
The scam of getting rich with fruit is a complete scam, and farmer friends should be careful not to be wronged.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The scam of getting rich with fruit is a complete scam, and farmer friends should be careful not to be wronged.

In order to make use of the limited land resources and earn more money, farmers always hope to plant fruits with higher economic benefits and bring greater benefits.

As the way for farmers to receive information is relatively simple, they generally only get information by watching TV. in the absence of correct guidance, there is often a phenomenon of emergency medical treatment, which is counterproductive, resulting in losses and paying a heavy economic price.

When publicizing on TV, everyone advertised that the fruit was good, and the income was very good. But they did not mention one point: many fruits, or other cash crops, have higher requirements for regional temperature and precipitation, and those fruits that are suitable for growing in the south will die or taste bitter once they are planted in the north. Very failed.

Next, the third gives you an inventory of the popular fruit get rich scams to help farmers not be fooled by others.

Jiabao fruit

The scam of getting rich with fruit is a complete scam, and farmer friends should be careful not to be wronged.

Jiabao fruit, because it looks like a grape, some are also called tree grape. This kind of fruit is native to Brazil and its price is very high. In some places, it even costs 4 or 500 yuan per jin.

It sounds like you can make a lot of money growing this kind of fruit, but it requires a very high temperature and needs to be grown at a temperature of 22-35 degrees. The north is not suitable for planting at all.

And not easy to preserve, very easy to encounter: fermentation, decay and so on.

two。 Red ginseng fruit

The scam of getting rich with fruit is a complete scam, and farmer friends should be careful not to be wronged.

Now some people in the countryside advocate planting a kind of fruit, called red ginseng fruit, also known as red fragrant fruit, red honey fruit, etc., this perennial vine perennial root plant originating from South America and India, because of its unique taste like honey, excellent taste, but seed meat to eat together, fragrant and sweet, never tired of eating, known as the first strange fruit in the world.

Red ginseng fruit contains 20 kinds of essential amino acids, rich minerals and a variety of trace elements, which can regulate blood, reduce blood sugar, blood lipids and cholesterol, help digestion, regulate intestines and stomach, clear liver and detoxification, and effectively prevent facial acne spots. it is a natural health fruit for beauty and beauty.

The problem is that red ginseng fruit is an exotic variety, and there is no standard in the introduction of seeds and planting techniques. Some farmers do not bear fruit after buying seeds. Another is that this kind of fruit is not recognized by the market at present, and many people do not know it. It will be very difficult to popularize, and farmers may not be able to sell it after planting it.

3. Yu Ganguo

The scam of getting rich with fruit is a complete scam, and farmer friends should be careful not to be wronged.

Yu Ganguo, also known as Niuganguo, Yougan fruit, also known as "oil gold". It tastes bitter and sour, and then it is cool and upright. At present, there are two kinds of wild Niugan fruit and fruit-type Niuganguo on the market. Compared with wild Niugan fruit, fruit type Niugan fruit has the characteristics of large fruit, thick meat, less fiber, rich nutrition, high yield, good benefit and so on, and tastes more sweet and refreshing.

It also has the effect of moistening the lungs and resolving phlegm, lowering blood pressure, treating laryngitis and hepatitis B. Niugan fruit can not only be eaten raw, bitter before sweet, but also can make preserved fruit, candied fruit, but also developed into health care capsules.

It is normal to carry out cultivation in the south, but misleading farmers to cultivate Niugan fruit to get rich in the north can only be regarded as a trap. Because of the high demand for temperature and precipitation, open-air planting in the north is unlikely to be successful.

4. Grapefruit

The scam of getting rich with fruit is a complete scam, and farmer friends should be careful not to be wronged.

Many people may know that grapefruit is a fruit that must have been eaten, but the growers have it only in specific areas. Many friends in the north want to grow some of this fruit by themselves when they see the benefit is good.

When they saw the publicity on TV, everyone publicized that the grapefruit was good and the revenue was very good. But there is one point that is not mentioned, which is very fatal to those friends north of the Yangtze River. Because the cultivation of grapefruit is very unsuitable for the climate north of the Yangtze River.

Grapefruit belongs to subtropical plants, which are easy to freeze to death or fail to bear fruit when the temperature is too low.

Nowadays, many black-hearted people specialize in buying fruit seedlings, and as long as they can sell them, they can boast so much that they can recycle the fruit. Only people from the country of origin know this best, and it is only when planted in specific areas that there is such a delicious taste. People say that one side of water and land raises one side of people, and it can also be understood that one side of soil and water grows one side of fruit.