
New wheat varieties in Henan: color wheat with rich nutrition and high yield

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, New wheat varieties in Henan: color wheat with rich nutrition and high yield

Have you ever seen ears of wheat as wide as a baby's palm and as long as 20 cm? The reporter was lucky enough to see the newly cultivated wheat varieties in Zhengzhou Yellow River beach area today. Although the appearance is similar to ordinary wheat, the wheat grains have different colors such as black, red, green, blue and purple. The yield and price are also higher than ordinary wheat. The average yield of wheat in China is 480 kg/mu, and the new varieties here have exceeded 900 kg/mu.

"I am engaged in breeding, without good seeds, no matter how good the land, no matter how many agricultural machinery can not work hard. We use the comprehensive application breeding technology of 'Tai, Nuclear, Chemical and Sheng'. Now we have successively created 15000 wheat germplasm resources, which is also a rare wheat resource nursery in China and even in the world." Professor Zhou Zhongpu, the 85-year-old father of colored wheat, introduced the characteristics of colored wheat to reporters with heavy ears of wheat in his hand.

In the breeding field, all kinds of new wheat varieties are planted separately. Zhou Zhongpu introduced them, including the offspring of wheatgrass, dalai grass, corn grass and wheat. The dominant genes of these weeds are transmitted to new wheat varieties through breeding. Some of the new varieties have ears more than 20 cm long, and one of them has 200 grains of wheat per plant, twice as many as ordinary varieties. Zhou Zhongpu said that after three or five years of hard work, he is confident that he can cultivate super-high-yield wheat with a yield of 1000 kilograms per mu.

The cultivation and research of high-quality, high-yield color wheat is an epitome of Henan Province relying on scientific and technological progress to vigorously develop modern and efficient agriculture. In addition, the breeding fields are also planted with rye, green wheat, purple wheat and other colored wheat varieties. Because these wheat are rich in iodine, selenium, calcium, iron, zinc and other trace elements, they present different colors on the seed coat after maturity, and their nutritional value is also richer than ordinary varieties.

It is reported that the China Technology Market Association, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Science and Technology, set up a high-quality and super-high-yield wheat research and development center here yesterday. The 15000 wheat germplasm resources owned by the center will be fully protected and utilized. According to Han Deqian, former vice minister of science and technology who came to attend the opening ceremony of the R & D center, Henan's wheat planting area accounts for 1/10 of the country's total, and its output accounts for 30% of the country's total. It is of great significance to cultivate high-yield wheat varieties and form a three-legged situation of high-yield rice, wheat and corn in China, which is of great significance to ensure China's food security and effective supply of agricultural products.