficulties, and narrowed their distance with them. established a deep relationship with the masses.