
The expert of getting rich and her "female soldier team"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The expert of getting rich and her "female soldier team"

After seven or eight days of rain, Chen Shangju frowned on the edge of the field. "now I finally understand the situation of the peasants. I used to be a cadre who sits in the office every day, no matter whether it's sunny or rainy. It's sunny now, looking forward to rain, and rain looking forward to sunny days. "

The gray-haired eldest sister was originally the director of the Women's Federation in Pengcheng Management District of Baili Azalea Management District of Bijie City and a cadre of Bao Village in Dashui Village. In August 2016, in response to the city's call for accurate poverty alleviation, Chen Shangju took the lead in setting up a Yishan Lake breeding cooperative in Jingmen Village, with a development model of cooperatives and farmers, transferring 2400 mu of land. develop the cultivation of oil peony, soil mustard (traditional Chinese medicine), chili, but also raised 105 boxes of bees, driving 94 households out of poverty, and the annual income of farmers increased by 800 yuan.

90% of the farmers who come to work in cooperatives are local poor women. "in rural areas, most of the economic power is in the hands of men, and women are married to each other to raise their children, do a good job in sanitation, and ask men for money." This is the real situation of rural women, Chen Shangju said. Many years of working experience in the Women's Federation makes me feel that it is not easy for rural women, so most of my team are women, that is, they can make money and find their own value through their own work.

Chen Shangju, now 50, looks energetic and high-spirited. Every planting season, she can be seen everywhere on the hillside and in the fields with other women holding hoes to lead the villagers to dig pits, cultivate soil and raise seedlings.

This is not, in the pepper planting base, the reporter saw Chen Shangju and her "female soldier team."

Family photo of "female soldiers"

It is understood that in this "female soldier team," the youngest is 29 years old and the oldest is 78 years old. the establishment of the cooperative has provided channels for poor women who want to work and make money in Qihua Village, Qingmen Village, Miaojiao Village and Qiaotou Village to increase their income and become rich. it has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of poor women to participate in poverty alleviation, and more and more poor women have realized their dream of becoming rich.

Chen Shangju led the villagers to make money and lead a good life. The villagers also nicknamed her "Chen Hanzi". They often say, "despite the fact that she is a woman who has been in the office for decades, she carries a hoe and is no worse than a man in farm work." During the planting season, she goes out early and returns late every day, regardless of the wind and rain, sun and rain, she earnestly instructs everyone to work. "

Decades of office work has left Chen Shangju lacking practical experience in farming techniques. To this end, as long as she is free, she inquires about farming on the Internet, and buys books about practical agricultural technology to study and study carefully. In addition, with the support of Pengcheng Management District, she also led members to Zunyi, Chengdu and other places to study. After coming back from study, she instructed the workers hand in hand to cut seedlings and sow seeds.

In addition to her own lack of knowledge, skills and experience in agricultural farming, Chen Shangju mostly came into contact with the rural masses in the course of her usual work. For generations, she was used to living on cultivated land, and when I heard that cooperatives wanted to transfer their own land, most of them were unwilling to cooperate, which added difficulties to her and the "female soldiers."

On June 18, Chen Shangju burst into tears over the land transfer. She choked, "A few days ago, a peasant household saw that the cooperative had transferred his land to grow chili peppers. He thought the situation was gratifying, so he came to us and said that he wanted the land back, not to transfer it, and that he wanted to grow his own chili peppers." Chen Shangju took a deep breath and said helplessly, "without land and without the participation of the masses, it will be very difficult for our co-operatives to continue to operate. In order to win the support of the masses, my companions and I often go to the homes of the masses to do ideological work at night to tell them about policies and clear accounts. let them understand that the transfer of land to the cooperative for unified operation and management is far higher than their traditional planting income. "

Between the words, Chen Shangju's cheeks had already been covered with tears. Chen Shangju said firmly, "but since I have chosen to take this road, even if I climb, I have to climb out." If people live for several decades, they have to do something meaningful. Even if I retire in the future, I should unite with the villagers to get rich. "

Although the current projects implemented by the cooperative have not yet produced economic benefits, looking at the smile on the face of the female soldiers, Chen Shangju feels a little sweet no matter how bitter she is. She told reporters: "the purpose of our establishment of specialized agricultural cooperatives is to enable villagers to find new ways to increase efficiency. I took the villagers to work and showed them, which really gave them the confidence and determination to shake off poverty and become rich. "

(our reporter Quan Ruoqing)